June 23, 2008, - 4:41 pm

Yet Another Vicious Attack on Jews in France By “Youths” (Martian Youths or MUSLIM Youths?); Muslim Groups Who Whined About Obama-Hijab Deal Silent

By Debbie Schlussel
Although we heard plenty of whining from Muslims about post-9/11 backlash, the only backlash that actually occurred was an increase in violence by Muslims on Jews and other non-Muslims. That’s not backlash. That’s a strengthened savage population becoming ever savage.
There have been many such attacks, like the vicious torture murder of Ilan Halimi, a French Jewish teen, by French Muslims. They burned cigarettes on him and cut off his fingers one by one. They also beat him. The latest is a vicious attack on a Jewish teenaged boy in France because he was wearing a yarmulke. He was beaten with metal bars, his skull smashed, and he nearly died. He’s now in a coma in critical condition. We know who did it. They’re called Muslims. But even a stinky Israeli newspaper can’t bring itself to identify them as such. Instead, they’re “youths:
That Was Then . . .


This Is Now . . .

“French Jewish organizations on Sunday condemned an anti-Semitic attack in Paris in which a Jewish teenager was severely beaten by a gang of youths with metal bars. [DS: MUSLIM “YOUTHS.”]
The 17-year-old was wearing a yarmulka when he was attacked in Paris’s multi-ethnic 19th district Saturday evening, according to Ariel Goldmann, vice president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France.
President Nicolas Sarkozy, who was traveling to Israel for a state visit, issued a statement expressing his “profound indignation” and reaffirmed his “total determination to combat all forms of racism and anti-Semitism.” [DS: Riiiiight. What has he done? Nothing.]
Paris hospital officials said the teenager was in critical condition in intensive care. “There is no doubt that this is an anti-Semitic act,” said Goldmann, who said the teenager was in a coma. “I call on authorities to do everything possible to arrest those responsible,” he said.
Police said they had detained five youths in connection with the beating.Sammy Gholzan, from the Bureau for Vigilance on Anti-Semitism, said a group of six or seven youths attacked the teenager with metal bars and “smashed his skull.” He said the young man was a member of the local Lubavitch community. [DS: A group of Chassidic Jews.]

Strangely, CAIR and all the other groups upset last week about Obama allegedly excluding hijab-wearing women from the podium at a rally are silent about this Jewish boy being nearly killed for his religious headgear. I guess it’s all about who is the “victim” and who is the perpetrator. If the victim is not a Muslim and the perpetrator is, then we have nothing to whine about, in their book. No biggie if skull-smashing and comas are involved.

29 Responses

Muslims in Europe are far more anti-Semitic than the native population. They are not pretending they only hate “Zionists.” No – they not only hate Jews, they look for the chance to kill them when they can. And we’re told the biggest threat on the planet today is “Islamophobia?” Puhleeaze… its more like “Judeophobia.” But don’t hold your breath waiting for that to make it onto the international agenda. After all, as in centuries past, the Jew remains fair game for whatever animus those who hate him want to take out on him and far from having disappeared for good, anti-Semitism is back both more virulent and widespread than ever. And a Jewish boy in France ended up nearly paying the price with his life.

NormanF on June 23, 2008 at 5:01 pm

One of the most disturbing things is the statement by the French authorities in the article you linked to where the Government condemned “anti-semitism, racism and xenophobia”. Like they’re all equal. This is more and more reminiscent of the 30s in Europe and the US, where the authorities either went along with fascism, or opposed it so weakly they were ineffective. Similarly, the US and European countries at that time either failed to oppose Hitler, or did it so weakly and belatedly that millions of people died who would not have had to.
This is happening today. The Wesern World is not mobilizing effectively against Muslim terrorism either internationally or domestically. The Muslims know this & are getting bolder and bolder. Hopefully they will be stopped before it is too late.

c f on June 23, 2008 at 5:04 pm

Well what do you expect. We are ALL the infidel. We “deserve” their modern ethnic cleansing. Like any bully, they live off of intimidation and fear, but one person stands up to them and they run crying to mommy. Why do you think the cowards hide in caves, run in packs and hide behind ski masks? Except for their “leadership,” the most honorable thing that they can commit is a suicide bombing. Why? They won’t have to live to face the consequences.

