October 13, 2006, - 2:54 pm

40 Years of Violence & Murder: UnHappy Anniversary, Black Panthers

Today through Sunday, the Black Panthers are celebrating their 40th anniversary. Check out their absurd, celebratory website. Talk about chutzpah. This group is the epitome of it. “In your face, American Honkies. We got you.”
It’s been a long 40 years under the Panthers reign of terror in America. The Black Panthers’ 40 years has been marked by violence, murder, cop-killing, anti-Semitism, anti-White racism, pan-Islamism and a host of other things that are no good for any free and democratic society.
Several Black Panthers are now extremist Muslims and cause celebres in the Islamofascist community, like convicted, imprisoned cop-killer . Al-Amin, who bragged, “Violence is as American as cherry pie,” killed one sheriff’s deputy and wounded another in March 2000. The group–so vicious, so violent–even savagely tortured and murdered its own. The disgusting way they tortured and dismembered their living victims was so sick, it rivals that of the Islamic terrorists we are fighting now. Ungreat minds think alike.

Extremist Makeover:

Black Panthers, Then & Now

So there’s really no reason whatsoever to celebrate that this group is still around. Yet, the Panther alums are not only celebrating. They’re expecting us to buy their extremist makeover. These murderous thugs now want you to believe they are “activists” and want you to see “a positive image.” They think donning fancy suits instead of berets and military garb will instantly erase our memory banks about their “activities.”
They’ve tried this before, with . But the only thing that was burning is America under their reign of terror. You can’t remake years of murderous thuggery with a sudden Halloween costume of the Black Martha Stewart. They never apologized for murdering innocent people, leaving cops’ children fatherless, taking others’ lives for nothing.
From an apologist San Francisco Chronicle piece on the 40th confab, we’re racists because we don’t like “civil rights” groups that murder for a living:

Clarence Walker, a professor at UC Davis who specializes in African American history, said activist black organizations in the United States often are seen as militant by the general public because the country has a schizophrenic vision of black people.
“You are either dancing and happy or you are a militant. The Black Panthers represented that phase of black power that believed black people should be armed and defend themselves and turn away from the nonviolent resistance movement,” Walker said. “There is this image of them in white America — as well as some parts of black America — as a threatening and dangerous thing.
“Then there are a large number of people — especially in the Bay Area — who grew up seeing them do good things. There have always been two sides to it.” . . .
But the image that stuck with many Americans was that of black militants with berets and guns. Stories of Panthers’ shootouts with police overwhelmed coverage of their work with the poor, said Seale, who changed the group’s name from Black Panther Party for Self-Defense to Black Panther Party because “we got tired of being confused with a paramilitary-type organization.”

More Extremist Makeover:

Black Panthers’ Emblem Then, Black Panthers’ Emblem Now

The party gained international notoriety when Seale and Newton sent armed members to the State Assembly in Sacramento in 1967 to oppose gun restrictions. Several members who walked onto the Senate floor with loaded weapons were arrested for disturbing the peace but not on weapons charges, because they were carrying theirs legally, Seale said.
At its height, about two months after Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered, the Black Panther Party had 5,000 members in 49 chapters and branches across the country, Seale said. The 1968 confrontation that left Hutton dead, along with other shootouts with Oakland police, caused the negative image, members say. The incidents also brought the federal scrutiny that they say ultimately broke up the party. The FBI infiltrated the Panthers and several other activist groups in its infamous counterintelligence program called Cointelpro, begun in 1967.
“J. Edgar Hoover saw the guns and what we were accomplishing and said the organization was a threat to security, and he told people that we wanted to shoot and kill white people,” Seale said. “We were about defending ourselves against white racists.” . . .
“Even though we were doing a lot of things in the community, like running for political office, grassroots organizing, handing out breakfast and offering free preventative medical health care and sickle cell tests, people remain confused to this day,” Seale said.

So do Hezbollah, HAMAS, and Al-Qaeda. And so did Hitler. J. Edgar Hoover was right. And deluded professor Walker and his “two sides to every story” pap? Sorry, there’s only one side to this story. 40 years of Black Panther violence, murder, and mayhem was more than enough. Here’s hoping there won’t be another 40. These domestic terrorists never represented Black America.
The only good thing for Black Panthers in America to do is fade to black.

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64 Responses

Yeah, I mean, it’s not like we ever opressed/tortured/humilated/assaulted/killed any blacks…..oh..wait..

Descent on October 13, 2006 at 4:21 pm

Great catch! I bought into their mystique when turning Marxist in the early 90s, going so far as to do community organizing with former BPP members. The intense hard work and idealism that went into that organization, from members and outside supporters alike, proved only to be in the service of a drug-dealing, murdering, psychopathic racket. David Horowitz nearly committed “passive suicide” in the 70s due to his guilt for having affiliated with them.
Let history remember it as “The Black Gangster Party.”

Jeremiah on October 13, 2006 at 4:26 pm

In an interview late in life, Eldridge Cleaver admitted that had the BPP come anywhere near to gaining political power in the US, there would have been a “holocaust.” Read it in Horowitz’s essay collection “Hating Whitey.”

Jeremiah on October 13, 2006 at 4:30 pm

A 40th anniversary celebration eh? I love a party! Let’s throw a big one! Spike Lee can bake the cake, Al Sharpton can lead the race pimp parade, and we’ll all be reminded once again how much us white folk are despised by those ingrates we made wealthy and successful! Ain’t opression grand? Where do I sign up?

Skippy on October 13, 2006 at 4:53 pm

Hey Descent pick a country and I will buy you a one way ticket out of here, if this country is so firgging bad why, the F##k don’t you leave.

mark on October 13, 2006 at 6:04 pm

Does their shiney new website sport any pictures of Betty Van Patter?

