November 27, 2006, - 10:25 am
Live (On Tape) From Madonnastan
By Debbie Schlussel
Given the Europeans’ love for all things Madonna, all things effeminate, and all things surrendering to Islam, I’ve coined a new term for Europe: Madonnastan.
The Madonna concert broadcast on NBC, Thanksgiving Eve, said it all. It’s emblematic of what Europe is all about, these days. I forced myself to watch some of it, and tried in vain to find a straight man or even a solitary woman in the crowd. Both were not to be seen. A lot of sweaty effeminate looking wimps in wife-beater tank tops, though.
Washed up here, Europe loves the extreme botoxed aging pop star resembling a drag queen who did too much yoga and fake Kabbalah. Europe loves her little can’t-we-all-just-get-along dances with washboard-ab endowed, gay, look-alike dancers with Islam and Judaism tattoos.

As for the rest of us, we ain’t buying this dated, ’80s pre-9/11, cheesy tripe.
For all the hype over NBC’s broadcast of has-been Madonna’s European concert and whether the network would show her hoisted on the cross (fortunately, the network declined after much protest), the concert was a total flop in the ratings, here in much-saner America.
The New York Times reports that “Madonna: The Confessions Tour, Live From London” finished fourth, with a paltry 4.8 million viewers.
We’re tired of Skank-donna. Frankly, when we’ve already seen and heard every inch of her, there’s no mystery–or curiosity–left. She’s just another self-absorbed American woman (who hates America) soon to turn 50. Who cares?
Even William Shatner’s awful “Show Me the Money” game show beat her.
And, pretty soon, Europe–paying far too much attention to Madonna and far too little attention to the Islamofascist takeover all around–will be beaten, too.
And we’re not talking Madonna’s whips or spankings to her gay dancers. So long, Madonnastan.
Tags: America, Debbie Schlussel Given, Europe, Islamofascist, London, NBC, Queen, Show Me the Money, The Confessions Tour, The New York Times, William Shatner
I was shocked for a moment when I saw the above photo of Man-Donna dancing with two girlie-men representing Judaism and Islam.
For some reason Man-Donna reminded me of Jesse Jackson.
Don’t ask me why.
Independent Conservative on November 27, 2006 at 10:49 am