July 10, 2008, - 4:00 pm

Israel: Two Bedouin “Israeli” Arabs Are Al-Qaeda Terrorists

By Debbie Schlussel
In case you’re keeping score of only the scant few stories I’ve posted on today, this moderate, peaceful religion, loyal to the country in which it resides scored one Hezbo Chicago O’Hare airport worker who tried to smuggle arms to what he thought were Islamic terrorists, and now two Israeli Bedouin (a wandering/nomadic group) Arabs (I love how they identify, suddenly, as “Israelis” when they get caught, but other than that are “Palestinians”) helping Al-Qaeda:

Two residents of the southern Israeli town of Rahat were indicted Wednesday for allegedly being al-Qaeda operatives.
Taher and Omar Abu-Sakut, who are registered members of the Islamic Movement, were arrested following a joint Shin Bet, police and Border Guard operation that took place in June.


Taher and Omar Abu-Sakut: Latest Al-Qaeda Terrorists In Israel

According to Shin Bet records, Taher abu-Sakut’s interest in radical Islam began in 2006, when he became involved with the Islamic Movement. Soon after that, the Shin Bet says, he began surfing al-Qaeda-affiliated websites, as well as sites calling for the destruction of Israel.
According to the indictment, he then contacted several al-Qaeda operatives and provided them information about the location of various IDF bases and strategic facilities in Israel, in a bid to promote the terror organization’s plans to stage an attack in Israel.
Taher reportedly gave his handlers information about the location of the Azrieli Towers in Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion International Airport, and various routes in the West Bank, through which terrorists might be able to infiltrate Israel.
Taher and Omar Abu-Sakut were arrested in early June and reportedly confessed to the charges.
The two were arraigned at the Beersheba District Court. The indictment against them includes charges of affiliation with a known terror organization, aiding and abetting an enemy at war, and providing the enemy with intelligence intended to undermine national security.

It’s not the first time. We know that in 2002 and again in 2006, Al-Qaeda fighters were spotted on the ground in the so-called West Bank and in Ramallah.
But, it’s important to keep track. Our fight is also Israel’s fight, and Israel’s fight is also our fight. We have a common enemy, and our common enemy hates us both.
And another thing: Al-Qaeda is clearly building a base in Israel and in the so-called territories. Condi Clueless’ and Bush’s plan to give Palestinians more land will only help them enlarge their base and gain momentum and members, not stop it.
Remember, these Al-Qaeda terrorists are the types Israel is expected to make “peace” with. Yeah, pieces.

One Response

I wonder if Israel is going to do like we would do–find some way to botch the prosecution and really let these bozos go with no real punishment. I hope they execute these scum bags. Still I suspect they’ll get off.

BB on July 10, 2008 at 11:45 pm

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