January 23, 2008, - 11:32 am

Hey, Basketball Schlub: Shut Up & Coach!

By Debbie Schlussel
I hate when mindless celebs get involved in politics. That includes left-wing celebs (redundant) and the scant few “conservative” celebs (read my column on Ted Nugent). It includes Hollywood celebs and sports celebs. And it especially includes celebrated, calorically-gifted college basketball coaches.
Yes, I’m talking about new Hillary and Pro-Choice schlubby spokesmodel, Rick Majerus, head basketball coach at St. Louis University.. Reader Lawrence aptly calls him “the heralded
Clintonian Sage of the Hardwood”:

Rick Majerus, one of the game’s winningest coaches, made the comment at a weekend rally for the Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. . . .
In an interview with KMOV-TV at Saturday’s Clinton rally in suburban St. Louis, Majerus identified himself as a Catholic and called himself pro-choice. The St. Louis University spokesman Clayton Berry said Majerus was at the rally as an individual, not as a representative of the college.


New Hillary & Pro-Choice Spokes-Schlub Rick Majerus

Kudos to St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke for asking Majerus’ Cathoic employer–St. Louis University is a Jesuit school–to discipline him:

“I’m concerned that a leader at a Catholic university made these comments,” Burke said by telephone as he attended March for Life anti-abortion events in Washington. “It can lead Catholics astray. I just believe that it’s of the essence for people to understand as a Catholic you just cannot hold these beliefs.”

Not sure how success at coaching college hoops translates into either sage Presidential endorsements or profound views on killing babies.
Hey, Coach Majerus: SHUT UP and coach.

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4 Responses

Rick Majerus?! Are you kidding me?! That fat, bald, loser?! He’s never won anything. “Winningest Coach”?? Say what?! ZERO TITLES at Utah. SHUT UP!

Yiddish Steel on January 23, 2008 at 12:04 pm

This must be one of our Catholic brothers that show up for mass on Christmas and Easter. He obviously does not have a clue what a Catholic believes in. Almost every Sunday something is spoken about pray for the unborn children. If Iím not mistaken itís up to about 50 million murdered babies in our country now. Disgusting.

miked on January 23, 2008 at 4:38 pm

How about SHUT UP, LOOSE WEIGHT and coach?

lexi on January 23, 2008 at 6:04 pm

The St. Louis (city) newspaper already has a comment from one of the St. Louis (university) board members, saying they probably won’t do anything.

DocLiberty on January 23, 2008 at 8:18 pm

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