July 7, 2008, - 10:16 am

Is It Just Me, Or . . . ?: Photos From the Holiday Weekend

By Debbie Schlussel
A couple of photos from the Independence Day holiday weekend in my local papers struck me. The first is this AP photo of a naturalization ceremony on July 4th in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Is it just me, or do all of these people–including Mohammed, in the front in the suit and Ahmed in the striped shirt, lower left–look miserable? Is it just me or does not a single one of them look happy to become a citizen of the United States, one of the most precious things available on earth? Yes, I know it’s hot in Virginia, but so what? If it were me becoming a U.S. citizen, I’d be grinning from ear to ear for the entire oath. (Even Hamida there, in the back, in her green hijab get-up, isn’t smiling, that’s her mouth saying the oath.) These people look like they think it’s no big whoop, like they’re entitled. Naturally.


Sure, Joey Chestnut, who just won yet another Nathan’s Mustard Belt, isn’t smiling either in this 4th of July photo, but he just scarfed down a gazillion hot dogs. What’s their (the miserable new citizens’) excuse?

Then, there’s this photo of Obama supporter Arthur McCant taken at Detroit’s CityFest. Is it just me, or is there something ironic about a guy wearing a “Yes, We Can” T-shirt, whose name is McCant? Well, I guess none of us can choose his/her last name, says Schlussel.

No, We McCant.

19 Responses

They all look miserable, and most of them look Muslim. And they are all going to be voting for their Muslim savior, Barack Hussein Obama this November.
There should be a rule: If Muslim countries do not allow Christians and Jews to freely practice and convert, then NO Muslims should be allowed into our country. This priest totally gets it: http://www.christendom.edu/news/archives/archives06/nnorom.shtml Muslims “pretend to be American citizens.” And that is why they look so miserable in the picture.
By the way, are there any Arab Christians immigrating to the U.S.? I would have no problem with that and would encourage them to escape their persecutors. But it doesn’t seem there are.

Gabe on July 7, 2008 at 12:57 pm

Hey Gabe (one of the one-in-ten who still thinks Obama is a Muslim):
So to hell with “Land of the free and home of the brave,” right. To hell with “Give me your tired and poor…”
Gabe, is there no such thing as an innocent Muslim?

Audacious on July 7, 2008 at 1:14 pm

Most normal people find taking an oath to be serious business.

stormhit on July 7, 2008 at 3:51 pm

There really ought to be a comprehensive written exam and an equally comprehensive oral exam for new citizens, administered by people with traditional American values. Some of these lowlifes might get screened out then.

c f on July 7, 2008 at 4:22 pm

Debbie, I went to one of these citizenship ceremonies recently to sit in the peanut gallery. The whole process was so delayed, long, inconvenient and boring that only the federal government could have been running it. In the end they went out of alphabetical order to announce Cuba last, to great acclaim, as if that was the premier group of immigrants. There were approximately three useful looking people, including an Israeli and a pretty young girl. The rest I would have made them wait.

Anonymous1 on July 7, 2008 at 7:26 pm

Your comments really hit home with me. I was married for 16 years to an arab who UN-assimilated over the last 6 years or so of our marriage (and even more so in the 8 years since our divorce).
One of the events in the last year of our marriage that really let me know it was over was when he finally got his citizenship I wanted to throw a party to celebrate and he didn’t want me to. He said it was “no big deal” and I think he was even embarrassed for people to know that he had become an American citizen.
The only solace I have now that he is an ungrateful American is knowing that he applied for citizenship through his brother (who was born in the U.S.–an “anchor baby”, if you will) and not through me.
I am trying to raise our children to be proud Americans, though I get no help from him.

fatgreencat on July 7, 2008 at 8:47 pm

I believe that the process is so long it,s draining. I do think they should be happier loooking, but still, gov’t processes have a way of draining your soul.

mindy1 on July 7, 2008 at 9:08 pm

Most of these people do not come here to become Americans in the classical sense…only for the ability to scam the system. They know nothing about the history and sacrifices true Americans (those here before the disastrous Immigration Reform Act of 1965, and their descendants) have made to make this country great, nor do they care to know.

