November 20, 2007, - 4:40 pm

Hmmm: If Only the Dutch . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . Fought as hard for the life of Anne Frank (and the other Jews they let the Nazis take to slaughter) as they fight for the life of her . . . tree?!
Yup, the Dutch have their priorities straight. Go green, baby!
She was murdered by the Nazis in Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp (in Germany), the last camp in which my grandparents were imprisoned and worked (and where my mother was born after the war). My grandfather told me he remembered her, beyond emaciated and dying.
Remember – In the Netherlands: Trees, direly important. Jews, not so much.


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44 Responses

The Dutch were a conquered people occupied by foreign invaders (the Nazis). I think the suggestion that the Dutch just “let” the Jews get taken off to concentration camps is a little dishonest.

JasonBourne81 on November 20, 2007 at 4:56 pm

The Dutch were a conquered people, because they didn’t see the writing on the wall. They felt that if they stayed out of it, Hitler would leave them along. Sometimes you have to stand up to the bully. They didn’t and the Jews suffered. It is amazing what preventative measures can do for you.

Ford Jones on November 20, 2007 at 5:17 pm

The Dutch are now being slowly conquered by mass islamic immigration. That tree won’t be a concern in the coming Eurabia.

Gary on November 20, 2007 at 5:33 pm

The handwriting is on the wall once again.
It seems that once again there are not very many people interested in seeing and acting on what that handwriting says.

Aye Chihuahua on November 20, 2007 at 7:04 pm

That’s the Dutch for you. They don’t realize it but they’re done for.

lexi on November 20, 2007 at 7:21 pm

Hey Deb, you never posted part 2 of Meathead Dr. Phil and the crazy teen who went to the middle east

tita2juju on November 20, 2007 at 8:16 pm

All the Whites are done for. We’re having genocide committed against us, mainly by other Whites. Everywhere you look they promote white girls having black babies (never Chinese girls having Mexican babies, ha). Who doesn’t want babies their own race?? The Whites are sick, and all the jealous non-Whites are ecstatic to assist in our extinction, around the world.
Btw, what is the big deal about the Jews? I mean, I’m the biggest hater I know, and I like the Jews. What did you guys do to piss everybody off? I never noticed anything different about the Jews.

steve ventry on November 20, 2007 at 8:24 pm

I beg to differ but not all whites are done for. I’m not about to submit to islam anytime soon nor are most sane people who care about this country are going to idly sit with their backs turned and watch America merge into a sub-continent of Mexico.Unfortunately, same cannot be said about most of our leaders who have a view of America as part of the new world order.Europe on the other hand,let alone Holland has been engulfed by the fire of radical islam thats ensnaring everything that crosses its path. Holland and Europe better start turning the water hose on the wave of middle easturd invaders before the continent becomes reduced to ashes.Most people are very patriotic of the country they live in by in large. They don’t want to see their nation disappear but like us, they have leaders who are selling them out. I’m sure most europeans would agree with me.Just ask any frenchman or durchman if he would commit suicide for a foreigner……or a tree.

Jew Chick on November 20, 2007 at 9:15 pm

Back in 1970, I was in Amsterdam and visited the Anne Frank House. At the end of the tour, there was a visitor center where comments could be written. I read many of the comments, and found many of them utterly appalling, indicative of a complete lack of understanding of what this child and her family were enduring under the Nazis. Such comments as “What a great kid,” “An inspiration to us all,” (in effect, “This girl rocked”) sugggested that many of the visitors cluelessly viewed this helpless, doomed girl as a sort of trouper, or someone who would win one for the Gipper. Even then, they didn’t get it.

commonsense on November 21, 2007 at 12:31 am

New guy here from England so not far from the Netherlands. The Dutch are or were the most liberal country in Europe if not the world, soldiers allowed to wear their hair long springs to mind. Can you imagine a US Marine or a Royal Marine walking around with a pony tail! Anyway my point is that their chickens are coming home to roost, they will probably be the first country to collapse under islam, then the rest of Europe will suffer. They were conquered by the third reich so had no option other than be killed themselves by handing over anybody that they were told to, and that wasn’t always a Jewish person. I also would like to know what the Jews have done to deserve the treatment they have reaped throughout the centuries, they have not tried to convert anybody, they have not attacked anybody except for self defence. Personally am an agnostic so have no axe to grind, but look at what the christians have done in the name of religion and what islam is doing now. If I were an American I would be rooting for Ron Paul, get your country out of it before it’s too late. Defend your borders and bring your troops home to build a strong defense. What if you had another Pearl Harbour, not from the Japanese but let’s say N.Korea, where are your troops, bloody miles away, fighting for what?
Jew chick, you are right. The USA is already split into regions, building up for the great day when the whole of the American continent will be one, from Alaska to Argentina, what a thought. Sorry to ramble on but there are like minded people both sides of the “pond”. Talking about “New World Order”, that’s exactly what is on the back of a $1 bill in Latin under the sign of the Freemasons.

