February 23, 2011, - 3:40 pm
“Don’t Try to Blow Sunshine Up My Butt”: Allen West for President! – KICKS CAIR Network’s Ass
Over the last couple of days, many readers and friends sent me this video, which is a MUST WATCH. The person questioning (and getting a “shellacking” from) U.S. veteran and Florida Congressman Allen West is from the HAMAS financier, CAIR Action Network. I’ve seen no Republican–running for President or not–who approaches West’s courage, guts, wisdom, intelligence, wit, and service to the country. He gets it. I’d vote for him for Prez in a heartbeat. One other thing: the Koran not only says plenty about killing “infidels,” as West points out, but also the Hadith (considered the word of Mohammed and as binding as the Koran). And that’s not to mention the many sermons, textbooks, etc.
Watch the video . . .
Reader Ari:
I met Alan West when he gave a sermon at Chabad [DS: synagogue] of Boynton Beach last year. This video is awesome.
One observation: no matter how American the accent, you can always tell those CAIR fanatics by the way they pronounce “Islam” to rhyme with “‘Slam” (as in “let’s slam the airplane into the building.”)
Right on, brother.
Tags: Allen West, CAIR, CAIR Action Network, candidate for President, Congressman Allen West, Islam, military veteran, video
i love this guy.
howardroark43 on February 24, 2011 at 2:37 pm