December 21, 2006, - 2:12 pm

Does The Next Generation Value the Sacrifice of War? . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
That’s the question asked in USA Today by liberal former Johnson Administration employee Jack Valenti, who also formerly headed the Motion Picture Association of America. He flew 51 combat missions in WWII as a pilot commander of a B-25 twin-engine attack bomber with the 12th Air Force in Europe.
Answer: NO, the next generation does not value the sacrifice of war. And neither does the current one. That’s why we are losing.
Still, Valenti’s piece is a good one, worthy of a complete read. Here’s what he relayed to his own son:


Perhaps some parents might want to do what I did years ago. When my son was about 14, I took him to Omaha Beach and the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in France. We stood on the bluff above the beach in the same spot where Nazi troops had dug in. They had poured rifle, mortar and machine gunfire onto the U.S. troops clambering out of their landing crafts. They cut them down on the sand and in the water that seemed to still run red with the blood flowing so wantonly on that invasion day, June 6, 1944.
My son was struck with how close it was from the bluff to the beach. I said, “John it was very close, but remember those young boys never turned back, not one of them. They never turned back. They kept coming.”
Then we walked a short distance to the American Cemetery. It is on land a grateful France granted to the United States for use in perpetuity. The Stars and Stripes flies over this cathedral of the dead. We turned our gaze to the grave markers, row upon row upon row, as far as the eye could see. There, I told my son, were buried 9,387 young men, many of whom were in between the ages of 18 and their early 20s, “just a few years older than you are right now,” I said.
We walked among the markers laid out in serried ranks. I asked my son to read the inscriptions on those grave markers, the bland finalities of a young warrior’s life – name, rank, outfit and the day he died ‚Äî lives ended before they could be lived.
Finally, I stopped and looked full face at my son. “John, I want you to know why I brought you here.” He looked puzzled. I said, “I wanted you to understand that these boys, who never knew you, nonetheless gave you the greatest gift one human can give another. They gave you the gift of freedom. They bought and paid for that gift in blood and bravery. They made it possible for you and millions like you to never have to test your own courage to see how you would react when the dagger is at the nation’s belly and death stares you right in the face. You owe them a debt you will never be able to repay.”


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9 Responses

First of all it’s normally not a good idea to put in a opinion on something you know nothing about. Have you ever been in a war zone? Have you ever served this country? Secondly we are not losing this war because people don’t realize how horrid the sacrifice of war can be. If they did they would have rallied not to go into this war in the first place. Thirdly this war was a sham, for whatever reasons you want to look at it was. And the Iraqis don’t believe our motives and never have. You are not going to stop fighting for your country when others are trying to take it from you.(Thats not to say we are) But when it appears that way you can’t help but wonder when one isn’t given the right information and the fact that Iraq does NOT have a free press. Part of the problem with this war has been that people refuse to look at why others do things and people don’t validate news. A perfect example is this site. Not to say everything on here is untrue but if you don’t make sure that what someone is telling you is correct you have no way of knowing if your reading what is going on or if it’s a state sponsored infowar.

joecitizen on December 21, 2006 at 2:58 pm

A great, basic lesson in American history.
I think of the related lessons from the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising:

Jeremiah on December 21, 2006 at 5:46 pm

EXCELLENTÖI did the follow-up read as well!

The Canadien on December 21, 2006 at 6:08 pm

Hey I’m apart of the younger generation, and I DO vaule what these brave men and women did for our country.
You wanna know another reason we’re losing our current war? People like joecitzen (yeah, I’m calling you out) who comes in here and says this blahering garbage like how we never wanted this war in the first place…man shut up.
I’m not gong ho about the iraq war these days nor am I a bush boot licker, in case you wanna know pal.

Squirrel3D on December 21, 2006 at 8:03 pm

Merry Christmas, to all who served, and all who serve today. Thank you for our freedom, we still fight for it. Thank You.

jeebie on December 21, 2006 at 9:08 pm

Debbie the next gen absolutely does not value the sacrifices as evidenced by the publics ‘weariness’ of the war. Who the heck are the public to be ‘weary’ about anything? They’re NOT the ones fighting the war on terror- our soldiers are- period!
The last time the public became ‘weary’ of a war, they were directly responsible for endangering our troops by exposing a nation’s unwillingness to get behind our troops and support them in a just war- that was Vietnam, and we’re seeing the very same endangerment to our troops as a direct result of a publics ‘dissatisfaction’ with the continued effort.
The public thinks things should be wrapped up nice and neat within a few months- otherwise, in their minds, ‘everythign is a quagmire’ and their hopes go right down the drain. The enemy sees this and knows that our public will begin pressuring politicians to get out of the war, and the enemy is encouraged and emboldened.

CottShop on December 21, 2006 at 10:27 pm

Article anticipating new movie, “300”:
It’s about Greeks at Thermopylae and about “the larger idea of fighting for freedom against all odds.”

Jeremiah on December 22, 2006 at 4:58 pm

WOW. Very moving.

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