anglicus on November 21, 2007 at 12:32 am

…..not all dutch people are brainwashed. I know a wonderful person who lives there and she wouldn’t stand for her country being taken over by the radical islamists.

Squirrel3D on November 21, 2007 at 2:55 am

In WWII, the Dutch were not the Danes.
Almost every Jewish Dutch family I know who escaped Holland tells of the high amounts of collaboration with the Nazis to seek out and destroy Holland’s Jews. Some 75% of Holland’s Jews were killed by the Nazis in WWII.
After the war, Holland’s government did everything they could to exonerate Dutch collaborators. When they couldn’t, they gave them ridiculously light sentences compared to the crimes they committed. Holland didn’t do much to actual German Nazis that they caught and tried, either.
תהי זיכרה ברוך. לא אשכח ולא אסלח.

Shy Guy on November 21, 2007 at 2:59 am

Because somebody said the Dutch were ‘done for’, and I made the point that we’re all done for. Speaking of which, your wonderful city of Detroit is the MURDER CAPITAL again…Gee, I wonder why???
I can’t figure it out! Man, I’m wracking my brain, but I just can’t figure out what the root cause of Detroit being the MURDER CAPITAL again, would be! It’s a COMPLETE MYSTERY, SINCE WE’RE ALL THE SAME.

