August 19, 2010, - 12:00 pm

HILARIOUS VIDEO: Highlight Film of Brett Favre’s “Greatest Retirements”

By Debbie Schlussel

I’ve written several times on this site about the biggest prima donna in pro sports,  NFL quarterback and himbo Brett Favre.  Not only is he a huge crybaby, spoiled manchild, and ridiculous tease with his repeated retirement/unretirements, but he also became the babygrandaddy of an illegitimate grandchild at age 40.  Uh-huh, the cycle of lowlife-ism continues, despite the gazillions in the bank.

Now, Brett Favre is unretiring  .  .  . again. I think it’s the fourth time . . . but I could be wrong, since Favre “Groundhog Day” makes you lose count.  Watch this hilarious video highlight video, below, of his greatest moments in retirement/unretirement.  He may be a great athlete, but . . . this is NOT a man.  Sadly, it’s emblematic of the decline of men in America.  They are encouraged to cry, to be wimpy, to be slackers, to be prima donnas. So sad that this is what now passes for “masculinity” in America. Yup, Brett Favre is yet another in the new breed of men who are women.  Sorry, Brett, but all the multi-millions in the world ain’t gonna buy you some manhood.


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5 Responses

La Deb, “again. I think it’s the fourth time . . . but I could be wrong,…”

Sorry to say I think you are wrong. I think this is like the 100th.

What’s worse is ESPN’s unrelenting mass hysteria coverage of all things Favre. And I thought the LeBron James nonsense was sickening! Even John Madden’s mancrush was mild compared to ESPN.

I’m a huge football fan but I’ve never understood the Favre Cult. Yes, he is great at times, but at other times, mainly during a critical point, he looks worse than a high school QB throwing INTs.

Congratulations to the Green Bay Packers who were smart enough to finally cut Favre loose after the same jacking around for years. They are better under Rogers.

I can’t wait till Favre blows yet another playoff game with an INT during the last minute.

Jeff_W on August 19, 2010 at 12:26 pm


Bob Porrazzo on August 19, 2010 at 12:40 pm

He’s pathetic.

I wonder who has retired more: Barbra Streisand and her Final Tours or Brett!

As goes on August 19, 2010 at 6:48 pm

As for Barbra, as for Cher. I was in high school when Cher started retiring, have been out of college for three years now and…isn’t she still retiring?

Robert on August 20, 2010 at 3:09 pm

Brett…GO are an absurd idiot…when will someone close to you reign in your ego and tell you the truth? There is nothing more sad than a has been who does not know he is a has been.

Gman213 on July 12, 2011 at 9:48 pm

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