March 16, 2008, - 11:42 am

Congrats: The Netherlands Enters the 18th Century

By Debbie Schlussel
Congratulations to the Netherlands/Holland for finally entering civilization . . . 18th Century civilization.
While the country still bows to Islam at every step and still has legalized prostitution, live sex shows, and euthanasia, our friends the Dutch have, at least, decided to finally outlaw bestiality and porn involving animals, er . . . “interspecies erotica” as over-rated, depraved Hollywood director Kevin Smith likes to call and sanitize this depravity in “mainstream” movies.
What brought on this sudden tinge of civility and humanity? Well, since these acts were previously allowed in the Netherlands, the country became a mecca (double entendre intended) for bestiality devotees and addicts:


Civilization?: Dogs Had to Organize a Protest to Stop Bestiality in Netherlands (Signs say: “We Are Not Sexual Objects”)

Sex with animals and the making of animal pornography now will carry a punishment of up to six months in jail under the measure.
Current Dutch law forbids bestiality only when animals are found to have been mistreated.
Animal pornography is explicitly forbidden in 80 countries and pornographers had lobbied fiercely against a Dutch ban, said lawmaker Harm Evert Waalkens, who introduced the measure.
“The Netherlands is now a magnet for perversities and we don’t want that,” Waalkens said.

Um, does he think the legalized pot, prostitutes in store windows, live sex shows, and a government bowing to the most extreme whims of Islamists, are not also a “magnet for perversitites”?
Question is, what will happen to all the Muslim bestiality mavens who came to the Netherlands for both its softness on extremist Islam and its animal policy?
My guess is they stay and claim that it’s a religious practice, which many would say it, in fact, is.
Islamic religious practices go over very well in the Netherlands, so it will all work out to Allah’s content.
Once the lamb is inhumanely slaughtered and cooked for Eid Al-Fitr supper, no-one will be the wiser that the lamb was also the blow-up doll for the master of the house, the night before.
Sorry, Netherlands or Holland or whatever you are, but your country is still the world’s Sodom and Gomorra.
The Frank family knew it, Theo Van Gogh knew it, Ayaan Hirsi Ali knows it. And we all know it.

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9 Responses

What they call animal sex is what I call pet rape. Its only a matter of time Seattle Washington does the same. Unfortunately, the Dutch didn’t ban open gay sex in public parks. Well, even a little step goes a long way.

American Sabrah on March 16, 2008 at 1:45 pm

A steo in the right direction will now be followed by two steps in the left direction. Utter silence except for the crickets when it comes time to condemn viiolece prepetrated on Israeli Jews.

warpmine on March 16, 2008 at 2:02 pm

Protecting animals is good, but I hope they try to protect people also. Loved infidel by ayaan hirsi ali.

mindy1 on March 16, 2008 at 4:13 pm

The sad thing is one of my greatest friends lives there. And….she might not even know of all this.

Squirrel3D on March 16, 2008 at 4:20 pm

“The sad thing is one of my greatest friends lives there. And….she might not even know of all this.”
That’s because it’s complete bollocks, squirreltje.
I live here too.

No Pasaran! on March 16, 2008 at 4:54 pm

The Netherlands is one of the most “Progressive” countries on the European continent. Therefore, it is suffering from the most advanced forms of decadence, whether it is in the form of child pornography or bestiality. The Netherlands is a window on what the United States will be like in 10-15 years, if current trends continue.

Worry01 on March 16, 2008 at 9:00 pm

“Sorry, Netherlands or Holland or whatever you are, but your country is still the world’s Sodom and Gomorra.”
Holland is cess pool of degradation. The Dutch pride themselves in how enlightened they are as they abuse themselves into damnation. One thing I am wondering though–what animals are they doing these things with? Does a man penetrate his dog? gag/vomit
Having recently spoken to a friend who just returned from Thailand who was there to rescue/offer means of escape to child sex slaves–much of the world has become as Sodom and Gomorrah. The USA and other western countries send lots of “sex tourists” there–who will rent child sex slaves for less than $20 night! The stories she shared about the degraded condition of these people is unsettling. And sadly, human trafficking has become widespread in the world today.
As surely as there is a G-d in heaven, judgment is coming.

BB on March 16, 2008 at 10:22 pm

“The Netherlands is one of the most “Progressive” countries on the European continent.”
Absolute, total nonsense.
The Netherlands is a deeply conservative, largely Calvinist nation.
Consider the evidence…
1. There are more housewives in the Netherlands than in any other country in Europe.
2. There is a political party here who have members in Parliament who believe that women should be dissenfranchised because “God did not intend for women to make important decisions.” Incidentally, this party (The SGP) has the largest youth movement of any political party in the Netherlands.
3. Friends of mine who live just 20 kilometers from here in Marken, were officially chastised by their neighbors (‘shunned’ is the word they used) because they did house work (vacuuming their living-room carpet) on a Sunday.
4. Women in Pakistan are more likely to achieve senior management positions than women in the Netherlands are.
5. Gay and Lesbian groups are complaining to all and sundry that they are increasingly the victims of physical abuse and attacks from members of the public, including right here in Amsterdam.
“Therefore, it is suffering from the most advanced forms of decadence, whether it is in the form of child pornography or bestiality.”
More idiocy. There is no more pornography here than there is anywhere else. And don’t forget while you climbing atop your high horse – the vast majoriity of the pornography sold here is produced in the good old US of A.
And while we are on the subject of sex, what difference does it make if the prostitutes are behind windows as they are in Amsterdam, or standing on street corners as they are in America? At least the prostitutes here are healthy, warm, dry, pay income tax, and are properly organized with a union to look after their interests.
“The Netherlands is a window on what the United States will be like in 10-15 years, if current trends continue.”
You should be so lucky.
The average American’s ability to spout complete bollocks about a country they clearly know absolutely nothing about, remains breath taking.

No Pasaran! on March 17, 2008 at 5:18 am

I thought the animal sex thing was because the majority of Dutch women are moonbarkers and easily mistaken for Fido.

1shot1kill on March 17, 2008 at 8:31 am

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