steve ventry on November 21, 2007 at 3:01 am

Here we go again, another staggeringly ill-informed thread about the Netherlands. I donít know what it is about the Netherlands that you far-right types hate so much, but your capacity to spill bile and lies over this country of mine remains breath-taking.
Letís take your lies and demolish them one-by-one shall we?
ìThe Dutch were a conquered people, because they didn’t see the writing on the wall. They felt that if they stayed out of it, Hitler would leave them along. Sometimes you have to stand up to the bully. They didn’t and the Jews suffered. It is amazing what preventative measures can do for you.î
Total nonsense. The Netherlands is, was and remains a tiny country with a small army. To suggest that they would in any way be able to repulse the entire might of the Wehrmacht (which youíll remember not even Britain, France or the Soviets could do at that time) is too stupid for words.
ìThe Dutch are now being slowly conquered by mass Islamic immigration. That tree won’t be a concern in the coming Eurabia.î
Another lie, Gary. The Islamic population in the Netherlands stands at 4%; here in Amsterdam it is 7%. There is now very little immigration from Islamic countries and the birth rate amongst Islamic women here is falling back towards European norms.
ìThat’s the Dutch for you. They don’t realize it but they’re done for.î
Itís you yanks whoís economy is going down the tubes, not ours. Given that the dollar is currently a Mickey-mouse currency no longer worth the paper itís printed on, youíve got a lot of nerve telling us that we have no future. The Chinese own you. Once they decide to off-load their dollars for a proper currency like the Euro, you guys are history.
“All the Whites are done for. We’re having genocide committed against us, mainly by other Whites.”
Ventry, if your views truly were representative of the white race, then they would fully deserve their genocide. Fortunately, they are not.
îJust ask any Frenchman or durchman if he would commit suicide for a foreigner……or a tree.î
Well Jew Chick I donít know any ëdurchmení so I wouldnít know.
ìBack in 1970, I was in Amsterdam and visited the Anne Frank House. At the end of the tour, there was a visitor center where comments could be written. I read many of the comments, and found many of them utterly appalling, indicative of a complete lack of understanding of what this child and her family were enduring under the Nazis. Such comments as “What a great kid,” “An inspiration to us all,” (in effect, “This girl rocked”) sugggested that many of the visitors cluelessly viewed this helpless, doomed girl as a sort of trouper, or someone who would win one for the Gipper. Even then, they didn’t get it.î
Well ‘commonsense’ thereís a hole in your logic here, if you indeed were able to read the comments (37 years ago!) that were written in the book, that means they were written in English by English-speaking tourists and thus not by Dutch people.
ìThe Dutch are or were the most liberal country in Europe if not the worldÖî
Nonsense. The Netherlands is sadly a deeply conservative Christian nation. The founder of apartheid Hendrik Verwoerd was a Dutchman and not an Afrikaaner ñ this is not a coincidence. Amsterdam the exception which is why all the otehr Dutch hate us. Amsterdam is of course (Iím proud to say) very left wing; we have had a Socialist administration here since 1910 (with the exception of the period between 1940 and 1944, obviously). But you shouldnít confuse us good Amsterdam Socialists with the right-wing scum out in Palookadorp.
ì..Soldiers allowed to wear their hair long springs to mind.î
Another lie. During the period when we had military service, the kids who were in service were allowed to keep their hair long. Regular armed forces personnel were not. Now that we no longer have military service that is even more irrelevant.
ìCan you imagine a US Marine or a Royal Marine walking around with a pony tail!í
Here Anglicus you display a breath-taking ignorance of a subject that you are happy to spout lies about. The British and Dutch Royal Marines ARE UNDER ONE UNIFIED COMMAND. Itís one and the same organization you clueless twit.
ìAnyway my point is that their chickens are coming home to roost, they will probably be the first country to collapse under Islam, then the rest of Europe will suffer.î
Yeah riiiiight. The 4% of Muslims are going to take over the country. Sure anglicus.
ìTalking about “New World Order”, that’s exactly what is on the back of a $1 bill in Latin under the sign of the Freemasons.î
In other news, Britain has been taken over by shape-shifting lizards.
ìIn WWII, the Dutch were not the Danes.î
Very good. You must have studied geography at some point. Hoorah for the American education system!
ìAlmost every Jewish Dutch family I know who escaped Holland tells of the high amounts of collaboration with the Nazis to seek out and destroy Holland’s Jews. Some 75% of Holland’s Jews were killed by the Nazis in WWII.î
The Dutch resistance to the German resistance is a mixed picture. There was some effective organized resistance primarily from the Communists and former trade unionists who were the best organized. There were also collaborationists, represented (ironically) by Dutch people whose political views were not dissimilar to those who contribute to this blog. Most people did neither, just getting on with their lives best they could.
ìAfter the war, Holland’s government did everything they could to exonerate Dutch collaborators.î
This is just not true. Many people were executed as traitors (including the ëJodenjachtersí) or received long prison sentences. Though, could more have been done? Undoubtedly, yes.
ìWhen they couldn’t, they gave them ridiculously light sentences compared to the crimes they committed. Holland didn’t do much to actual German Nazis that they caught and tried, either.î
Again this is untrue. Though of course, that depends on what you consider ìridiculously lightî. Typically a convicted murderer here will receive a prison sentence of between 6 and 8 years. In Americaís insane justice system people get more than that for dropping litter or crossing a red light.
“Een volk dat voor tirannen zwicht, zal meer dan lijf en goed verliezen, dan dooft het licht. ”
Hendrik van Randwick

No Pasaran! on November 21, 2007 at 6:10 am

Hendrik, from “Encyclopedia of the Holocaust”:
Trials of Germans and Dutch Collaborators.
The resistance organizations and the Dutch government – in – exile had planned to conduct trials against Germans who had committed crimes in the Netherlands and against Dutch collaborators. The huge number of suspects (130,000) and the conciliatory policy adopted by the postwar Dutch government, whose primary goal was to rehabilitate the economy, soon had the effect of reducing to a fraction the number of cases that reached the courts. A total of 242 Germans were tried, of whom 203 were sentenced, including 18 sentenced to death. Only 5 were actually executed. Of the Dutch collaborators, many of whom had tortured their victims, only 4 were executed. The collaborators who were sentenced to prison, including those sentenced to life terms, were pardoned after a relatively short time and released.
Source: Wiesenthal Holocaust Learning Center, Netherlands

