January 13, 2011, - 9:21 am
HILARIOUS Video: Why Actor Boobs Should NEVER Be Governor
Despite many conservatives who gushed profusely over him when he first explored running for California Governor, I never supporter Arnold Schwarzenegger and knew he’d stink as “Caulifornia’s” CEO. And, of course, a lib Republican like him brought the state an even more horrible liberal governor like Jerry Moonbeam Brown. But, after he exited office, Schwarzenegger reminded us once again why he should never have been governor. This is pretty funny. Buh-bye, RINO dude. Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out. Actors and celebrities should never be governor (Ronald Reagan is the exception to the rule). Especially this actor.
(Arnold Drawing from My Wacky Packs Collection)
Tags: Arnold Schwarzenegger, boobs, California, Fake Republicans, Governator, Governor, HILARIOUS, RINOs, Total Recall, video
Yup… Reagan is the exception to the rule. In general celebrities and actors are uninformed about politics and generally gravitate to the Left. Their cinema popularity or lack of it rarely makes them thoughtful spokesmen for the issues of the day.
Its a good reminder of why the GOP should never have pushed him to run for Governor of California in the first place.
NormanF on January 13, 2011 at 12:38 pm