April 17, 2008, - 1:33 pm
No Swimming for Dhimmis: How Will the Left Excuse This Latest Western Muslim “Tolerance”?
By Debbie Schlussel
Unless you say the Shehada (the Islamic oath of martyrdom that is the key act of conversion to Islam), you might want to avoid public facilities in the UK . . . especially swimming pools.
This latest example of the Muslim tolerance we’re always being told about is emblematic of the religious apartheid they want to–and will, if given the chance–impose upon us.
If you want the definition of the word “dhimmi” (status of a non-Muslim in a Muslim society), this is the epitome:
A stunned dad and his little boy were banned from swimming at a popular public sports centre – because they are not Muslims.

The man, known only as David T, and his 10-year-old son were stopped from going into the pool at Clissold Leisure Centre in Stoke Newington, east London.
Last night embarrassed management at the complex said staff were wrong to turn customers away from the designated ‘men-only modesty session’ on Sunday morning.
The council says the special early-morning get-togethers are aimed at community groups who have strict rules on segregation.
But the dad and his lad were prevented from swimming when they turned up at 9am on Sunday.
David T said: “I arrived at the pool to discover that they were holding what staff described to me as ‘Muslim men-only swimming’.
“I asked whether my son and I could go as we were both male. I was told that the session was for Muslims only and that we could not be admitted.
“I asked to speak to the duty manager, who confirmed that this was the case.”
He added: “I asked what would happen if I turned up and insisted I was Muslim.
“The manager suggested that they might ask the Muslims swimming if they minded my son and I swimming with them.
“If they didn’t object, we might be allowed in.”
The men-only modesty swimming sessions take place every Sunday from 8am to 9.30am.
Two websites have been advertising the sessions for Muslim men only.
But a leisure centre spokesman said staff were out of order to refuse people entry for being non-Muslim.
He said: “The member of staff the user spoke with at the time was mistaken when referring to the session as Muslim only. [DS: Mark my word. There was NO mistake. This is policy.] . . .
A spokesman for Hackney Council said: “None of Hackney’s leisure centres have religiously segregated swimming sessions in their public timetables. [DS: Uh-huh.]
“In common with most public swimming facilities, there are single sex sessions, and this session was men only.
Correction: MUSLIM men only.
We’ve seen the left and U.S. Muslims reactively defend separate hours for sexes and walls in privately-owned gyms, so that Muslimas can work out in immodest, scanty clothing without “turning you on.”
But this one is blatant discrimination, blatant elevation of Muslims and simultaneous lowering of non-Muslims to non-human status. I can’t wait to hear their excuses for this one.
Religion of Peace and No Dipping w/”Dirty” Infidels. Britain, the latest caliphate.
Time to get that yellow star out from my grandmother’s early 1940 “accessories” collection.
Tags: Britain, Clissold Leisure Centre, Debbie Schlussel Unless, duty manager, Hackney Council, leisure centre spokesman, London, manager, public sports centre, spokesman, swimming, United Kingdom, United States
Who would want to swim with Muslime swine anyway. You swim with swine, you come out smelling like a pig.
FreethinkerNY on April 17, 2008 at 2:24 pm