Ford Jones on June 23, 2008 at 5:05 pm

Oh those disaffected “yutes” in France!

Ripper on June 23, 2008 at 6:26 pm

Continue to appease and they will rule far sooner than anyone could imagine. This is simply nauseating.

Makk on June 23, 2008 at 6:45 pm

Stories like this make me gald to live in the u.s. Even during our worst anti-sematic periods, incidents like this were never COMMON they were infrequent.

mindy1 on June 23, 2008 at 9:12 pm

Unfortunately, these events come in waves.

supercargo on June 23, 2008 at 9:33 pm

The Jews of Europe should either be planning to emigrate or arming themselves.

lexi on June 23, 2008 at 10:08 pm

One of our members watched a tape-delayed broadcast of the 8 PM news on the channel France 2 today. He told me this incident was the lead story. The attackers were described simply as “immigrants”. Later in the story, the reporter spoke to the head rabbi of France, the mayor of this sector of Paris, the 19th, and a few Jewish residents in the sector. The reporter asked a woman wearing a hijab about any tension between Jews & Moslems there. She said there was no tension, that she has a Jewish boss and there has not been any problems.
Also, he suggested a change to your yellow Star of David image in your story. The French word on the star should be “Juif” for a male or “Juive” for a female.
Will the Jewish population of Paris go berserk and start torching cars, mosques and Islamic businesses? The Mohamedans went on a pyromanical binge in 2005 & 2007 to grab the attention of the French government and secure promises of improvements. Do Jews have to resort to barbarism to force the French authorities to address their grievances?

Defeat_Islam! on June 23, 2008 at 10:12 pm

Islamic thuggery, it’s going to get worse, before better. Europeans will regret the very day that they allowed ONE Muslim, to live amongst them, let alone two that will breed. The Brits are slowly learning that a small nation like their’s, can’t live with deadly vipers slithering randomly about, ready to strike. There’s no PC solution!

Jackson Pearson on June 23, 2008 at 11:07 pm

Where are there ANY muslims denouncing what their kinfolk did in France?
As always…..
The silence is deafening!
As you have noted previously, it is not muslims who have hijacked a religion, it is a religion that has hijacked its followers. I need not quote the Jew hatred, exceeding that of all the muslim “infidels,” in the koran (spit). The sacred rag of the muslims calls them to hate the Jews, and secondarily all “infidels.”
So……know thy enemy. Mohammed is hunting for the chance to murder in the name of his “god” allah. He’ll do it with the gurgling orgasm of death–allah akbar (spit).

BB on June 24, 2008 at 12:07 am

I debated and owned my muslim coworker today. He was very angry about the way muslims and their charities are judged. I destroyed him on every front. His day wasn’t full of peace and love.

samurai on June 24, 2008 at 12:52 am

Let the Muslims’ whitewash commence!…

arius on June 24, 2008 at 1:22 am

Let the Muslims’ whitewash commence!…

arius on June 24, 2008 at 1:23 am

I’m sure all of these attacks are simply the result of the ongoing Islamophobia in our midst. If we could only be more understanding of different “cultures” . . .
/sarcasm off
Will future historians look at Muhammed as the Alpha and Omega of gang leaders?

JSobieski on June 24, 2008 at 4:14 am

Ol’ Debbers says:
“Although we heard plenty of whining from Muslims about post-9/11 backlash, the only backlash that actually occurred was an increase in violence by Muslims on Jews and other non-Muslims”
Where are all of this violence happening in the west where the “whining” came from? Your one example doesn’t do it for me. I’ll show you burnt mosques for your burnt synagogues. And “savages”? Way to fan the flames for the race war. Iran is full of Muslims. BOMB IRAN!! You folks are nuts crazy.

