February 25, 2008, - 9:38 am
“Class Act”: Ben Affleck Outdoes Hanoi Jane’s C-Word
By Debbie Schlussel
Add yet another foul-mouthed, left-wing celeb to the list of those that pollute the public airwaves.
No, I’m not talking Hanoi Jane Fonda’s recent utterance of the C-word on “The Today Show.”
I’m talking Ben Affleck’s utterance of the t-word, last night, on Jimmy Kimmel’s post-Oscar edition of “Jimmy Kimmel Live” on ABC. If you don’t know what the word is, here’s a hint: It rhymes with “wits.”
Last night, just after midnight, Kimmel broadcast a video he made with Affleck in which they pretend to be lovers. It’s supposed to be a response to a gag video his girlfriend, Sarah Silverman, made declaring her relationship with Matt Damon. At the beginning of the video Affleck grabs Kimmel’s nipples and tells Kimmel that his “wits” are bigger than those of girlfriend Silverman.

So, apparently, you can, indeed, say the t-word on national broadcast television. Lovely. Yes–I know, I know–it was after Midnight Eastern Time, so it’s within the “safe harbors” of 11pm to 6am. But still, is it really a good thing for America that celebs and others are beginning to say the C- and T-words on national television, without any edit button.
Well, at least they have a hooker’s whole anatomy covered. Classy bunch. More proof that ballgowns and $200 haircuts don’t equal class. In fact, more of the opposite.
Tags: ABC, America, Ben Affleck, Ben Affleck Outdoes Hanoi Jane, Class Act, David Lunde, Debbie Schlussel Add, Hizballah, Jane Fonda, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Kimmel Live, Matt Damon, Oscar, Sarah Silverman, USD, Wits
When in the last 40 years has Hollywood been accused of being classy?
I have a hard time agreeing that Affleck has outdone some trash from the sixty’s that is still trying to be relevant now that she is past her sixty’s. Tits does not equate C#nt. Think to a time when someone told you that you have nice tits and when someone told you that you’re a c#nt. I’ll wager that the reactions were different.
The bottom line is that there is no room for either word on public airwaves.
West Dearbornistan on February 25, 2008 at 10:25 am