February 1, 2008, - 1:04 pm
More Pearls of Wisdom From “The View’s” “Conservative”
By Debbie Schlussel
Today, on ABC’s hag yenta-fest, “The View,” pseudo-“conservative” Elisabeth Hasselbeck said:
I admire her [Hillary] for staying and keeping her family together, not breaking up her family.
Um, is there really anyone who believes that tripe? Is there anyone who really believes that Hillary stayed with the serial-adulterer Slick Willie to keep her family together and not to advance her political career and agenda?
I have some land in Riyadh to sell Ms. Hasselbeck.
Yup, this is what ABC serves up to mindless women as their version of a “conservative.” Airhead extraordinaire.

Tags: ABC, Debbie Schlussel, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Elisabeth Now Taking, Riyadh, The View
Maybe Ms. Hasselbeck is thinking about making a career move & has reached conclusions where the best opportunities are. She wouldn’t be alone; how many of the ‘conservative’ pundits have real principles?
c f on February 1, 2008 at 1:41 pm