Aaron C on June 24, 2008 at 4:25 am

“One of the most disturbing things is the statement by the French authorities in the article you linked to where the Government condemned “anti-semitism, racism and xenophobia”. Like they’re all equal. ”
They are all equal. They are all one and the same thing.

No Pasaran! on June 24, 2008 at 6:03 am

No, they’re not equal. What happened was that Jews were attacked. That is what provoked the idiotic French statement. The French had not attacked immigrants. They had not attacked foreigners or Muslims. The use of the words “racism” and “xenophobia” were completely gratuitous, and used just to create “balance” in a situation where there was no balance. Each side did not attack the other; only one side — Muslims — attacked the other side.

c f on June 24, 2008 at 7:05 am

It’s not about ‘balance’ you twerp. It’s about saying that they are all essentially one and the same thing, and that all three are unacceptable in a civilized society.
You cannot be an anti-Semite without being a racist, and vice versa.
“Each side did not attack the other; only one side — Muslims — attacked the other side.”
It’s not about ‘sides’ it’s about man’s inhumanity to man. For the record, the members of this despicable gang weren’t all Muslims, there were also Christians in the group.

No Pasaran! on June 24, 2008 at 7:44 am

Hey pasaran,

samurai on June 24, 2008 at 12:41 pm

“Hey pasaran,
And they said intellectualism was dead!
Who indeed could take issue with such a brilliantly argued statement such as this? Precise logic, concise use of the English language, a detailed point by point demolition of the opposing argument…

No Pasaran! on June 24, 2008 at 2:26 pm

NP, and you have the nerve to talk about intellectualism. You have a veneer of intellectualism, and the minute it is challenged, you lapse into childish invective. On the post a week ago, you said “ha” several hundred times. Truly the mark of an unstable, inadequate, and outclassed personality. A great professor that you are unlikely to have heard of said that intelligence represents the ability to make distinctions. Of course anti-Semitism and racism are different. I don’t think Jeremiah Wright hates black people, but he certainly doesn’t like Jews very much. You forget, or choose to forget my comment that the French Minister’s comment was initiated by Muslim violence. Why the gratuitous comments about nativism unless the aim was to appease the Muslim rabble-rousers

c f on June 24, 2008 at 4:15 pm

“Of course anti-Semitism and racism are different. I don’t think Jeremiah Wright hates black people, but he certainly doesn’t like Jews very much.”
Congratulations C F, you’ve posted the singly stupidest sentence in the history of the internet.

No Pasaran! on June 24, 2008 at 5:09 pm

NP, why is it stupid? You sometimes masquerade as someone intelligent. OK, why is it stupid? Do you have any substantive comments as to why it is stupid? Put your money where your mouth is.

c f on June 24, 2008 at 5:34 pm

cf: you just demolished NP. Good work! NP is your typical pseudointellectual. NP can’t answer your question–he/she just calls names.

lexi on June 24, 2008 at 7:41 pm

It’s stupid because racism and anti-Semitism are clearly one and the same thing, two sides of the same coin. I don’t know if this Wright guy you are talking about is anti-Semitic or not, but if he is an anti-Semite then clearly he is also a racist. You can’t be one without being the other, because the hatred of one race of people or social group is the same as the hatred for any other race or social group, but simply channeled in a different direction.
Now Lexi, please explain how I’ve been ‘demolished’ I’d be fascinated for your input in this debate.

No Pasaran! on June 25, 2008 at 2:09 am

You’re not going to stop the muslims, because you all want to split hairs. You attack the only people who are truly radical enough to want to help you. So deal with it.

John Harper on June 25, 2008 at 2:52 am

NP: You need to re-read cf’s posts. Carefully this time. You talk gibberish. Were you an ethnic studies major, by any chance?

lexi on June 25, 2008 at 9:31 am

“NP: You need to re-read cf’s posts. Carefully this time.”
I did – nothing happened, where’s the beef? Where’s the content?
” You talk gibberish.”
” Were you an ethnic studies major, by any chance?”
Nope, Electrical Engineering and an MBA.

No Pasaran! on June 25, 2008 at 4:13 pm

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