February 14, 2007, - 1:26 pm

HILARIOUS: Newsweek on Anna Nicole Sleaze

The latest issue of Newsweek has a very sarcastic (has to be) piece on the annoying Anna Nicole Smith hype. Had to reprint these excerpts detailing how silly it is that this trashy woman is now being worshipped by all the media:

At 17, she married the 16-year-old cook at a fried-chicken restaurant where she was waitressing in Mexia, Texas, and soon divorced him. She left their baby boy with her mother and went to Houston to make her way as an exotic dancer in a topless bar. Stage-named “Sweet Cheeks,” she was initially put on the afternoon shift because she was a little on the zaftig side. But she made a series of important career choices. She got breast implants, sent her photos to Playboy and began flirting with J. Howard Marshall II, an octogenarian who-only in America-had taught trusts and estates at Yale Law School, made hundreds of millions in oil and lost his mistress when she died in plastic surgery. . . .

Vickie Lynn Hogan a/k/a Anna Nicole Smith & 1st Hubby

In one of several rulings, a federal judge wrote that Smith’s “illiteracy is striking.” . . . New York Magazine published a cover photo of Smith, squatting and eating Cheez Doodles, under the headline WHITE TRASH NATION. (She promptly sued for defamation; the case was dismissed.)

Yup, this is the new national heroine.

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8 Responses

Of the hundreds of thousands of words in the English language, we only need to think of one when it comes to Anna Nicole, and then we can forget her and move on- “titillating.”

Happiness Pursuer on February 14, 2007 at 2:18 pm

We are surrounded by enemies that killed thousands of our citizens on 9/11, and that promises to kill millions more. Yet the Mainstream Media continues to distract us with bread and circuses. How insane can you get?

FreethinkerNY on February 14, 2007 at 3:24 pm

i REMEMBER after stumbling across this story while watching Neil Cavuto pre-empting the legendary Clint Eastwood, a certain Mr “No Spin” claimed to be incognizant of the whole ANS saga as he spoke to a Hollywood reporter…THEN he recapped more of her history than i KNEW about, and NOW the ‘Factor” has more ANS than People’s magazine!!!WTF???
The REAL news today is Beth O is now heir to the real Howard Stern’s fortune…..

EminemsRevenge on February 14, 2007 at 3:34 pm

it’s called ‘prolefeed’.

demagogueshatelogic on February 14, 2007 at 6:15 pm

Bad boy of the internet, who some have called the Dave Chappelle of blogging, EminemsRevenge tells it like it is!

Dan on February 14, 2007 at 11:28 pm

Um, 100% of our news canít be terrorism. Other stuff happens. Some of its important, some of its not, but people in a democracy need access to information. And that means a free press (unless you think Xinhua provides multiple view pointsÖalthough now that I think about it, they do hate Muslims which yíall may appreciate), and a free press means crap will be published for sales.
Anyways, love her or hate her ANS did eke out her niche in a male dominated world. And as much as everyone no claims to have looked down on her and been utterly disgusted by her, somebody had to comprise her cult following.

FeynmanFanGirl on February 15, 2007 at 12:25 am

i can not believe that howard stern is the baby at 53 and now newly engaged to model beth ostroski, anna body is still luke warm it did not take much time for him to find a new girlfriend and soon to be married to her ,what a player and ladies man!!!!!!!!!!

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