September 2, 2005, - 9:51 am

Extremist, Anti-American Mosque “Accepts Donations” for Katrina Relief

By Debbie Schlussel
Would you give money to an extremist, anti-American mosque for Hurricane Katrina disaster relief?
The Detroit News, giving addresses to which to donate, reports, “The Islamic Center of America is accepting donations to its Katrina Disaster Relief Fund,” then gives the address.
But the Islamic Center of America, the largest mosque in North America, is an extremist mosque, at which anti-American, jihadist, anti-Semitic rhetoric is a regular occurrence. Ditto for support for Hezbollah–the terrorist group that, until 9/11, murdered the most Americans (and is part of the Al Qaeda network–training Iraqi insurgents, etc.). The imam of the mosque, Hassan Qazwini, is a Shi’ite fundamentalist in the tradition of extremist Ayatollah Khomeini, with tight connections to Iran.
I went undercover to this mosque in 1998, when it happily hosted loony Louis Farrakhan. The anti-American, anti-Semitic hate-fest was reminiscent of a Hitler youth rally.
No surprise that this mosque was presented in such a positive way as the setting of much of Morgan Spurlock’s “30 Days” episode on Islam, as I recently wrote in the Wall Street Journal.
The mosque asks you to send checks to its address in Dearborn. Since other “charities” and “causes” endorsed by this hate-American-and-the-Jews mosque have been questionable, will there be a full accounting of the money this mosque receives? Will we be able to determine whether the money actually went to relief efforts–or something more sinister (like Hezbollah)?
Don’t count on it.
More to come on Qazwini and his extremist mosque, the Islamic Center of America. Stay Tuned.

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3 Responses

Yeah…and what’s with that’ Hurricane Katrina is
part of Jihad bs’…and the recent commercial condemning Islamic terrorism-and terrorism from any faith…very cute…And I don’t wanna read anything comparing your terrorist compound bs to the 1947 rally Mickey Cohen threw for ‘The American League For a Free Palestine’ headlined by the great Barney Ross(see for example,google-A Jewish Boxer Who Fought For His People).You have nobody who could carry Ross’s jockstrap-and on your turf,Cohen would be a Nobel Prize winner.

jaywilton on September 2, 2005 at 11:22 am

With all the legitimate charities to donate to, it’s obvious that anyone donating to this one has an axe to grind and really should just donate directly to terrorists.

CobraKai on September 2, 2005 at 11:53 am

Screw them terrorists. Hey Debbie, so what can we do? Darrell Issa that Republican killed Irv Rubin. What can we do here in America? We need your advice!

KOAJaps on September 2, 2005 at 12:24 pm

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