August 24, 2007, - 12:09 pm

BimboLand: Hookers for Hillary . . . And Porn Stars, Too

Well, since Marla Maples is , maybe it should be “Hookers AND Sluts for Hillary.” And Porn Stars, too. You knew something like this was coming. With Hillary, it’s all about crashing the Glass–and in this case, Silicone–ceiling:

I’m a big fan of Hillary’s. Any woman who’s smart, how can you not be?” Democrat Heidi Fleiss, 41, told the Las Vegas Review-Journal earlier this week.
“Even if you’re a Republican, if you’re a woman and you’re smart, you have to respect her,” she said.

Fleiss & Jameson: Disease Incubators for Hillary

Powerful stuff from a woman who did hard time for routing glamazon sheet surfers to Left Coast power players, and who owns a yuppie laundromat and plans a Vegas-area brothel with a cunningly feminist twist – female customers, male employees. . . .
Porn star Jenna Jameson, who announced her retirement from adult films, recently set the public record straight that she is also solidly in the Clinton camp.

Boy, isn’t all this grrlpower (to take your clothes off and have sex with hundreds of strangers) grand?
More Hillary Family Values–like these–to come. Thanks to reader A.M. for the tip.

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26 Responses

whore to politics, whore to soccer player, whats the dif? had a princess tell me she loved posh. I couldnt figure it out. Then I noticed she was hefty. I there some kind of psychosis that i missed where women live vicariously through celeb sluts?
Just goes to show you just how cool real women are and why you’ll never hear a kind word about Deb, Ann, Michelle, Degan etc from the freakpress.

playertwo on August 24, 2007 at 1:05 pm

Porn stars fall into either the hookers or the sluts category.

GEB4000 on August 24, 2007 at 3:58 pm

To be fair, Hillary cannot help who endorses her. What Hillary does with this endorsement will be interesting, however. This is a large constituency that she probably does not want to alienate, so a really principled response is most unlikely (from Hillary, a principled response is most unlikely anyway). We should hope that Hillary is asked about this endorsement by reporters so that she has to address it.

Dr. D on August 24, 2007 at 4:31 pm

maybe heidi fleiss and jenna jameson could hire hillary as a lawyer and sue there plastic surgeon, these guys are the biggest problem in america beside the arab sneeking across the border, these doctors must use hammer, chisels and vise grips they look like crap i guess years of abuse from drugs and oversized weiners they look tried!!!!!!!!!!!

PNAMARBLE on August 24, 2007 at 6:59 pm

Once agian, these living beings who are lower than even the prosutute, are trying to make their image THE ONLY IMAGE to the american female. Now I know Hilary won’t win….good job there. Since when are they suddenly an expert on what is going on outside their 50 plus men that they sleep with?
They’re not attractive, some of their body parts isn’t even real, and this is why I can’t get a girlfriend.

Squirrel3D on August 24, 2007 at 7:59 pm

Heidi, why would you believe “if you’re a woman and you’re smart, you have to respect her”? I beg you to tell me, seriously, one thing that recommends Hillary Clinton for the office of President of the United States. Come on, girl, you said you were “smart,” after all.
What’s that? Nothing comes to mind, other than your sophistry that JUST BECAUSE Hillary is a woman, that means she’s automatically qualified to be the Chief Executive of this nation? Perhaps the fact that she was “co-President” for a few months, early on in her husband’s so-called administration (and she was stunningly successful in that capacity, huh?)? Or maybe it’s also because she’s been a U.S. Senator for a few years (as if that qualifies anybody, male or female, to be the Leader of the [rapidly diminishing] Free World)?
Be honest now, Heidi: If her last name were not “Clinton,” would you even be giving her the time of day? I doubt it . . .

theendisnear on August 24, 2007 at 10:39 pm

What the hell is a principled response supposed to be anyways? If any reporter would ask her, which if they have any dignity they won’t, I expect she’d answer it’s a free country and she’s not going to dismiss any supporters. What you think of Hillary or not is irrelevent, but I’m willing to bet you’d could find some pretty disreputable/trashy supporters of the Republican candidates as well, so this “news” has zero merit.

AlternativeThought on August 24, 2007 at 10:59 pm

Heidi Fleiss is a sex trafficker, a madam (female pimp) that uses her notoriety, wealth, and manipulative powers to channel weak humans into an evil, degrading underworld. She is a soul sucker, much like a vampire. My question to her might be something along the lines of what exactly she considers smart? Manipulative, sociopathic, maniacal pursuit of money and power without respect for the law or justice? Actually, what would the principal difference be among the three, exactly?

code7 on August 24, 2007 at 11:01 pm

But again, I don’t think this has anything to do with Clinton. If people want to use this to criticize Fleiss or Jameson, then by all means, feel free. But just because they happen to endorse Clinton is by no means a slam on her. You could go after Clinton on a lot of issues, but slamming her for some of her supporters is just ridiculous.

AlternativeThought on August 25, 2007 at 12:15 am

California would love the fact that Jameson is supporting Hillary. Didn’t another porn star run for Governor at the same time as Arnold?

sanantonioins on August 25, 2007 at 12:32 am

Gee, that Hillary sure does attract only the finest, most upstanding, and most intelligent of America.
It appears that she’s got a lock on the Great Unwashed.
That Democrap Party has become a party of America-Hating Froot Loops.
FDR, Truman, and JFK are vomiting in their graves.

