August 23, 2007, - 4:50 pm

The Amman in Amanpour: Tonight on the Crescent News Network, the Sequel

Earlier this week, I told you about the CNN trilogy of prime-time special reports by pan-Islamist water-carrier Christiane Amanpour. Tuesday Night was “Vilify Jews” night. And tonight is “Vilify Christians” night. (Last night was “Understand Peaceful Islam” night.)
I predicted Amanpour’s report on the Jews would play like Al-Jazeera fare. And apparently, I was right. My friend, Robert J. Avrech–a rare Hollywood screenwriter with common sense (he does movies I like, such as “A Stranger Among Us” and “Body Double“)–writes as much. On his site, Seraphic Secret, he has a great, humorous piece on the Amanpour propaganda output (and a piece on her soft on Islam coverage), and you can expect the hit-piece on Christians, tonight, will be as bad.

I’m beginning to like Avrech’s new nickname for Amanpour, “Al Jazeera Lady.” As I wrote previously, she’d fit in well there. Some of his report on her phony report:

So Karen and I sit down, flip channels, and what do you know, suddenly Al Jazeera pops up.
“Since when do we get Al Jazeera?” I ask.
“We don’t,” Karen assures me.
Oh man, gotta call the cable company and make sure we’re not paying for this Jew-hatred.
There’s all this slow mo footage overlaid with sinister musical stings of grim looking Jooz carrying M16s; this is intercut with Bedouin children herding sheep, looking all innocent and peaceful.
And the narrator/host/entertainer, a woman with shoulders like a fullback, and an absolutely tragic mullet style hair-do from the 80’s, keeps talking about “G-d’s Jewish warriors,” and she repeats these three words–I’m counting, mind you–and by the time she hits number 107, I give up.
I now know what it’s like to get brainwashed in some North Korean reeducation gulag.
Anyway, this Al Jazeera lady with the hoo-ha Oxford accent–big shock–states . . . [Read the rest].

Like I said, watch for this same imagery and propaganda against Christians, tonight. And don’t forget, when it came to “God’s Muslim Warriors,” Amanpour was very kind-hearted.
Don’t forget this: When they take over, they’ll kill the likes of her, too. Al-Jazeera Lady will be the first to go.
More on the Crescent News Network’s anti-Judeo-Christian agitprop from Carl in Jerusalem, Pam of Atlas Shrugs, and Richard Baehr in American Thinker.

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13 Responses

Why does Amanpour and the likes have such a burning rapture towards the very people who loathe them with a passion while attacking the very democratic christians and jews who are compassionate towards spitefull ingrates like her. She has such utter comptempt towards our democracy and freedoms which she takes advantage of and abuses it by spewing her diatribe against America and whoring with the islam-o-nazi devils in her shows. If she would put a burqa over her ugly face or a muzzle over her mouth, it may approve her ratings a bit. She may as well find a job placement in her show for Rosie O’Donnel.The media is going down the pipes as it is for putting the anchor puppets that they have on their shows. It takes a seditious self-hating american sociopath with unconditionalamount of sympathy for the devil in a kaffiyeh to report news these days if you are a pro in skewing facts by white washing the villians on while defaming heroes.

Jew Chick on August 23, 2007 at 7:58 pm

I agree with Jew Chick that a burqa would be an improvement.
No wonder she didn’t talk to any truly fundamentalist muslims, since then she would have had to wear the burqa and shown how much better she looks in one.

WillPower on August 23, 2007 at 8:52 pm

Wow, that was excruciating to watch. Imagine–emailing, phoning, protesting, beheading!
Oops, no, wrong religious warrior.

PJ on August 23, 2007 at 11:55 pm

Robert of Seraphic Secret wasn’t kidding about the disparity in use of term “God’s Jewish Warriors” (actually 20x) vs. “God’s Muslim Warriors” (used 4 times)in each respective segment based on CNN transcripts found online. At this moment, the transcript for “God’s Christian Warriors” is not yet posted, but likely to reveal quite the same disparity.
Comparing Jewish settlements & Christian home schooling against violent jihad as equally alarming is insanity. That such propaganda qualifies as ‘journalism’ to CNN shouldn’t surprise, yet once again, it did.
Cue Robert Spencer’s newest release “Religion of PEACE? Why Christianity Is and Islam ISN’T

justamomof4 on August 24, 2007 at 12:11 am

I watched both hours, she is painful to listen to. That voice….what can I say?
Love Pastor Hagee – he really gets it and understands the islamic threat in a way that she didn’t really cover. Tonight’s overused word is “fundamentalist”.

