February 5, 2008, - 3:02 pm

Videos of the Day: Killing Terrorists–This is How It’s Done; Smelly Palestinians Celebrate Yesterday’s Homicide Bombing in Israel; My Analysis

By Debbie Schlussel
Here is the link to the Israeli news report showing the heroic Israeli Police Superintendent Kobi Mor, shooting to death the second homicide bomber as he tries to detonate himself, yesterday, at the homicide bombing in Dimona, Israel. I can’t post the video here, b/c the embedding code is disabled. But click over. That’s how it’s done. Kill ’em dead before they kill more of you. No mercy.
Then, there is this video, which is even more important. Remember the ugly Palestinian (redundant adjectives) woman who handed out candy on 9/11 to the rest of her celebrating countrymen as they cheered on the murder of 3,000 Americans by Muslims? This one is reminiscent. Taken yesterday, this video shows the Palestinians celebrating, passing out candy and flowers on the streets of the Palestinian Authority. “Religion of Peace”–celebrating the murder of at least two people and the serious maiming of countless others? Take note of the comments by various Palis on how they can’t wait to take over all of Israel:

They talk about the “extermination” of the Jews. Sound familiar? Yup, Hitler talk from the New Nazis. All hail these citizens of Greater Barbaria, with whom President Bush insists Israel make “peace” and entrust with land giveaways parceled out from its ever shrinking borders.
And finally, there is this video from eye-witnesses who were at yesterday’s homicide bombing attack. They saw “legs, a head of a young boy . . . intestines falling out.” Yup, that’s yer “Religion of Peace.”

A few comments:
Most press outlets–including the Wall Street Journal, TWICE today–are claiming this is the first homicide bombing in Israel, this year. That’s bunk. There have been several homicide bombings and regardless of that, many terrorist attacks by Islamic terrorists on Jews in Israel, on an almost-hourly basis in Israel, since the beginning of the year, and every day before that. You just don’t hear about it, b/c it isn’t reported in the Western media. The only “first” that yesterday’s homicide bombing in Dimona constitutes is the first homicide bombing in Dimona this year. Not the first inside Israel. And that is the important distinction here.
Also, it’s important to note that this latest homicide bombing was committed by homicide bombers from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)–FBI/ICE buddy Imad Hamad‘s group–and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade. Both are groups allied with and controlled by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas–you know, the dude, President Bush told us in the State of the Union, is committed to peace and against terrorism. Uh-huh. Also, as I wrote last year, reports in Israeli newspaper HaZofe say that Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade is now controlled by Hezbollah in Israel. But PFLP is pure Fatah–Prez Abbas’ group.
The pics in most newspapers, like today’s Detroit Newsistan, show the weepy ugly mommy of suicide bomber Mousa Arafat. But a picture speaks louder than headlines. Most people don’t read the stories. All they see is what I see in today’s Detroit Newsistan coverage, a crying Palestinian woman holding pics of her son and the word “Israel.” You get the point. Yet, when Israel bombs terrorist leaders, we again see photos of wailing Pali mothers. There is never any fair treatment in the photo editing of these papers. It’s pure propaganda.
Finally, it’s known that thse homicide bombers are from Gaza and came to Israel by sneaking through impotent Egypt’s porous border, 35 miles from Dimona. Thanks, Ariel Sharon, your giving them Gaza really achieved peace . . . pieces of bodies.
Religion of Pieces.

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12 Responses

If it weren’t for the internet, we conservatives would have no news or opinion to relate to. I haven’t paid for a news paper in 5 yrs.

samurai on February 5, 2008 at 3:42 pm

Yeah I guess we should feel a need to help these palestinians. Help them meet up with all the virgins they seek in the afterlife.

samurai on February 5, 2008 at 3:49 pm

The Islamist Neo-Nazis are on the march all over the world. Why can’t we make people in this country more aware of that? Americans need to wake up and smell the Jihad before the sword of Islam is at their throats.

FreethinkerNY on February 5, 2008 at 4:38 pm

Despite the genocidal hatred felt collectively by these Arab/Moslem animals and their continuous firing of rockets into Israel, the Israeli government continues to provide Gaza with fuel, water, and electricity. This enables these beasts to continue to wage jihad against the Israeli citizenry. Israel, in order to survive, must destroy the means by which the Paleostinians attack them – without electricity, food, medical supplies, water, and gasoline, the Gaza monsters will be severely weakened; along with this, Israel should not hesitate to bomb and strafe wider and wider swaths within this Manhattan-sized pesthole, demanding unconditional surrender from Hamas and all other jihad-waging paramilitary groups within Gaza before the bombing and the embargo on essential supplies cease. Afterward – or even during – this campaign, Israel should be making plans to expel all of Gaza’s population so that Israelis are no longer threatened and besieged by a permanently hostile population. Let those in Gaza move to Jordan, to Egypt, to Libya, to Algeria, to the Uzbek, to Afghanistan…anywhere within the Outhouse of Islam. But not – certainly not – to anywhere in the West.

commonsense on February 5, 2008 at 5:13 pm

So how do we deal with them? Killing them all isn’t a viable option and neither is laying down our guns. What do we do?