Thee_Bruno on July 8, 2008 at 2:42 pm

Salam(peace) I don’t understand why us Arabs or Muslims, because not all Arabs are Christians but many people lack that sense have to smile every second in every picture for everyone. Look at the history of how many Arabs have served in our military, have done a great job in political office or even better go to Davidson Ave and go to the Muslim Center in Downtown Detroit at the VOLUNTEER, yess free Houda clinic where they serve hundreds of poor sick homeless people in Detroit that don’t have health insurance and could be dying right in the line. Its an udder disgrace to not even look at one positive, when you know darn well there are positives, but no one can see it or learn it through their thick skull. You probably think I’m lying. I was born a Christian and now I’m a Muslim. I know people from Mexico, Canada, Britain and other countries that have converted also. Many of you are so brain washed by the Media and Debbie here, oh btw Debbie it was nice seeing you last month driving your nice Silver Chrysler 300M down Michigan Ave, I think you were afraid of the Lebanese flag that made you go fast on Southfield Freeway towards the Ghetto in Detroit. I don’t think someone has to prove if their proud to be American or not, I am but I shouldn’t have to smile on every picture or hold an American flag. Besides I don’t see everyone having a Proud to be American sticker on every car.

Muslim man on July 9, 2008 at 12:00 am

Muslim man said;
“I don’t understand why us Arabs or Muslims, because not all Arabs are Christians…”
Incoherent babble.
“…but many people lack that sense have to smile every second in every picture for everyone.”
However, there is not ONE smile on any of their mugs in that pic.
“Look at the history of how many Arabs have served in our military, have done a great job in political office…”
Name one and I’ll send you an autographed copy of the koran, signed ny mohammad, himself.
“…or even better go to Davidson Ave and go to the Muslim Center in Downtown Detroit…”
No thanks. I don’t want to catch any of those “exotic diseases” muzlums are famous for.
“Its an udder disgrace to not even look at one positive, when you know darn well there are positives, but no one can see it or learn it through their thick skull.”
Positives?! I can name hundreds of negatives, like; honor killings, homicide bombers, money laundering, forced conversions, funding terrorist groups, plotting against the Infidel, etc., etc.
“You probably think I’m lying.”
No…I KNOW you are lying.
“I was born a Christian and now I’m a Muslim. I know people from Mexico, Canada, Britain and other countries that have converted also.”
That’s true. Lots of convicts convert to islam while they’re incarcerated in prison. That’s because islam is viewed as being anti-establishment by those who feel that they’ve been given the shaft.
“Many of you are so brain washed by the Media and Debbie here…”
Muzlums, however, haven’t been brainwashed since childhood into believing the mad rantings of a murdering lunatic who invented a cult 1,400 years ago. LOL!
“…oh btw Debbie it was nice seeing you last month driving your nice Silver Chrysler 300M down Michigan Ave…”
Sounds like a veiled threat, to me.
“…I think you were afraid of the Lebanese flag that made you go fast on Southfield Freeway towards the Ghetto in Detroit.”
Why weren’t they flying the AMERICAN flag, as they should be?! Thank you for proving my point about how these barbarians come here NOT to become American, but to scam the system.
BTW, it’s nice to see how all those arab muzlums come to America and turn nice neighborhoods into ghettos.
“I don’t think someone has to prove if their proud to be American or not…”
It would be nice, however, if any one of you “moderate muzlum” savages would fly the American flag, and denounce islamic terrorism in a loud and clear voice. But, I won’t hold my breath.
“…I am…”
Another lie.
“…but I shouldn’t have to smile on every picture…”
You didn’t even smile for your mug shot.
“…or hold an American flag.”
Thanks for proving my point, Abdul. But I bet your closet is chock full of bomb belts and grenades.
“Besides I don’t see everyone having a Proud to be American sticker on every car.”
That’s because you live in a muzlum arab ghetto, where every car flies flags from Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, and even from Egypt, Iran, and Turkey.
Nice try, Abdul, but do America a favor and self-deport yourself to whatever islamic cesspool you and your family crawled out of.
God bless America, and fuck islam!

Thee_Bruno on July 9, 2008 at 10:06 am

Good to see that Thee Bruno is back on the bottle and posting again. He’s an expert on Islam.

