
E-mail Debbie at:

NOTE: Debbie tries to personally read every e-mail message. Due to the large volume of e-mail she receives, Debbie regrets that she cannot respond to every message. Responses are from Debbie, herself, and not a “handler.”

To All Federal Agents and Other Sources Who Wish to Remain Confidential: No-one reads or has access to Debbie’s mail, except Debbie. If you would like anonymity/confidentiality, please say so (though in the case of federal agents, Debbie considers the identity of the e-mailer confidential, unless the e-mailer permits otherwise). The exceptions here are hate-mailers and –everything they say, write, etc. is fair game).

To All Hate-mailers: Thank you for spending valuable seconds, minutes, etc. of your life on Debbie. She appreciates your obsession, but rest assured it is, very likely, not mutual.