Shy Guy on November 21, 2007 at 7:13 am

MSTERDAM – Paul Hiltemann had already noticed a darkening mood in the Netherlands. He runs an agency for people wanting to emigrate and his client list had surged.
But he was still taken aback in November when a Dutch filmmaker was shot and his throat was slit, execution style, on an Amsterdam street.
In the weeks that followed, Mr. Hiltemann was inundated by e-mail messages and telephone calls. “There was a big panic,” he said, “a flood of people saying they wanted to leave the country.”
Leave this stable and prosperous corner of Europe? Leave this land with its generous social benefits and ample salaries, a place of fine schools, museums, sports grounds and bicycle paths, all set in a lively democracy?
The answer, increasingly, is yes. This small nation is a magnet for immigrants, but statistics suggest there is a quickening flight of the white middle class. Dutch people pulling up roots said they felt a general pessimism about their small and crowded country and about the social tensions that had grown along with the waves of newcomers, most of them Muslims.”The Dutch are living in a kind of pressure cooker atmosphere,” Mr. Hiltemann said.
There is more than the concern about the rising complications of absorbing newcomers, now one-tenth of the population, many of them from largely Muslim countries. Many Dutch also seem bewildered that their country, run for decades on a cozy, political consensus, now seems so tense and prickly and bent on confrontation. Those leaving have been mostly lured by large English-speaking nations like Australia, New Zealand and Canada, where they say they hope to feel less constricted.
In interviews, emigrants rarely cited a fear of militant Islam as their main reason for packing their bags. But the killing of the filmmaker Theo van Gogh, a fierce critic of fundamentalist Muslims, seems to have been a catalyst.
“Our Web site got 13,000 hits in the weeks after the van Gogh killing,” said Frans Buysse, who runs an agency that handles paperwork for departing Dutch. “That’s four times the normal rate.”
Mr. van Gogh’s killing is the only one the police have attributed to an Islamic militant, but since then they have reported finding death lists by local Islamic militants with the names of six prominent politicians. The effects still reverberate. In a recent opinion poll, 35 percent of the native Dutch questioned had negative views about Islam.
There are no precise figures on the numbers now leaving. But Canadian, Australian and New Zealand diplomats here said that while immigration papers were processed in their home capitals, embassy officials here had been swamped by inquiries in recent months.
Many who settle abroad may not appear in migration statistics, like the growing contingent of retirees who flock to warmer places. But official statistics show a trend. In 1999, nearly 30,000 native Dutch moved elsewhere, according to the
The article notes that “Dutch Christianity is now largely an underground phenomenon.” Interesting – back to the catacombs (but not because of persecution). Which contrasts with Islam in Holland:
“While Dutch Christianity is making the move from church buildings to living rooms, sports centers, and factory halls, Dutch Islam is moving in the opposite direction. At the Kostverlorenvaart in the Amsterdam suburb of De Baarsjes, the foundations are being laid for a new mosque, with a 110-foot-high dome and 140-foot-high minarets. “We don’t want to pray in basements and school buildings anymore. We want a proper mosque,” is how Fatih Dag explains the idea behind this project. Dag is chairman of the board of the local Aya Sofia Mosque. He says he understands local objections to the scale of the project: “Of course, if I were living in Turkey and people wanted a big new church next to my house, I might object too. But the fact is that we are here, and we’re here to stay. And we want a place to worship.” Indeed, in all major towns in Holland, building projects are under way for the construction of supersized mosques.”
The Muslim population has increased from 1% of the Dutch population in 1970 to 6% today. One point in the article I take issue with is a claim that “Islam, at least in its Dutch variant, is not a proselytizing faith.” Wow, that’s a tough one to swallow
The facts seem to disagree with you, ‘no P.’ As for the Netherlands being deeply Christian, Thanks be to God! And may that continue for Centuries to come.
Your hatred is obvious.

Gary on November 21, 2007 at 7:41 am

Europeans are great for shedding crocodile tears for DEAD Jews. Upon holding a memorial service for the victims of the Holocaust, they will conclude it after much pageantry then turn their attention to trashing and bashing Israel, the only real memorial to the Shoah.
Dead Jews were never a problem for Europeans.

There is NO Santa Claus on November 21, 2007 at 8:28 am

“The article notes that “Dutch Christianity is now largely an underground phenomenon.”
Well whoever wrote this article has either a liar or is certifiably insane. I’ll leave you to decide which. Colleagues of mine live in Volendam where (for instance) it is frowned upon to do housework on “the Lord’s day.” An ex-girlfriend of mine belonged to a church that requirer attendance 365 days a year. shops outside of central Amsterdam are forbidden to open on Sunday.
This from a supposed “underground phenomenon!!!
Give me a break. I’m not sure who is stupider, those who wrote it or those who believe it.
“The facts seem to disagree with you, ‘no P.'”
Pray silence for a moment one and all, and consider for a moment the astonishing arrogance of a man who has never been to my country, yet claims to know more about it than me!
No ‘facts’ have ben posted here that in any way dispute my point. Which is that you on the far-right are living a lie by defaming my country and inventing an hysterical crisis.
“Your hatred is obvious.”
Correct Gary, I hate you.