Audacious on July 9, 2008 at 5:22 pm

Salam( Peace) may peace and blessing be on Thee_Buno. Only God knows what is the truth, Sir, thanks for calling me Abdul, but thats not my name. Its funny also that I don’t in live in Dearborn, I just live close to it. I actually live north of Dearborn, and no I don’t live in the Ghetto in Detroit, I live in a very nice neighborhood. You assume way to much in your response back to me. See the difference between me and you, is I’m not swearing at you, but I’m coming you as a peaceful person, only the posts tell the truth. There is many Arabs that served in the Armed forces that I have met, do I have their names, no but I do, do my research and read about our Nations history. I was born American actually, and actually across the United States 20,000 people convert every year. I met many converts, you can look up many people and talk about their lives, and many of them talk about families and how much we should be involved in Society. American Muslims are different then Muslims from Australia or from England. We all have different lifestyles here. Ok no one smiled on the picture, and your point? There is many people in the paper that don’t smile. Its just a dumb article to base if people smile or not. The problem is you get too much of a dose of Fox News which is equivalent to Nickolden News. By the way you spelled Muslims wrong, at least spell it right :-). Also the people that stand in line that want to get health assistance are poor homeless black and white people, its Muslims that are helping them.

Muslim man on July 10, 2008 at 12:49 am

Debbie, NONE of the people in that photo are smiling. NONE of them. The lady in the back in the green looks the most mildly pleasant of the whole pack. The sad truth is, this is not just a Muslim problem. I truly believe most Muslim immigrants to this country hate America, especially the Arabs and the Somalians. However, I live in a major metropolitan city in the US and I see shitty attitudes from foreigners ALL OVER TOWN. We see it in DC, we see it all over PG County and PW COunty in Maryland, we see it in Arlingto, Alexadria, Vienna, as far as Richmond in Virginia. There is a general and overwhelming dislike for this country AND for its natural-born citizens (especially for those of us who are white) for this country. Foreigners tend to be rude, pushy, and just look miserable. Hispanics are a huge–and I mean HUGE–part of the problem. It isn’t just the Muslims, though they are a huge problem as we know, and it is they who are preaching hate from our very cities. The immigrants who seem to be the happiest are the East Asians–the Chinese, the Koreans and the Philipinos. Immigrants from India seem okay, too. I believe this is due to the fact they these people come from cultures that are traditionally hard-working and who place a high value on education and earning their success, not expecting it to be handed to them.

Madame Vengier on July 10, 2008 at 8:06 am

I should have added the Cambodians, Mongolians and Vietnamese. They are wonderful immigrants as well.

Madame Vengier on July 10, 2008 at 8:07 am

Bodacious vomited;
“Good to see that Thee Bruno is back on the bottle and posting again. He’s an expert on Islam.”
Typical muzlum response whenever anyone speaks the truth about islam. Don’t fret, just say a few extra prayers to allah asking him that I be smitten by the edge of a sword (you’ll see that form of punishment, prescribed by allah, all over your koran).
BTW, I challenge you to refute anything I said in my critique about islam.

