October 31, 2007, - 2:24 pm

For Some People, Every Day is Halloween

By Debbie Schlussel
My dad had this hanging on the wall of his personal office, and I think it’s so very appropriate for today . . . or any other day. It is from a subscription form for either The American Spectator or The Weekly Standard, to both of which my Dad subscribed for many years. He added the smiley face sticker.


Like “Ministry” sang in the ’80s, “Every Day is Halloween,” at least for some people . . . like our future Presidentatrix. . . .

They lyrics are great, if only they applied to our fight with the extremist Muslims within:

Well, I live with snakes and lizards;
And other things that go bump in the night;
‘Cuz to me everyday is Halloween;
I have given up hiding and started to fight;
I have started to fight.

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2 Responses

Wow Debbie. I’ve admired your work for a long time, but the addition of old-school Ministry lyrics just placed you even higher in my esteem. Of course, the truly frightening thing is that another go-round of Hill and Bill and their Islamo-friendly policies (courtesy of Hill’s adviser,Huma Abedin) will virtually render the scariest Halloween movie obsolete….

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