No Pasaran! on November 21, 2007 at 10:35 am

The problem with you people on the far-right is that you have divorced yourself from the human race. You reject any facts that does not fit your tiny little paradigm, so you reject news from legitimate news sources, relying instead on propagandists and the Fox News Network. Itís a self-reinforcing process where far-right bloggers each more deranged than their predecessor, re-cycle lie after lie which eventually become perceived as the truth by their captive audience. Joseph Goebbels would be proud.
As a consequence you live in a bizarre alternative universe where you are self-appointed experts on subjects you clearly know nothing about. The lies repeated as gospel about The Netherlands on this very thread are a clear example of the phenomenon. Networks of lies, prejudice and hatred.
You people need to get out more. Start reading books. Start looking at news sources other than neo-nazi bloggers. Get yourselves a passport, and take a look at planet Earth for yourselves. Youíll find that Europe is doing just fine thank you, with Muslims and without you.

No Pasaran! on November 21, 2007 at 11:03 am

Shy Guy: I’ve read that it was 85%.
I can understand why some Dutch people will become defensive…but the fact remains that the nazis would not have been so successful if not for the fanatical assistance of much of the local population.
And remember…even though some good-hearted Dutch people did try to save the Franks…it was also a Dutch person (or people) who betrayed them.
As far as I’m concerned, the entire continent of Europe is cursed.

Myackie on November 21, 2007 at 11:13 am

The return of No Pasaran. Your wit was missed, but as usual your good points end up mingled with juvenile insults. I find one point you made important that people here donít often note:
Itís you yanks whoís economy is going down the tubes, not ours. Given that the dollar is currently a Mickey-mouse currency no longer worth the paper itís printed on, youíve got a lot of nerve telling us that we have no future. The Chinese own you. Once they decide to off-load their dollars for a proper currency like the Euro, you guys are history.
You are right that the Chinese own us and support our economy by buying dollars. However, for now, at least, it works for them too. The same argument was made about the Japanese10 and 20 years ago. What happened? This remains a huge market that no one (especially the Chinese) wants to see collapse. Do not fool yourself though. Think the European economy and Euro will remain strong forever, are you banking on the productivity of the 35 hour workweek? In any case, you make a good point, debatable or not, that national security is impacted as much by economic strength as other factors.
But then you go back to the well-worn argument of the left, compare those with an opposing position to the Nazis:
ìThere were also collaborationists, represented (ironically) by Dutch people whose political views were not dissimilar to those who contribute to this blogî
Concern over national security threats posed by unchecked illegal immigration and radical Islam is at the heart of most of this blogs postings. There is an entire range of political viewpoints that find common ground on this concern, your Nazi collaborationist comparison is cheap. I think Socialists like the trains running on time too, hey so did the Nazis.
Steve Ventry,
Can you just find a eugenics site and post there? Last I checked, we were all part of the HUMAN race. Opinions otherwise are what generally have contributed to the causes of genocide. You would like to think the physical and genetic differences between the races is great, but scientifically they are not. So take your silly punk arguments over to Vdare where they will be welcomed. Its ideas that make the differences that matter, not biology.

Staypositive on November 21, 2007 at 11:17 am

“As far as I’m concerned, the entire continent of Europe is cursed.”
You see that? That’s exactly what i mean, that astonishing, unthinking arrogance.
Playground bullies usually get what they want. But nobody actually likes them.

No Pasaran! on November 21, 2007 at 11:19 am

A fairly balanced look at the Netherlands during WWII here. on November 21, 2007 at 11:28 am

That’s very insensitive and ignorant to lump the Dutch into a group of Nazi sympathizers and Jew haters. The Nazis reduced Rotterdam to dirt, starved the Dutch to death or near it, and murdered thousands of Resistance fighters and innocents. The Allies lost more troops at Arnhem than Normandy, the whole country was a fight to the death for many. Painting the Dutch with such a broad stroke is truly reprehensible.