Thee_Bruno on July 10, 2008 at 9:51 am

Muzlum Man vomited;
“Salam( Peace) may peace and blessing be on Thee_Buno.”
“Only God knows what is the truth…”
True. But your god, Satan, knows only lies, deception, and death – both spiritual death and physical death.
“…thanks for calling me Abdul, but thats not my name.”
Abdul, Ahmed, Mohammad…..it’s all the same shit. It means that whatever your name is, it’s derived from islam – the religion of submission, violence, and murder.
“I don’t in live in Dearborn, I just live close to it. I actually live north of Dearborn, and no I don’t live in the Ghetto in Detroit, I live in a very nice neighborhood.”
I bet you make your American neighbors nervous living among them. If you live in a nice neighborhood, it’s got to be because you’re the only muzlum living there. Otherwise, it would resemble the ghettos of every muzlum cesspool around the world.
“You assume way to much in your response back to me.”
I know all too well the motives of islam and its messengers of the devil. Just look around at the rest of the world….everywhere there is a large population of muzlums, there is nothing but strife, intolerance, and war. It’s been that way since islam was invented 1,400 years ago.
“…but I’m coming you as a peaceful person, only the posts tell the truth.”
No, you’re not “coming” at me as a peaceful person, you’re “coming” at me with deceit. BTW, no one “comes at a person” unless they want to “confront” that person.
“There is many Arabs that served in the Armed forces that I have met, do I have their names, no…”
You met many Arabs in the military and you can’t recall ONE name?! You’re so full of shit, Abdul. BTW, the muzlum soldiers that I read about over the last few years were infamous for trying to kill other soldiers in the name of islam. One in particiular rolled a grenade in a tent with other soldiers in it. Another muzlum soldier plotted to kill his superiors.
“I was born American actually, and actually across the United States 20,000 people convert every year…”
Pleae support your claim with facts. Don’t just pull it out of your ass like most muzlums do whenever they try to put a nice face on islam.
BTW, you were born American and you say you live in a nice neighborhood? Then please explain to me why your sentences are grammatically incorect, disjointed, incoherent, and rife with spelling errors. You write as if you live in some ghetto where ignorance and illiteracy reign supreme.
“I met many converts, you can look up many people and talk about their lives, and many of them talk about families and how much we should be involved in Society. American Muslims are different then Muslims from Australia or from England. We all have different lifestyles here.”
More incoherent babble.
“Ok no one smiled on the picture, and your point?”
You’re the one who brought up the subject, not I.
“The problem is you get too much of a dose of Fox News which is equivalent to Nickolden News”
I hate to break this to you, Abdul, but Fox News is in the toilet for islam just as much as the rest of the LIBERAL media. BTW, a Saudi prince is a major owner in Rupert Murock’s company that owns Fax News. Nice try at further deceit and obfuscation.
“By the way you spelled Muslims wrong, at least spell it right :-).”
Here’s another news flash for you, Abdul: I purposely spelled muzlumz that way. I’ve been spelling it that way for a very, very long time.
BTW, you take pride in spelling “Muslims” correctly?! Well, that’s probably the only thing you spelled correctly. Your grammar resembles that of a ghetto-dweller who is not only ignorant and illiterate, but you seem proud of that fact. And you say you live in a nice neighborhood?! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA….
“Also the people that stand in line that want to get health assistance are poor homeless black and white people, its Muslims that are helping them.”
Another lie!
Are you going to tell me that MUZLUMZ are giving health assistance to homeless blacks and whites?! Aside from handing out free copies of the koran, please provide FACTS supporting your bullshit claim that muzlumz give free health care to the homeless.
You’re nothing but another muzlum who puts islam first and America last. You’re full of shit just as your fellow Satan-worshipers are.
Fuck islam!

Thee_Bruno on July 10, 2008 at 10:32 am

Salam( Peace) Like I said before peace and mercy and blessings of Allah be on you Thee-Bruno that you will read about the truth and seek the truth, not just listen to the liberal and watch these nonsense Hollywood movies. If you don’t want to believe me about the downtown Muslim Center clinic, thats fine, they drive by it on weekends and see for yourself, only God knows the truth. Besides I don’t personally volunteer there, I seen it myself how sad we give our money to foreign countries when our own people are dying. Many of my peers volunteered there and by no means do they hand out any religious material, its out of the goodness of their hearts. As for my grammar, it’s one of my lower subjects, and there is many Americans that actually do struggle in this subject. My name is not derived from Arabic its actually French so, once again you assumed wrong. My neighbors actually love me and always willing to learn more about my religion, I get nothing but smiles and I’m always polite and courteous. I treat everyone as equals, always try to smile even when I’m mad, because I trust in God that much. Islam has brought me closer and I feel it is right. It’s unfortunate you have to turn to the media and Debbie for information and sites like “jihad” watch.

