February 14, 2007, - 10:12 am

Men–The New Women–Alert: Men Buying Girlie-Man Valentine’s Day Gift . . . for Themselves

If you are male and reading this, then this very likely does NOT apply to you, as I believe the girlie-man segment of my readership is very minute.
But, still I have to point out the latest, ridiculous Valentine’s Day behavior from some “men.” I thought Valentine’s Day was really for women–and that men didn’t care about getting anything on the day–but I was mistaken, according to The Indianapolis Star:

Men pretend they want power tools. Deep down? A sterling silver, black- diamond-studded bracelet is their valentine wish.

OK. Maybe not all men. But this Valentine’s Day, put aside the stereotype of a woman gasping over the latest gemstone tucked inside an elegant box and picture a man opening up a little bling.
It’s happening. Men are getting jewelry for Valentine’s Day.
“Women like to come in and buy men things they can personalize. That way we can get mushy,” said Sherry Miller, assistant manager at Miller’s Jewelry in Greenfield. “Guys think they just want more practical gifts like Craftsman tools. This is a way to dress up your man.”
In some cases, a man sporting jewelry is the woman’s idea. But a 2006 jewelry report by Pennsylvania-based Unity Marketing shows men’s jewelry is a growing segment of the industry. And about 50 percent of the time men are buying it for themselves.
Sales of men’s costume and fine jewelry reached $7.4 billion in 2005, a 10 percent jump from 2003. Watches and nonbridal rings made up the largest share of purchases. While nontraditional jewelry is still just 11.5 percent of the total market, it’s something retailers can’t afford to ignore.
“There is a reason more designers are focusing on men — because there is a huge opportunity,” said David Shano, who launched his Arizona-based company, Shano Designs, three years ago. He creates what he likes to call lifestyle luxury fine jewelry with urban elegance for men. A lot of black diamonds, geometric shapes and pendants strung on Greek leather or titanium chains.
“It used to be men wore a wedding ring and maybe a watch,” said Shano, who sells online as well as at several retail locations. “It’s OK now. Men can wear jewelry.”
Some experts attribute the growth in men’s jewelry to that metrosexual revolution — men being more comfortable with grooming, getting massages and indulging in “girlie” things.

Sad. Well, no wonder Barry Manilow got into the jewelry biz.

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4 Responses

i got THREE rings, like the Patriots…and the only thing i use them for is guitar playing:)
Since i used to change Run DMC and the Fat Boys out of my uncle’s deli, i was never into the ghetto gold crap—being a SLAVE to jewelry is not only unmanly, it’s unBLACK.

EminemsRevenge on February 14, 2007 at 12:14 pm

Call me a male chuvanist, but all I want for Valentines day is a nice evening with a good looking woman with some sex later. I don’t need jewelry, power tools, or any other material goodies. A nice naked woman is more then enough. 🙂

Wargala on February 14, 2007 at 5:51 pm

Bad boy of the internet, who some have called the Dave Chappelle of blogging, EminemsRevenge tells it like it is!

Dan on February 14, 2007 at 11:40 pm

It’s a relief to see I’m not the only one who is disgusted by the way men are taught to be sissies. This behaviour is really pathetic; pretty things are for women.

davidlanham on February 15, 2007 at 1:27 am

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