code7 on November 21, 2007 at 11:31 am

The back of the dollar bill, worth checking before replying;
Is No Pasaran also a contributor to LGF as well (I stand corrected here), stopped reading that claptrap months ago

anglicus on November 21, 2007 at 11:50 am

I love it when people start referring to the Fox News Network as a propaganda machine. They offer an alternative to the politically correct crap you get from CNN and other “legitimate” news sources. The reason some of us have gravitated to these “neo-nazi” bloggers is we are sick and tired of the self-destructive view points of the left and their do whatever you want to and to hell with the consequences attitude.
I lean to the right, because I don’t need the left to tell me how to run my life or what to think. They have enslaved an entire portion of a population to their viewpoints no matter what they are, due to the welfare system. Before anyone starts with the racial blast, I worked in the medical profession for a while, laziness stretches across all skin colors. Those people could care less what the left stands for, as long as the checks keep rolling in. Now, they want another portion to click the leg irons on by turning over their ability to make decisions regarding their health care. I keep looking for this “independent thinking” portion of the left and all I see is a group of people who want the government to take all their “burdens” away from them. If they are so “open” to ideas, why is everyone that disagrees with the left uneducated and a bigot for the new phobia of the week. They have the “legitimate” news sources and Hollywood available to bash and ridicule those of us on the right. But the minute someone questions them, they are on air crying about how insensitive and hateful those of us on the right are.
So, no thank you. I will not be following the true propaganda machines that you on the left crank out for us.

Ford Jones on November 21, 2007 at 11:57 am

Well said Ford Jones, we have the same problem here in the UK, DO NOT UPSET THE REDS.
Don’t lean to much to the right, you might fall over, only joking.

anglicus on November 21, 2007 at 12:23 pm

Your grandafther claimed to know Anne Frank? Wouldn’t she have been just another nobody among thousands, at the time?

jeff on November 21, 2007 at 12:31 pm

ìConcern over national security threats posed by unchecked illegal immigration and radical Islam is at the heart of most of this blogs postings. There is an entire range of political viewpoints that find common ground on this concern, your Nazi collaborationist comparison is cheap.î
I donít think it is.
Nazi philosophy is based on hatred, both racial and religious. I find echoes of that in much of the more virulent racism, xenophobia, and I see on the current crop of far-right websites and the comments section of this site. The Muslim has replaced the Jew as the officially cited object of hate. This is convenient for those in power, because a frightened populace is easier to control than an empowered electorate. So we get this idiotic and unnecessary ìWar on Terrorî which is simply the old 1950ís ìReds under the bedsî scare re-packaged and recycled for the 21st century.
The only effective resistance to Hitler came from the political left. This is a deeply inconvenient fact for modern right-wing historians. It is easier for them to say that there was no resistance to Hitler at all (as some on this thread have attempted to do) than to admit that only the Left resisted fascism effectively. So history has wiped out the memory of the 400,000 ethnic-Aryan Germans ñ Communists, Socialists and Trade Unionists – who died in Nazi concentration camps because of their Anti-Nazi views. Donít bother looking for a statue to the 20 million Soviet citizens who died in the struggle, or to to the Red Army who won the war in Europe more-or-less single-handedly. Ditto the 150,000 Muslims who fought amongst the Free French to help Liberate Europe. Men whose efforts US 4star General Mark Clark described as ìmaginificentî.
ìThink the European economy and Euro will remain strong forever, are you banking on the productivity of the 35 hour workweek?î
Actually yes. In Europe we have taken a decision to work to live, rather than living to work like you guys. It works for us, and you would be amazed at how quickly Americans who move to Europe get used to that paradigm. My wife, who is both an American and a Republican could never go back to America, because she wants to be a good mother and a successful business woman. Something that is impossible in the USA with your 60 hour working weeks.

No Pasaran! on November 21, 2007 at 12:34 pm

Maybe saving her tree is important, if it’s possible. Remembering IS important. But, just think of how much could be done with even 1/4 of the money spent on elaborate museums and memorials, in order to stop the current threats to the Jewish People. I’ll let individuals decide for themselves what those things are. Here are a few of mine: Food for elderly Jews (even in the US), money to help the [real] Jews get out of the former Soviet Union (Poor Jews who don’t have train fare to make to the Jewish Agency in Moscow or Kiev or where ever are stuck), and of course, intermarriage, what I call the silent holocaust (I await the onslaught of hate mail for that one).
The point is, what’s the point of remembering atrocities against the Jewish People IF we do not do enough to prevent the next atrocities from occurring?

Ben-Yehudah on November 21, 2007 at 12:44 pm

B”H And, BTW, although there were non-Jews who helped Jews escape or hide, and they should be remembered as well, the truth is that there just weren’t that many. Ask Yad veShem, the liberal-run Holocaust museum in Jerusalem. They spend plenty of money searching out righteous gentiles and recording their stories.