Muslim man on July 11, 2008 at 1:23 am

Muzlum Maniac vomited the following:
“Salam( Peace) Like I said before peace and mercy and blessings of Allah be on you Thee-Bruno…”
Another blatant lie!
BTW, according to your allah, since I’m an Infidel, I am to be forcibly converted to islam; to be enslaved; to be taxed; or be put to death. It’s all prescribed in that demented fantasy book; the koran.
“…read about the truth and seek the truth, not just listen to the liberal and watch these nonsense Hollywood movies.”
News Flash For You, Abdul: LIBERALS and Hollywood LOVE islam. They lie about islam being a religion of peace…just as you do.
“If you don’t want to believe me about the downtown Muslim Center clinic, thats fine, they drive by it on weekends and see for yourself…”
1. I don’t believe you,
2. I won’t be driving by since I don’t have a passport to visit downtown Detroit, and I haven’t had my vaccinations as required to visit such an “exotic land”.
“Besides I don’t personally volunteer there…”
Of course you don’t…because it doesn’t exist, except in your deceptions and lies.
“…how sad we give our money to foreign countries when our own people are dying.”
And, a lot of that money goes to islamic shithole countries to prop up dictators, and other thugs.
“Many of my peers volunteered there and by no means do they hand out any religious material, its out of the goodness of their hearts.”
More dimentia.
“As for my grammar, it’s one of my lower subjects…”
I’d say it’s probably a “subject” that you never heard of.
“…and there is many Americans that actually do struggle in this subject.”
I know third-graders who write better than you do. They use paragraphs; their sentences don’t run into each other; they spell correctly; and they know how to use a dictionary.
And you say that you live in a nice neighborhood?! AHHHHHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…
“My name is not derived from Arabic its actually French…”
Oh, so you’re originally from Morocco. That speaks volumes, Abdul.
“My neighbors actually love me…”
I doubt that very much. It’s more like they don’t want to get on your bad side and have their houses blown up.
“…and always willing to learn more about my religion…”
After 911, we all wanted to learn more about a religion that teaches its followers to murder the Infidel. BTW, it’s the only religion on Earth that teaches such principles.
“…I get nothing but smiles and I’m always polite and courteous.”
Again, it’s more like they don’t want to piss you off and have their families murdered. A more accurate barometer for how well you are liked is to ask yourself; How many times have my neighbors had me over for dinner, or to babysit their kids?
“I treat everyone as equals, always try to smile even when I’m mad…”
That’s quite an admission. I bet you get mad a lot living in the land of the Infidel and not being able to wage jihad openly. BTW, now you know how your neighbors feel…they smile at you even as they run away from you.
“Islam has brought me closer and I feel it is right.”
That’s just what Mohammad Atta and his band of murdering barbarians said as they flew jet airliners into buildings on 911.
“It’s unfortunate you have to turn to the media and Debbie for information and sites like “jihad” watch.”
As opposed to you, who gets his propaganda from al-Jazeera and video tapes of Osama bum Laden.
Abdul, you need to go back to your madrassa and take remedial classes in; “Waging jihad and the Art of Propaganda Against the Infidel”, because it’s just not working for you.

Thee_Bruno on July 11, 2008 at 11:04 am

Salam (Peace), you can say of how much bad you want to me, I’m not here to judge you only your here to judge me. So far sir, you have spelled many words wrong, so you criticize my spelling so I think Mr. Thee_Bruno you need take your own advice. Most of my learning in my life time is from a Madrassa which means school, so it’s kind of confusing of what your trying to say. Actually, I attended school all my life in the United States, so once again, another assumption that you have wrong. If you don’t want to believe me on other things I say in my comments to you, thats fine only God knows who is the real right person, and who is lying. My neighbors run away from me? Really, now so lets see, you know me personally and talked to my neighbors or what is it? Sir, you been watching to many paid programming on the TV and I think it has brain washed you where, your just some silly young fellow. Did I even mention you were an infidel? Did I not say I don’t respect your beliefs, I don’t think so, if I have then prove it. Have a nice day and may Allah have blessings on you. I only write you these messages out of the goodness from God.
P.S. Can you tell me how many words I misspelled?
Allah (Arabic: الله, Allāh, IPA: [ʔalˤːɑːh]) is the standard Arabic word for “God”.[1] While the term is best known in the West for its use by Muslims as a reference to God, it is used by Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, in reference to “God”.[2][1][3] The term was also used by pagan Meccans as a reference to the creator-god, possibly the supreme deity in pre-Islamic Arabia.[4]
This was taken from Wikipedia. So look it up yourself, and everyone else can reading this message if you don’t believe me on this either.

Muslim man on July 11, 2008 at 5:30 pm

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