CarpeDiem on August 24, 2007 at 12:23 am

I said the same as I watched while my blood boiled: This ugly, so called “Christian”, “journalist” should definitely wear a burka. At least as practice for when she becomes a dhummi.
This brainless jerk looks at parents who are home-schooling their children, or a group of Christian teens pledging to live a good life, or twin girls who wanted to pray at graduation, or preachers who’s only message was “get out and vote”, and equates them all to sword-waving maniacs who claim to believe in a god. AND the moron believes them.
Can this pea-brain understand that calling Christians & Jews by the same name, “God’s Worriors” as muzlemen just made a mother/grandmother who makes phone calls to change minds, appear as an equal to some crazed, wild-eyed, frothing-at-the-mouth bedouin who wants to kill anyone who does not see his/her point of view?
I have not watched the Crazy-Nincompoop-Network for at least 10 years. Who watches this ignorant bunch anyway?

God&America on August 24, 2007 at 2:10 am

I said the same as I watched while my blood boiled: This ugly, so called “Christian”, “journalist” should definitely wear a burka. At least as practice for when she becomes a dhummi.
This brainless jerk looks at parents who are home-schooling their children, or a group of Christian teens pledging to live a good life, or twin girls who wanted to pray at graduation, or preachers who’s only message was “get out and vote”, and equates them all to sword-waving maniacs who claim to believe in a god. AND the moron believes them.
Can this pea-brain understand that calling Christians & Jews by the same name, “God’s Worriors” as muzlemen just made a mother/grandmother who makes phone calls to change minds, appear as an equal to some crazed, wild-eyed, frothing-at-the-mouth bedouin who wants to kill anyone who does not see his/her point of view?
I have not watched the Crazy-Nincompoop-Network for at least 10 years. Who watches this ignorant bunch anyway?

God&America on August 24, 2007 at 2:10 am

I said the same as I watched while my blood boiled: This ugly, so called “Christian”, “journalist” should definitely wear a burka. At least as practice for when she becomes a dhummi.
This brainless jerk looks at parents who are home-schooling their children, or a group of Christian teens pledging to live a good life, or twin girls who wanted to pray at graduation, or preachers who’s only message was “get out and vote”, and equates them all to sword-waving maniacs who claim to believe in a god. AND the moron believes them.
Can this pea-brain understand that calling Christians & Jews by the same name, “God’s Worriors” as muzlemen just made a mother/grandmother who makes phone calls to change minds, appear as an equal to some crazed, wild-eyed, frothing-at-the-mouth bedouin who wants to kill anyone who does not see his/her point of view?
I have not watched the Crazy-Nincompoop-Network for at least 10 years. Who watches this ignorant bunch anyway?

God&America on August 24, 2007 at 2:10 am

Jewchick: I wanna ditto everything you said, and I would love to meet you some time 😉 Also, I agree with Debbie’s post however, I must question you on why/how you could possibly like the movie “A Stranger Among Us”. Huh? Please clarify?

OneIrishJew on August 24, 2007 at 2:16 am

I understand Amanpour took a job working for the Hillary for President campaign. Can anyone confirm that for me? It is amazing when you look at the bios of all these reporters, they all work for someone in the political sphere. They are all pushing someone’s cause.

Burt on August 24, 2007 at 9:50 am

She does have the shoulders of a NFL linebacker (as one of your links mentioned).

Ripper on August 24, 2007 at 12:15 pm

Prepared to be shocked.

Rick on August 24, 2007 at 3:53 pm

Hey D*Rek, jlib, et al.
This reminds me of you.
Libs Say the Darndest Things
by James Lewis
“11. News vs. propaganda. Any news source other than the mainstream media is right-wing propaganda. Indeed, anything suggesting that liberals are less than 100 percent right is right-wing propaganda. This comes from a friend who engages in constant self-censorship, who becomes visibly agitated when his beliefs are gently questioned.”

WillPower on August 24, 2007 at 5:23 pm

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