December 11, 2007, - 12:36 pm

Religion of Laundering Money Orders Through Travel Agencies To Terrorists in Yemen; UPDATE: Travel Agency Named, Under Investigation for Terrorism, But NOT Indicted- WHY?; Money Went to Palestinian Terrorists

By Debbie Schlussel
So, where are the Muslims all over Detroit, where’s CAIR, and where’s the ADC condemning this guy? Of course, they don’t condemn him. They support him and are sorry he got caught. Oh, and interesting that he comes from Sami Al-Arian’s hometown of Tampa. By the way, love how Hezbo-protector U.S. Attorney (and Bush Federal Appeals Court nominee) Stephen Murphy III a/k/a Abu Porno won’t tell us the name of the Deabornistan travel agency that partnered in this. I’ve already written about several Muslim-owned travel agencies in Dearborn that have been used as tools of fraud and terrorism money-laundering, etc.
Convicting one guy is a tiny, meaningless thing, when the travel agency was apparently a major player. Why else would a guy from Tampa use a travel agency from Dearbornistan?:


U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy a/k/a “Abu Porno”:

Slaps Wrist of Islamic Money-Launderer to Terrorists

A Florida resident pleaded guilty Monday to evading currency reporting requirements by using a series of money orders to attempt to move $53,000 to Yemen through a Dearborn travel agency. Hasan Qasem, 43, of Tampa was charged in November with buying more than 30 money orders to move the money, avoiding a requirement that reports be created for money orders larger than $3,000. Qasem awaits sentencing by U.S. District Judge Marianne O. Battani for conspiring to violate the Travel Act, [Hezbollah apologist] U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy [“Abu Porno”] said. The Dearborn travel agency was not identified in court records.

“You’re either on our side or the terrorists’ side,” right? On whose side is the travel agency? On whose side is the U.S. Attorney that shields its name from public scrutiny? I will find out the name. You can bet that the agency is probably under scrutiny for terrorist activity and money-laundering and that’s how this guy got caught. Or a guy in the travel agency “flipped him,” so that he could avoid charges on something likely far more serious. But don’t worry. Nothing will happen to this travel agency.
Whenever the money’s going to Yemen–especially $50K, it’s going to terrorists. Yet, this lazy, pan-Islamist U.S. Attorney who panders to Islamists prosecuted this guy under some tiny travel act. He will likely do no jail-time, when he could have also been indicted under the Patriot Act, other money-laundering statutes, etc. But Abu Porno chose to slap him on the wrist. This way, Murphy lets the jihadist off with a shoulder-pat and he gets headlines for “prosecuting” terrorists. That’s the ticket.
**** UPDATE: Well, now I know the name of the Dearbornistan travel agency, Arabian Horizon Travel and Tourism. And it’s official that this is a terrorism case. Normally, such money laundering cases would be the domain of ICE and possibly the Secret Service. But, since the FBI was THE agency on this case–and it takes over all cases involving terrorism–this is certainly a terrorism case. And the FBI was not only investigating Qasem, but also the travel agency. The case originated out of FBI Detroit, which has domain over Dearbornistan.
And apparently, Mr. Qasem was transferring tens of thousands of dollars to Palestinian terrorists through Kuwait and Luxembourg.
And all they give this guy is a slap on the hand for violating the Travel Act?!!!:

FLORIDA, Feb. 22 – Sligh Avenue convenience store owner, Hasan Qasem was arrested Wednesday after being accused of illegally sending $53,000 to people in Yemen via Dearborn, Mich., travel agency, Arabian Horizon Travel and Tourism.
U.S. authorities also accused Qasem of illegally transferring $83,500 to the West Bank in Palestine and to Luxembourg. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigated Qasem’s store on the accusations because he sent money overseas in a manner considered to avoid government scrutiny.
According to the federal complaint, Qasem split his transactions into amounts less than $10,000 to avoid the threshold whereby financial institutions must report it to the Internal Revenue Service. The FBI said Qasem transmitted cash this way to people in Yemen, the West Bank and Luxembourg.
It said Qasem provided $53,000 to Arabian Travel from March to June 2004. The agency is the exclusive North American ticketing agent for Yemenia Airways, a Yemeni government-owned airline.
The affidavit listed nine wire transfers from 2002 to 2004 to Nablus in the West Bank and to Luxembourg, each for $8,500 or $9,500.
The affidavit gave several examples of what the FBI said were efforts to avoid the $10,000 reporting requirement. For example, the affidavit said Qasem bought two checks from SunTrust Bank on March 19, 2004. The checks, purchased four minutes apart, were for $5,373 and $4,670 for a total of $10,043, bringing the total to $19,000 for allowance to Yemen.
Qasem’s wife Mary said she did not know about the charges and does not know anyone in Yemen, stating that she and her husband, who originally is from Palestine, have nothing to hide. . . .
Qasem is a U.S. citizen of Palestinian descent. . . . Although Qasem was represented by a federal public defender, Jenkins said he must hire a lawyer, as he has the financial resources to do so.

So the question remains: Why wasn’t the travel agency and its officials indicted? And why is the agency’s name being shielded by the feds in court documents?
I looked up the company’s corporate registration in Michigan, and it’s very interesting. It is listed as both a Michigan corporation, with Mohmood Ali Al-Gahaem as its registered agent (and probably owner), and a Yemeni corporation, with Mohamed Iyad Al-Ayoubi listed as its registered agent.
So, why haven’t these men been charged with using their travel agency to launder thousands of dollars to Palestinian terrorists? Why haven’t they been indicted for violating the Patriot Act?
Why? Why? Why?
Well, the answer, once again, is that we have a U.S. Attorney here in Detroit, Stephen Murphy, who is soft on jihadists. So long as he gets headlines for doing nothing, he’ll continue to sup with terrorist supporters and praise Hezbollah as he has in the recent past.

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One Response

Doesn’t this “BOZO” answer to anybody. This is like a broken record playing over and over and over. What in the hell good is law enforcement if they won’t do anything. It’s all phony crap Debbie. It must really drive you nuts. It seems nothing is what it is supposed to be any more. A world of self serving idots and no one cares.

JoeBoy on December 11, 2007 at 1:18 pm

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