May 13, 2008, - 2:58 pm

Federal Court Says Aleikum Salaam to Niqab Militant

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember Ginnah Muhammad?
She’s the woman who insisted on wearing her niqab–the full ninja face veil with slits for eyes–in court. Her small claims suit in Hamtramck, Michigan was defaulted by courageous, principled Judge Paul Paruk, who refused to let her testify in the niqab. Muhammad sued in federal court (and it appears she lied about not revealing her face in the presence of men).
Well, yesterday, U.S. District Judge John Feikens–who, at the age of 90, is the brightest, most well-reasoned judge on the federal bench here in the Detroit area (and one of the best in the U.S.)–said “Aleikum Salaam” (Unto You Peace/Buh-Bye) to Ms. Muhammad’s frivolous lawsuit.


Losers–They Lost; America Won:

Ginnah Muhammad in her Niqab, w/ Terrorist Lawyer Nabih Ayad

That’s the way it should be, and I applaud him for his courage to issue a dismissal in this case amidst the growing radical Islamicization of the Detroit area:

A federal judge in Detroit has dismissed the case of a Muslim woman who sued a judge for demanding she remove her veil in court.
The judge ruled Monday against Ginnnah Muhammad’s claims that her rights to freedom of religion and court access were violated.

Congrats to the Honorable Judge Feikens for informing Ms. Muhammad and others that in America, the courts do not bow to any religion, and congrats also to Judge Paruk for standing his ground in the largely Muslim community of Hamtramck.
Brave people like them and you, dear readers, will save America and American culture as we know it.
This is an important, precedent-setting case, and I hope it’s regarded as such in the future litigation over this issue, which America is sure to see. The Islamist crowd does not go silently into the sweet night.

6 Responses

Their image is beginning to unravel in metro Detriotistan. Perhaps that is the reason for the head change at the Arab American Chamber of Commerce….

West Dearbornistan on May 13, 2008 at 3:15 pm

And the muslim rioters begin in 5-4-3-2-1…

Codekeyguy on May 13, 2008 at 3:16 pm

Yay good for him.

mindy1 on May 13, 2008 at 3:20 pm

Wow-score one for the good guys!!
Now let’s get on to the next case–transforming those publicly funded muslim footbaths at U-M Dearbornistan into urinals!

BB on May 13, 2008 at 7:28 pm

I’m glad to see that there’s one of our federal judges who’s not afraid to break it off in their a**. I wonder how butt-ugly she is to have to hide behind that whorehouse curtain scrap?

1shot1kill on May 14, 2008 at 9:22 am


samurai on May 14, 2008 at 10:54 am

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