April 21, 2011, - 10:51 pm
OUTRAGE: Islamo-Pandering Prosecutors vs. the First Amendment II
It’s truly an outrage and much worse than what I thought would happen, today, in the United States of America in 2011. We’ve truly lost our country, our freedoms. Kaput. Earlier today, I told you about Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy using the courts to try and stop Pastor Terry Jones’ First Amendment right to protest. I’m sickened that, today, Jones was forced to endure a trial by jury in a Dearbornistan court, regarding whether or not he should be forced to pay a clearly unconstitutional, unlawful bond in order to hold his protest in front of the Islamic Center of America. It’s simply an outrage. You and I and he have the right to free speech, PERIOD. Nowhere in the First Amendment or any case law does it say that the right to speech shall be infringed until payment of a $100,000 bond. That’s absolute bullcrap about an absolute right. Any limits on it are un-American.
Muslim-Run Dearbornistan Puts Pastor Terry Jones on Trial for First Amendment Speech
If Jones loses tomorrow, he will surely win on appeal, but good luck finding judges to stay the verdict upon appeal on Good Friday. Good luck finding any judges on that day, but for the judge, Judge Mark Somers, who forced Jones to endure the jury trial for the bond.
I’m truly sickened by this. We are losing our country. We should all be up in arms protesting the loss of free speech rights, regardless of how much of an anathema Jones, himself, may be. As I said, he should never have been forced to stand trial on whether or not he should pay to be able to speak freely, to hold a protest. That is an absolute right on which a long and large body of case law, and U.S. Supreme Court decision after U.S. Supreme Court decision has held firm.
It’s interesting how, suddenly, Muslims–including Islamic terrorists–have absolute rights to free speech, but Christians and others must now put up a $100,000 bond to enjoy the same. If that’s not a jizya [Islamic tax on non-Muslims], I don’t know what is. So much for the claim that sharia [Islamic law] doesn’t run Dearbornistan.
G-d save this dying country. You know the saying, “Freedom isn’t free”? Well, it isn’t long-lived either, if we allow it to be usurped left and right because Muslims whine.
Tags: Dearborn, Dearbornistan, First Amendment, Free Speech, Judge Mark Somers, jury trial, Kym Worthy, Mark Somers, Speech rights, Terry Jones, trial
Jones doesn’t have to justify his views to any one. You have that same right.
How it is an American can get hauled into court and told he has to pay to speak in the public square?
We’re being dhimmized… and not just in Dearbornistan.
Good luck, America!
NormanF on April 21, 2011 at 11:07 pm