May 16, 2008, - 12:18 pm

The Company He Keeps: Obama Hangs With Hezbollah’s Iranian Agent Imam

By Debbie Schlussel
Barack Obama claims he’s against HAMAS and Hezbollah and is offended by President Bush’s speech in Israel about Obama’s ethos of “appeasement.” So why is he meeting with one of Hezbollah’s most important imams and agents in America, Imam Hassan Qazwini? And why is this open anti-Semite and supporter of Israel’s annihilation getting to discuss “the Arab-Israeli conflict” in a private one-on-one meeting with Obama? What was said? I think we can do the math.
I’ve written about Qazwini and his mosque for almost a decade. He is tight with the Government of Iran, and he is an agent of the Iranian government, spreading its propaganda. He was sent to the U.S. by Iran to help radicalize his mosque, the Islamic Center of America, which–at the time–was becoming moderate with women not covering their hair and mixing with men. All that has changed, under Qazwini.


Extremist Imam Hassan Qazwini w/ Obama

AND w/ Hezbollah Spiritual Leader Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah

Qazwini is very open about his support for Palestinian homicide bombings, HAMAS, and Hezbollah. And he’s a good friend of Hezbollah spiritual leader, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah–the man who issued the fatwa to Hezbollah terrorists to murder over 300 U.S. Marines and U.S. Embassy civilians in cold blood. Qazwini’s mosque has held rallies and celebrations in support of Hezbollah, and many of Hezbollah’s biggest money-launderers and agents in America are his congregants.
When I went undercover to his mosque in 1998, he and others welcomed Nation of Islam chief racist Louis Farrakhan as “our dear brother” and “a freedom fighter.” Qazwini applauded Farrakhan’s anti-Semitic statements saying that Jews were the “forces of Satan” and that there needed to be a “jihad” on the American people.
Above is a photo of Qazwini hanging out with Hezbollah’s Fadlallah–who is on the State Department Terrorist List–in South Lebanon, where he went to visit him and pay tribute. Juxtapose that with the photo of Qazwini and Barack Obama. It says a lot about the company Obama keeps . . . and why he shouldn’t be President:

A Muslim leader from Dearborn met privately with Sen. Barack Obama during his Wednesday visit to Michigan.
Imam Hassan Qazwini, head of the Islamic Center of America, said in an email that he met with Obama at Macomb Community College. A mosque spokesman, Eide Alawan, confirmed that the meeting took place. During the meeting, the two discussed the Presidential election, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the Iraq war, according to Qazwini.
At the end of the meeting, Qazwini said he gave Obama a copy of new book, “American Crescent,” and invited Obama to visit his center.
The meeting with Obama came about after Qazwini had asked David Bonior, the former U.S. Rep. from Michigan, if he could meet with Obama during his visit. Qazwini was not selected to be part of a group of 20 people who met with Obama, but Qazwini later got a private meeting with Obama, Alawan said.
“They gave him an opportunity for a one-on-one,” Alawan said. . . .
Born in Iraq into a long line of Shi’ite clerics, Qazwini and his family left for Iran to escape persecution under the regime of Saddam Hussein. He later moved to the U.S. and become head of the Dearborn mosque, one of the largest Shi’ite Muslim centers in the U.S.

Um, Saddam wasn’t off the mark regarding Qazwini and his family. They were agents of Iran who were trying to overthrow him on behalf of the Khomeini’ists. And the fundamentalist Islamic form of government Qazwini espouses is far worse Saddam Hussein’s killing fields (though it’s far less secular than Saddam was). The only other difference is that in his view those bloody fields should be dominated by victorious Shi’ites, not Saddam’s Sunnis.
Well, Obama has the support of HAMAS . . . and now, Hezbollah. And we should send him to the White House because . . .?

53 Responses

Did you see the pictures of Bush kissing the Imam? I can’t believe he betrayed us like that! I can never trust him again.
Has McCain done anything like that?

aguy on May 20, 2008 at 12:27 pm

“Is there some way to shut up comments from the likes of “Audacious?” ”
Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Is this the famous ‘freedom of speech” you yanks have been attempting to export to the rest of the world?

No Pasaran! on May 20, 2008 at 3:46 pm

Maybe he’s trying to solve the mess in the middle east without assuming that the only possible solution is the annihilation of either side.

Mark In Irvine on May 20, 2011 at 8:15 pm

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