September 8, 2005, - 8:34 am

Katrina Absurdity: DHS Drops ID Requirement for Hiring; U.S. Arabs, Abu Moskowitz Buddy Celebrate

Is Hurricane Katrina damage a reason for Homeland Security to allow employers to knowingly hire illegal aliens? Apparently.
In an incredible lapse of judgment (especially incredible, because we are already talking about the Department of Homeland Security, where good judgment is already rare), DHS announced that it “will not penalize employers for hiring victims of Hurricane Katrina who, at this time, are unable to provide documentation normally required under Section 274A of the Immigration and Nationality Act.”
Translation: Hire illegal aliens now, without penalty. Like no illegals will lie and falsely claim they are victims of Katrina and don’t have I.D.
Puh-leeze. DHS is incompetent. They handled the hurricane aftermath incompetently. Now, they are using it to give carte blanche to all the illegal aliens who have already hemorrhaged into the border because of DHS previous incompetence.
Not surprisingly, the organization that is publicizing–AND CELEBRATING–this absurd new DHS policy is the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)–a key proponent of illegal immigration for Muslim Arabs.
ADC’s Midwest Regional Director is “former” PFLP terrorist and FBI Award Revokee , a close friend of top Homeland Security official in Michigan, a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz.” Hamad gushingly e-mailed this new DHS policy to his mailing list, yesterday. (Don’t watch for his bud Abu Moskowitz, DHS’ chief “investigator” of illegal immigration to watch his friend Hamad’s brethren as they improperly take advantage of this absurd new DHS policy.)
Here’s a hint: It’s not because there is an unusually large Arab and/or Muslim population in Louisiana or Mississippi. There is, however, a large illegal alien Arab and Muslim population eager to get jobs, though. DHS just made it easier for them, using the hurricane as an excuse.

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5 Responses

All about the O

I’m not the only one.

Such a Pretty Face on September 8, 2005 at 9:39 am

All about the O

I’m not the only one.

Such a Pretty Face on September 8, 2005 at 9:40 am

Again Debbie? Be careful what you write. There are those who are the elitists where Republicans and Democrats are getting burned for criticizing the New World Order. If you get flack, go on to Coast to Coast and you’ll get the support you need.

KOAJaps on September 9, 2005 at 11:56 pm

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