December 13, 2010, - 3:28 pm
MORON: ABC Host Defends Henry Ford, Calls Charges of Anti-Semitism/Hitler Ties “Wild Ideas, Crazy”
This morning, Detroit-based ABC radio affiliate WJR host Frank Beckmann–a so-called conservative whose show precedes Rush Limbaugh’s and Sean Hannity’s on the station–defended noted anti-Semite Henry Ford and denied the fact that Ford associated with Hitler, claiming the “charge” was “crazy stuff” and said that calling Ford an anti-Semite was a “wild idea.” The pro-Hezbollah, CAIR-pandering moron Beckmann, also stated on the air,
I didn’t know this: Henry Ford owned a newspaper?
Whatta dumbass.
Don’t Know Much About History: Islamo-Pandering Herr Frank Beckmann is Nazi-Panderer, Too
In a discussion of some person with the surname of Pip, Beckmann said that the Pip person’s father founded a newspaper, “The Pip Report,” to compete with Henry Ford’s newspaper because he claimed that Henry Ford was anti-Semitic and sending people to Germany to gather information against the Jews. Beckmann called the allegations against Ford–that he was anti-Semitic and associated with Hitler:
Wild ideas. . . . This is crazy stuff.
Uh, not only is it not a “wild idea” or “crazy stuff,” it is fact.
Anyone who is informed even a whit knows that Henry Ford was not only a noted anti-Semite, but that he regularly–for 91 weeks in a row–published blatant anti-Jewish editorials in his Dearborn Independent Newspaper. It’s well-documented stuff that has been reported over and over again. It is well known that Ford published the anti-Semitic “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” and “The International Jew (Volume 2); The World’s Foremost Problem” (which he, himself, authored), and spread this vile “literature” far and wide in America.
Anyone who knows even an iota of history about Hitler and Ford knows that Ford was awarded the highest honor by Hitler. It’s well documented that Ford proudly supplied Nazi Party headquarters in Munich with German editions of his publication of “The International Jew.” And that was back in 1922 . . . before it was “hip.” For Ford’s birthday, Hitler had German diplomats give Ford Germany’s highest honor, the Grand Cross of the German Eagle. And Hitler famously said,
I regard Henry Ford as my inspiration.
Not only has all of this stuff been documented in Detroit newspapers over the years, but it’s detailed in two books, “Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate,” by Neil Baldwin, and “Henry Ford and the Jews
,” by Albert Lee. And many documents confirm close ties between Der Ford and Der Fuhrer.
I’m not surprised that Beckmann would be eager to defend an anti-Semite and deny history. First, he’s a moron and an ignoramus. As I’ve noted before, Beckmann asked an economist guest on the air, “Who is John Maynard KEEENZZZ?” after reading the guest’s book. It’s bad enough he didn’t know who the “Father of Modern Economics” is–a fact I learned in 8th grade about the man who was an advocate for Democratic-style government intervention into the economy. But you’d think he might know enough to try Google.
And, then, there’s the fact that Beckmann is an Islamo-panderer of the lowest kind. He regularly invites CAIR officials and openly anti-Semitic Hezbollah agents on his show, defending and gushing over them, and he regularly engages in moral equivalency charades regarding Islamic terrorists and their Jewish victims. Those who defend Helen Thomas’ openly anti-Semitic comments count themselves among Beckmann’s favorite, most-frequent, and most ass-kissed guests. Beckmann defended a man’s support for Hezbollah, when I got the man, Ali Jawad, removed from John McCain’s Michigan campaign finance committee. And when station officials allowed me to come on the air to respond, Beckmann was such a wimp and so afraid of me, he took the day off. Beckmann has repeatedly used his show as a forum to pander to “former” Islamic terrorist Imad Hamad, who continues to engage in illegal activity for Islamic terrorists and who called Hezbollah terrorists who murdered America Marines, “the heroes.”
It has long been a rumor that a close Beckmann relative–reportedly his father–returned to Germany to fight for the Nazis. In researching that along with an investigator, we discovered that a man with the same full name as one of Beckmann’s immediate family members did go back to Germany to serve as an English translator of documents for the Nazis.
Incredibly, the always ignorant Beckmann claims his show, “makes you the best informed audience in all of radio.” Well, I guess that must be a very relative term … or they’re best informed because they get real information elsewhere.
Sig Heil, Frank. Or, is that, allahu akbar? With Herr Beckmann, either is just fine.
Call WJR General Manager Mike Fezzey to complain at (313) 875-4440. Though I doubt he’ll care. He actively promotes the ignoramus Beckmann’s baloney. And, in a phone call, Fezzey declined to admit that Henry Ford was an anti-Semite or that he associated with Hitler.
I guess we’re all just making it up, right?
Tags: ABC Radio, Adolf Hitler, anti-Jewish, anti-Semitic, anti-Semitism, CAIR, Dearborn Independent, Ford Motor Company, Frank Beckmann, Grand Cross of the German Eagle, Henry Ford, Islamo-panderers, Mike Fezzey, Muslims, Nazi Party, Nazis, Pip Report, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, The International Jew, WJR
I was told as a kid that we Jews never buy Fords. As far as I know, no one in my family ever owned one.
Has Ford ever apologized for the founder’s behavior? Perhaps it’s time the company did just that.
adam on December 13, 2010 at 4:50 pm