Ben-Yehudah on November 21, 2007 at 12:48 pm

No Pasaran says with wishful thinking:
*You’ll find that Europe is doing just fine thank you, with Muslims and without you.*
Hmm, how many cars are destroyed each night by Muslims in France? I would say that Eastern Europe, such as the country of Poland, is “doing just fine,” but Western postmodern Europe? They are so self-centered and suicidal they are committing demographic suicide while Muslims are multiplying like rabbits. Western Europe? 50 more years?
Also, notice how socialists like NP feel closer to Muslims than they do Christians or conservatives, those who want to preserve Western civilization. Again, as just about everyone has noticed, socialists like PS will be the first to convert to Islam in the not too distant future. They have no concept or knowledge of their own civilization but a stupid, drooling fascination with the “exotic.” They are also cowards, unwilling to defend Western Civilization or offend anyone other than Westerners, Christians, and Jews.
This is what happens when Western nations completely cut themselves off from their classical, Jewish, and Christian heritage. NP, go take another soma pill.

Gabe on November 21, 2007 at 12:55 pm

“Hmm, how many cars are destroyed each night by Muslims in France?”
You people just can’t help yourself can you?
There you go again spouting nonsense about subjects you don’t begin to understand. I’m beginning to think those two Swedish psychiatrists are right. Conservatism really is a psychological disorder, if not a disease.
What happens in the summer, in the Banlieus is nothing to do with Islam. It’s about the failure of the French experiment in monoculturalism, it’s about racism and despondency. The rioters are of every nationality, religion and skin-colour under the sun. It’s not religious warfare, it’s class warfare.
“I would say that Eastern Europe, such as the country of Poland, is “doing just fine,” but Western postmodern Europe? They are so self-centered and suicidal they are committing demographic suicide while Muslims are multiplying like rabbits. Western Europe? 50 more years?”
Again more borderline racist nonsense. Reproduction rates amongst Muslim women in Europe are falling back towards the European norm, and immigration is tighter than it has ever been.
America? 50 more years?
“Also, notice how socialists like NP feel closer to Muslims than they do Christians or conservatives, those who want to preserve Western civilization.”
Demonstrable nonsense. Socialists like me have demonstrated time and again on this very site that I have no time for Islam. All religions are equal in their stupidity and their denial of logic and reason. A Muslim is every bit a fool as a Christian.
“Again, as just about everyone has noticed, socialists like PS will be the first to convert to Islam in the not too distant future.”
Juevenile drivel, for all the reasons I have pointed out.
“They have no concept or knowledge of their own civilization but a stupid, drooling fascination with the “exotic.” ”
Astonishing. You people lecture me on a Europe that clearly doesn’t exist, and you have the temerity to lecture ME about not knowing my own civilization!
“They are also cowards, unwilling to defend Western Civilization or offend anyone other than Westerners, Christians, and Jews.”
I’m happy to offend anyone thank you very much.
If you belove in God or Allah you are delusional fool.
How’s that for starters?
“This is what happens when Western nations completely cut themselves off from their classical, Jewish, and Christian heritage. NP, go take another soma pill.”
Gabe babe, I’m sorry to disillusion you, but your Aryan master-race is an illusion. It was for Adolf, as it is for you.

No Pasaran! on November 21, 2007 at 1:22 pm

Question: Why do the atheists like No Pasaran think that they are much more “enlightened” than anyone else? I love how No Pasaran projects his/her hate onto everyone else in the true fashion of a narcissist. What an arrogant ass!!
Oh, when you find the moozlum throat cutters banging on your front door please call 1-800-AMERICA and see if any of us here gives a shit. Maybe you can dazzle them with your “enlightment”.

newinnewark on November 21, 2007 at 2:50 pm

Well done newinnewark, you have just single-handedly made all my points for me.