Derek Kreindler on February 5, 2008 at 5:17 pm

The only woman murdered was 73 year old Lyobov Razdolskya – an immigrant from the former Soviet Union. She happened to be in the wrong place and the wrong time. Even that seems wrong… a Jew shouldn’t have to die walking on the streets of the Jewish homeland. The kind of evil Israel faces is one that wants Jews dead… beginning with a grandmother in Dimona, zichrona livracha.

NormanF on February 5, 2008 at 6:14 pm

Muslims Against Sharia condemn the murderers responsible for the homicide bombing in Dimona as well as degenerate perpetuation of the culture of death in Gaza.
Our prayers are with the victims of this atrocity. We send our condolences to their loved ones.
May the homicide bomber rot in hell for eternity. May his accomplices and animals who celebrated this horrendous act join him soon!

Muslims Against Sharia on February 5, 2008 at 7:45 pm

Dear Debbie;
I’m going to stop calling these Arabs animals. Because even animals don’t kill just for the fun of it.
It’s like every time a Jew is murdered in cold blood, these evil, savage bastards jump around like it’s Christmas morning, and Santa Claus has just brought them the greatest present ever.
These sons, and daughters of bitches must be destroyed.
If you could ask the Devil himself, what he thinks of all this killing he’d say, “hell; even I ain’t that bad.”

EJO on February 5, 2008 at 9:50 pm

This is the first successful bombing in Israel since last year when 3 people were murdered in Eilat. I don’t know why you say suicide bombings happen every day in Israel. Israel has a free press and things like murder by terror bombings are reported when they occur. However suicide/homicide bombings are prevented every day in Israel thanks to the much derided security fence and the active counter terror measures the IDF/Shin Bet undertake every night in the West Bank. If there were another Prime Minister in Israel instead of the pathetic Ehud Olmert I am sure Israel could stop the Kassem rockets as well.

Ripper on February 5, 2008 at 10:21 pm

You promised an analysis in your headline, but I see no analysis.
“Wall Street Journal, TWICE today–are claiming this is the first homicide bombing in Israel, this year. That’s bunk.”
You say there had been several bombings before that but you give no details to refute this statement. You don’t even analyze why Western media don’t report it.
“…this latest homicide bombing was committed by homicide bombers from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)–FBI/ICE buddy Imad Hamad’s group–and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade. Both are groups allied with and controlled by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas–you know, the dude, President Bush told us in the State of the Union, is committed to peace and against terrorism. Uh-huh. Also, as I wrote last year, reports in Israeli newspaper HaZofe say that Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade is now controlled by Hezbollah in Israel. But PFLP is pure Fatah–Prez Abbas’ group.
Are these just your opinion or analysis? How does this enlighten me on the motives behind the bombings (other than for fun as one poster said). Hezbollah and Fatah (Abbas)controlling Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade? If you were giving me analysis you would give me evidence of Abbas’ duplicity. Where’s the context in your “analysis”? Sarcasm is not analysis.
“…today’s Detroit Newsistan, show the weepy ugly mommy of suicide bomber Mousa Arafat. But a picture speaks louder than headlines. Most people don’t read the stories. All they see is what I see in today’s Detroit Newsistan coverage, a crying Palestinian woman holding pics of her son and the word ‘Israel.’ ”
“Show the weepy ugly mommy?” This is your analysis? Insulting your readers by saying they don’t read the stories. That’s analysis?
This isn’t analysis and barely qualifies as commentary. It’s a coffee klatch rant that offers little in the way of context and an understanding of how and why these terrible things happen. Rants are a good thing, but don’t try to fool your readers that you are offering anything profound in an “analysis.”
Only poster commonsense had the decency to ask the right question: “So how do we deal with them? Killing them all isn’t a viable option and neither is laying down our guns. What do we do?”
Well, I’m still waiting for you to enlighten me on that one.
Rob Wagner

13 Martyrs on February 6, 2008 at 1:27 pm

Rob Wagner,
I am going to enlighten you how to solve this problem as long you are able to change the system that your mind is stuck to.
You infiltrate these terror groups, you collect information about their activities and you finish them off before they commit terror acts.
Volunteers wanted. Are you interested?

Daniel on February 6, 2008 at 7:22 pm

Rob Wagner,
By the way I have to say that you must be high on something every time you hardly try to read Debbie’s blog and hardly try to analyze. Why?
It was Derek Kreindler who posted this comment, “So how do we deal with them? Killing them all isn’t a viable option and neither is laying down our guns. What do we do”? Not poster commonsence.
Rob, commonsence is something you lack and your “13 virgins.”
Rob, use the start of the second link as a logo for your blog, may be you will have more supporters from IslamNazia.

Daniel on February 7, 2008 at 1:39 am

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