November 2, 2006, - 11:10 am
Kid Rock Family Values?: Desperate GOP Candidate Pimps Drug & Ho Culture for Votes
By Debbie Schlussel
So, you’re a tough law-and-order sheriff running for the U.S. Senate. Your opponent is a liberal incumbent, and you’re running as a family values conservative. But you’re trailing by more than ten percentage points in the polls, and there are only a few days left.
What do you do? Well, if you’re Mike Bouchard, the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in Michigan, you show what a phony you are on family values, crime, and everything else by sinking to inviting rapper Kid Rock to campaign for you. At 7:00 p.m. tonight, Kid Rock a/k/a Bob Ritchie a/k/a Mr. Pamela Anderson is scheduled to headline a rally for Bouchard at the Royal Oak Music Theatre in suburban Detroit.
But here’s Kid Rock’s trashy record:

* Crime: Rock/Ritchie has repeatedly told the world that he modeled himself after convicted, imprisoned Detroit drug kingpin “White Boy Rick” a/k/a Richard Wershe, Jr., with his fur coats and pimp hats.
Wershe ran one of the most notorious drug rings in America in the 1980s. He ordered the murder of countless people. Kid Rock glorifies Wershe in his lyrics and wrote a letter on his behalf to authorities in an attempt to get Wershe paroled. Thankfully, Wershe was not paroled, and soon after, he was discovered to have been running a national auto theft ring from his prison cell, for which he’s since been convicted.
* Drugs and Family Values: Kid Rock is an admitted former drug dealer, but he still speaks glowingly of doing drugs. He gleefully raps about his life as a drug dealer, doing crack, and having sex in a school bathroom with the fellow drug dealer who had his out-of-wedlock kid. (It’s not like he had to be this way. He comes from a wealthy family. His father sold his lucrative Ford dealership for millions. The whole trailer park thing is an act.) He had to go to court to stop the circulation of a video of him and another rock star getting oral sex from groupies on tour.
Glorifying hard drugs and misogyny are themes in a lot of his most popular “songs.” He used to “date” porn stars, and they and strippers are a constant accessory on his tours. Don’t forget what he told Rolling Stone:
Bill Clinton … a [expletive] pimp. … The guy’s my hero.
(He told the mag he was stoned on drugs when he met Clinton at the White House.)
Ritchie–the self-proclaimed “Pimp of the Nation”–likes to give the one-finger salute in every publicity shot and toured the country in his “White Trash on Dope Tour.” He used the Michigan chapter of crime-prone “Outlaw Biker Gang” as security at a video shoot.
You may recall that Kid Rock was scheduled to perform at the 2005 Bush Presidential Inaugural festivities, because the Bush daughters are fans. But his invitation was rescinded amidst protests from conservatives with some common sense. Apparently, Bouchard has no such compunctions.
A sampling of Kid Rock’s lyrics:
I’m a pimp. You can check my stats . . . . Smack all the hos.
Because I do so much pimpin’, one day I’ll probably walk with a limp . . . one day, watch, I’ll be the pimp of the nation.
I be the early-mornin’ stoned pimp, straight-limpin’, Boone’s Farm-drinkin’, at the party big-booty pinchin’.
There really is no difference between Kid Rock and the most perverted Black rap “artists.”
If Kid Rock were Black, we’d call him Snoop Dogg.
And that’s the problem with critics of Black rappers and hip hop (both of which do deserve to be criticized), like Bouchard and Bill O’Reilly. They rightly attack the pimp/drug dealer glorifying culture of hip-hop and rap. But they don’t seem to have a problem when white rappers, like Kid Rock, do the same thing. In fact, O’Reilly said Rock is “a friend of the show.” Some have cited a trip he made to visit the troops in Iraq. So, I guess that means his lyrics and behavior are okay.
Sorry, they aren’t okay. And you don’t need to be a prude to recognize that. Call Mike Bouchard to the carpet on this one, and ask him why he’s such a phony.
You may be for family values and getting tough on criminals and drugs, but with Kid Rock headlining his campaign event, clearly Mike Bouchard doesn’t share your values.
BTW, Don’t forget how Kid Rock disrespected the flag . . .

Tags: America, Bill Clinton, Bill O'Reilly, candidate, Debbie Schlussel So, Detroit, Ford, inviting rapper, Iraq, Kid Rock, Michigan, Mike Bouchard, Mike Bouchard Pimps Kid Rock, Pamela Anderson, Pimps Drug, Republican candidate, Republican candidate in Michigan, Republican Party, Rick Drugs, Rock Family, Rock Family Values, Snoop Dogg, tough law-and-order sheriff, United States Senate, Wershe, White House
Kid rock is a scum bag
FSM-FTW!(descent) on November 2, 2006 at 12:11 pm