Thee_Bruno on August 25, 2007 at 8:02 am

AlternativeThought- Good point, the logic is right on the money regarding Floss and Givemesom, but the altervative is to look at her actions and character, which brings us back to where we started.

code7 on August 25, 2007 at 9:22 am

While we’re on logic, anyone with a modest filing fee can run for Governor, Gary Coleman ran, too, and that means what? Before you bash California: Texas gave us Bush and New York gave us Hillary.

code7 on August 25, 2007 at 9:37 am

Can’t…stop….scrolling….back….to….Jenna….Jameson’s….picture….Oh what the hell. If Jenna says vote for Hillary, I will.

sanantonioins on August 25, 2007 at 2:52 pm

The concept of a principled response seems to have gone over the head of AlternativeThought, so perhaps I can help with that. A principled response is a response guided by the principles generally accepted as proper for leading a morally upright life. In particular, this would mean a response that is truthful, complete, fair, sincere, and direct, a response with full integrity. It would not raise other issues, it would not attack anyone else, it would not attack the questioner. It is not too surprising that AlternativeThought is not familiar with this sort of response because it is relatively rare in today’s political discourse.

Dr. D on August 25, 2007 at 4:48 pm

Debbie, I’ve never seen JJ in action, but I like her. Women should take note that if they try to please men instead of being big pains in the ass, they might be more popular.

Anonymous1 on August 25, 2007 at 4:50 pm

Dr. D
Thank you for the lecture, but you completely misrepresented my entire argument. My asking of what a principled argument was came from the fact you you seemed to think that Clinton owed some principled response to a story that had nothing to do with her. Especially since you also stated that she cannot choose her supporters and you somehow think she should have a “principled” response to it. Why do you feel reporters should ask her about this? And nowhere in my post did I attack anyone else. You made one good point in stating that good political discourse is going away in this country, but let me say that you’re not helping when you question the integrity of someone you do not know and whom you completely misinterpreted.

AlternativeThought on August 25, 2007 at 5:56 pm

When I started driving the taxi back in the ’70s you could tell where the hookers where because of the way they dressed. If my taxi had doubled as a time machine and I set it for 2007 when I landed I would say, “the hookers are everywhere”. I’m certainly not a prude and I definitely don’t think women should be in berkas. That’s one extreme and their’s a lot of the other extreme displayed today. Michael Jackson when asked why he continually grabbed himself he giggled and responded with, “oh, did I do that, I didn’t know that, I was just being natural”. Yea, right. The female equivelant is running around with as much of the rack exposed as possible. Both are provoctive gestures and beg the question, what do you mean by that? A lot of life seems to be blatant displays of distractors and crotch grabbers. What do you mean by that?

John Cunningham on August 26, 2007 at 8:28 am


John Cunningham on August 26, 2007 at 8:31 am

It seems like whores ARE everywhere these days only they don’t stand on the street but sit in offices stealing money meant to protect this country in time of war. Their children are busy furthering their careers while our soldiers fight a war to protect them. Most politicians are whores except they won’t admit it and charge more.

code7 on August 26, 2007 at 10:32 am

Let’s not waste words. Hillary is a full time liar. She attracts diseased vermin like a manure pile sends out the come hither message to flies. She is no more qualified to lead this morally bankrupt government than OJ.

Happiness Pursuer on August 26, 2007 at 1:28 pm

As was stated about the Hildebeast somewhere above: Marrying Der Shlickmeister was her “smartest” move and continues to be her ONLY asset. She is nothing more than a warmed over leftie who latched on to a MAN, enabled (and contributed to) his criminal behavior and is now cashing in her chips for playing the “victim” all these long years. The “Hillary is soooo smart” bandwagon rolled out years ago; but the facts remain the same. She’s a nobody without “booty call” Bill. Cookies anyone?

Southernops on August 26, 2007 at 1:42 pm

AlternativeThought: I did not speak to any part of what you said other than your question about what is a principled response. Now how could I have misrepresented your entire argument? Unless, or course, that was your entire argument, but in that case, what were all those other words? Actually, you are mostly just argument, aren’t you, with very little to contribute. It would be nice if you would just go away.

Dr. D on August 26, 2007 at 1:55 pm

I’m somewhat not shocked. Hillary also happens to have alot of constituency among the mainstream gay/lesbian population so no suprise there. If she is going to legalize homosexual marriage and prositution/sex traffiking then of course every faggot and whore mongering pimp of the country is going to overrun the ballot box with their votes for her. I bet the street junkies or the illiterate bums would do the same if she reached out for them.Thats how the system works if you have the gift of gab to b.s. some votes.I wouldn’t want to share my vote with Paris Hilton and her ilk anyways.

Jew Chick on August 27, 2007 at 11:33 am

“. . . , I don’t think this has anything to do with Clinton.” — code7
You know what they say, “birds of a feather . . . ”
Porn stars like her, Osama clones like her, communists like her, other loonie leftists like her…. but conservatives don’t.
And you “don’t think” that has anything to do with her? Well, you at least got that “don’t think” part right.

yonason on August 28, 2007 at 10:23 am

oh, my. I had better read the whole thing, or I am liable to embarrass myself. Like code7’s . . .
“Let’s not waste words. Hillary is a full time liar. She attracts diseased vermin like a manure pile sends out the come hither message to flies. She is no more qualified to lead this morally bankrupt government than OJ.”
Whew! You DO think, don’t you!
But, still, the flies are attracted mainly on the manure pile, and that has a lot to do with the manure pile, if you see what I mean.

yonason on August 28, 2007 at 10:29 am

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