August 14, 2007, - 3:05 pm

Who is Hussein Dabaja?: Hezbollah Billboard Backer Engaged in Car-Buying Fraud; Sending Cash to Hezbollah?

Yesterday, I told you about , who disclosed to both The Windsor Star and The National Post of Canada that it was he who came up with the idea and helped pay for the Hezbollah billboard that went up in Windsor, Canada, Friday. I also told you about how the Dabaja family is a prominent Hezbollah family from Bint Jbeil, Lebanon.
Now, Free Pioneer points out that a man named Hussein Dabaja has been engaged in Used Car Fraud and there are warnings out telling people not to sell him cars. He apparently writes checks for cars, and they are returned NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds), once they are deposited (and after he’s taken off with the car).
Here are the official warning notices about not doing biz with Dabaja (click on the images to read the entire documents):

(Thanks to David Lunde for Technical Assistance w/This Image)

(Thanks to David Lunde for Technical Assistance w/This Image)

Terrorist financiers and money-launderers have long engaged in the used car business and in similar fraud to that by Dabaja. That’s how Hezbollah has gotten a lot of its North American-based financing. Is the cash from this funding Hezbollah overseas? Did it fund the billboard in downtown Windsor?

Hezbollah’s Hussein Dabaja of Windsor & His Lovely Hezbo-Chick Comrades

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One Response

I’ve just stubled upon this site, could I just borrow the technical
data from the site or do I need some kind of permission?. I am doing a school project.


OliviaKI on September 21, 2010 at 9:02 pm

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