December 21, 2007, - 11:57 am

Eid Al-Adha Greetings E-Mail of the Day

By Debbie Schlussel
This is one of the more interesting e-mails I’ve gotten recently. This one is about Eid Al-Adha, the Muslim Festival of Sacrifice, which marks the end of the hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. It was celebrated this week (and several lambs about to be sacrificed, found running wild in Muslim-dominated Hamtramck were rounded up by the State of Michigan)
I’ve removed the person’s full name and e-mail address because, after all, the “Religion of Peace” has a history of beheadings, dismemberments, honor killings, etc., etc., etc., ad absurdum:

Hello Debbie. I have been a dedicated reader of your website for a while now. I am dismayed that you do not offer holiday greetings to your Muslim readers. It is ‘Eid al-Adha.’ You owe it to your fans (yes, you have Muslim/Arab fans).

Thanks for your readership . . . I think. Happy Eid Al-Adha to all peaceful Muslims. All ten of you.
Debbie Schlussel

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8 Responses

Ha! All ten of you. Good one, Deb. Happy Eid al-Adha-ha-ha.

Yiddish Steel on December 21, 2007 at 1:12 pm

How exactly do you square being an admirer of Debbie w/ being a follower of Islam? If you genuinely appreciate her, surely you must appreciate that Islam is evil, and should be forsaken? Or are you in it simply because you fear an honor killing were you to apostatize? If not, why not join the ranks of Ali Sina, Wafa Sultan, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, et al – albeit with a low profile?
Check out Ali Sina’s and, and find out more about your religion. Then pick a better one – they all are.
And once you do, a happy _______ [fill in the religious festival of your choice] to you.

Infidel Pride on December 21, 2007 at 1:30 pm

. I think
stop right there debbie 🙂
oh well its ten more than the zionists 🙁
“How exactly do you square being an admirer of Debbie w/ being a follower of Islam?”
other than having a “blonde” moment like our debbie regularly does…………its scary.
the sarcasm from Ali lost on these schmucks!!!

skouti on December 21, 2007 at 3:10 pm

“…several lambs about to be sacrificed, found running wild in Muslim-dominated Hamtramck were rounded up by the State of Michigan…” WTF????

dm60462 on December 21, 2007 at 3:48 pm

Debbie, I love the response! 🙂

cinerx on December 21, 2007 at 4:05 pm

Debbie, it’s your blog, but personally I wouldn’t encourage followers of Islam with seasons greetings, as it does imply a certain respect.

Anonymous1 on December 22, 2007 at 12:08 am

Somebody must think Muslims read Debbie….the ad for “” appears right alongside this post on my screen….just in case I was looking for a Islamic bride I suppose.
Is that some cute blog invasion or just spontaneous Google generated crap?

Zoyadog on December 23, 2007 at 1:24 pm

Ah…to answer my own questions somewhat….NOW, after posting, I see the ad header is “Ads by Goggle” with a list of “Muslim Dating Site,” “Muslim girl Magazine,” “Muslim woemn Dating,” “Ramadan,” and “Dating Sexy Arab Girls.”
I presume Google keys on words used in articles or comments, to prompt ad inserts, so henceforth I shall not use “Muslim” or “Islam,” but “Towelheaded Assholes.”
That’ll bring up all my Irish cousins or something, from the word “asshole” ya know.

Zoyadog on December 23, 2007 at 1:32 pm

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