No Pasaran! on November 21, 2007 at 5:20 pm

A joke for np
An atheist was walking through the woods.
“What majestic trees”!
“What powerful rivers”!
“What beautiful animals”!
He said to himself.
As he was walking alongside the river, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him. He turned to look. He saw a 7-foot grizzly bear charge towards him.
He ran as fast as he could up the path. He looked over his shoulder & saw that the bear was closing in on him.
He looked over his shoulder again, & the bear was even closer. He tripped & fell on the ground. He rolled over to pick himself up but saw that the bear was right on top of him, reaching for him with his left paw & raising his right paw to strike him.
At that instant the Atheist cried out, “Oh my God!”
Time Stopped.
The bear froze.
The forest was silent.
As a bright light shone upon the man, a voice boomed out of the sky.
“You deny my existence for all these years, teach others I don’t exist and even credit creation to cosmic accident.” “Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament? Am I to count you as a believer”?
The atheist looked directly into the light, “It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask you to treat me as a Christian now, but perhaps you could make the BEAR a Christian”?
“Very Well,” said the voice.
The light went out. The sounds of the forest resumed. And the bear dropped his right paw, brought both paws together, bowed his head & spoke:
“Lord bless this food, which I am about to receive from thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen.”

anglicus on November 21, 2007 at 7:38 pm

No Pasaran, you obviously think on a much higher plane than us mere mortals. To what do you attribute your vast knowledge? Do share! What makes you so superior to me?
Exactly what points did I make for you? That you are an arrogant ass? That you do not see any threats from our moozlum head chopper friends? Could it be your atheism that gives you a special insight into truth?
Maybe it’s the fact that as an Christian and American I have the balls to stand up and call a spade a spade. Truth and facts never stand in the way of a good socialist.
I hear that prayer rugs are now on sale in your area. You may want to pick up one so that you can get accustom to praying five times a day and having your face a few inches away from the nasty ass in front of you.

newinnewark on November 21, 2007 at 9:00 pm

Cleanup in aisle 5!

Shy Guy on November 22, 2007 at 12:28 am

newinnewark, the point you made for me is that you are swathed in hatred. It seeps through every word you write. You hate Muslims who you portray as murderers, you hate people who don’t support your extremist views, you hate people who don’t have white skin and you hate anyone who isn’t American. I wasn’t aware that hatred was a Christian value.
I don’t consider myself to be particularly bright, it’s just that COMPARED TO YOU I am.
“Maybe it’s the fact that as an Christian and American I have the balls to stand up and call a spade a spade”
But you don’t. all you’ve done is spout bigotry and hatred from the safety of your home-office whilst surrounded by empty pizza boxes and beer cans. Where’s the guts in that?
Take a look at the last paragraph of your last post.
How old are you? 13? 14?
I would have been embarrassed to write a paragraph as purile and infantile as that at the age of 10.

No Pasaran! on November 22, 2007 at 4:10 am

No Pasaran, the hatred, lies, denial and pure evil that flows from every one of your rants is self evident. In true leftist style you have refused to answer any question posed to you by anyone at this site. Your defense of moozlums speaks volumes. The scores of videos posted on the net of moozlums viciously murdering by beheading or execution don’t count for anything in your world. It must be another Zionist ploy to falsify and hide the true murders……Jews and Christians. Moozlums are only defending themselves against those who have oppressed them? Is that it? In the moozlum world it has been repeated many times that they do not murder the innocent. But, infidels are not considered as the innocent!
Why not answer the questions this time? Please prove to the world that you have some capacity to get beyond being a mental midget.

newinnewark on November 22, 2007 at 10:51 am

What questions?

No Pasaran! on November 22, 2007 at 3:11 pm

Debbie and Squirrel3D (and others in that camp) are correct in their summarization of the Dutch having distorted priorities. The Dutch behaved shamefully during this period and continue to do so, long after the fact. While on the one hand they engage heavily in self-promotion in the English speaking world, there is the darker side to this ethnocentric, little country that sets its mentality on an even par with that of the land mass: at or below sea level. The darker side that in 2007, labels anyone not of Dutch lineage as an “allochtoon.” Apartheid is a Dutch word and the apartheid line of thinking is still quite prominent here.

immigrant on November 24, 2007 at 2:32 am

“The darker side that in 2007, labels anyone not of Dutch lineage as an “allochtoon.”
Well given that allochtoon means “from another country” what else are they supposed to call them?
Aliens from the planet zxwstjjxxcz ??

No Pasaran! on November 24, 2007 at 3:53 am

Oh, and by the way, allochtoon does not mean ‘not of Dutch lineage’ – it refers to anyone born abroad, or if one of their parents was born abroad.
So the the new third generation Dutch with Turkish or Moroccan grandparents are not allochtoon.
However your main point about the Netherland’s innate conservatism and xenophobia is well taken. I discussed it earlier in this thread.

No Pasaran! on November 24, 2007 at 3:59 am

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