Grant on October 13, 2006 at 10:39 pm

activist black organizations in the United States often are seen as militant by the general public because the country has a schizophrenic vision of black people.
my schizophrenia is influenced by the congo(pick one), nigeria, liberia, rwanda, and maybe through in darfur.
but that’s just me, and MY schizophrenia.

louielouie on October 14, 2006 at 6:17 pm

dont the panthers play football in carolina and they play hockey in florida

PNAMARBLE on October 15, 2006 at 3:47 pm

The Black Panthers were the Black version of the Klan/Overall White Establishment
It didn’t happen in a vacumn. Many of us want to forget that this country was at one time, outright hostile to Blacks. But then of course, if you are White, you think the greatest travesty to this country was the implementation of Affirmative Action.
Perspectives vary I guess.
P.S. Not a fan of the uber-militant panther wannabees of today. It still does not diminish the conditions within this ocuntry the BPP were bron out of.

Mr. Teabags on October 16, 2006 at 1:13 am

The anniversary of the Klan is honoured here???

EminemsRevenge on October 16, 2006 at 12:11 pm

The only good thing for Black Panthers in America to do is fade to black.
Posted by Debbie at October 13, 2006 02:54 PM

KOAJaps on October 16, 2006 at 6:08 pm

    Before the black panthers ever became violent, they were just a group of 6 people with the idea that if they made a plan of action and community programs then they could gain respect in the community and be treated equally. That was the original goal, but it was skewed by the…obstacles that they were forced to endure. Police would attack innocent blacks without reason- beating them to death and wreaking havoc on inner cities. The government turned a blind eye to this because every person in power was white, and they could care less. They began providing weaponry in an attempt to hault police brutality, and be taken seriously. On april 4 of 1968 Martin Luther King jr. was assasinated. As the leader of the nonviolent civil rights movement there was no reason to kill him other than racist motives. On april 25th of the same year was when the BPP began to train its members on gun use. They were clearly threatened by the fact that white society was willing to murder a peaceful leader with no basis.
    true there were some random acts of violence commited by the BPP prior to this date, but most was instigated by the police.
    you stated that these “domestic terrorists never represented black america”. On the contrary, there were over 45 branches of the party all over the country, each of which conducted over 60 charity groups to better society.
    I believe that you’re view of this group is off- and I can’t blame you. The fear that the press coverage of this time created has stuck to the image of the BPP. In reality they were only trying to gain the equality that had been denied to them since their entry to the country.

    Lizzie on April 8, 2010 at 8:44 pm

      So Lizzie you are from Oakland in 1966?

      If so … so was I … and that sure is not the history I lived through right down the road.

      What I saw was a group born of corrupt, criminal, thugs and ARMED KILLERS who were more than happy to extort what they wanted from the business owners of the community no matter their color.

      They were certainly equal opportunity thugs because it did not matter who their target was. Black, white, Asians, adults and children.

      Welcome to the REAL WORLD and not the fantasy propaganda that someone WHO WAS NOT THERE made up last week.

      ClinicalThinker on February 21, 2016 at 1:01 pm

Eldridge Cleaver was an infiltrator, a sell-out, and a republican. Please don’t use him Jeremiah to support your argument.
As for this article…Debbi Schlussel the Jewish dyke returns.
Debbie you are pretty damn ignorant. Most of you are, but damn Debbie you are leading the pack. Get your facts straight you crazy Nazi Transsexual. Debbie you are a Nazi. I’ll borrow one of your lines where you said the only thing good the BPP did was to fade to black. Wow, you racist transsexual turned dyke what is wrong with you. The bad thing about the holocaust is that it didn’t eliminate your chutzpah ass too.

chutzpah on April 16, 2007 at 4:14 pm

    Troll Level: n00b.

    Bobbi on February 9, 2016 at 11:55 pm

    So Cleavland was a SELL OUT , because he didnt agree with your inferior thought process and wasnt sympathetic to your racist POV? Get over it son, someones exposed you trolls and it got your panties in a bunch

    James on February 16, 2016 at 1:44 am

Eldridge Cleaver was an infiltrator, a sell-out, and a republican. Please don’t use him Jeremiah to support your argument.
As for this article…Debbi Schlussel the Jewish dyke returns.
Debbie you are pretty damn ignorant. Most of you are, but damn Debbie you are leading the pack. Get your facts straight you crazy Nazi Transsexual. Debbie you are a Nazi. I’ll borrow one of your lines where you said the only thing good the BPP did was to fade to black. Wow, you racist transsexual turned dyke what is wrong with you. The bad thing about the holocaust is that it didn’t eliminate your chutzpah ass too.

chutzpah on April 16, 2007 at 4:15 pm

Skippy if you’re trailer park- white ass wipe- trash could actually afford even a stick of gum I’d pick a country too.

chutzpah on April 16, 2007 at 4:17 pm

Before the black panthers ever became violent, they were just a group of 6 people with the idea that if they made a plan of action and community programs then they could gain respect in the community and be treated equally. That was the original goal, but it was skewed by the…obstacles that they were forced to endure. Police would attack innocent blacks without reason- beating them to death and wreaking havoc on inner cities. The government turned a blind eye to this because every person in power was white, and they could care less. They began providing weaponry in an attempt to hault police brutality, and be taken seriously. On april 4 of 1968 Martin Luther King jr. was assasinated. As the leader of the nonviolent civil rights movement there was no reason to kill him other than racist motives. On april 25th of the same year was when the BPP began to train its members on gun use. They were clearly threatened by the fact that white society was willing to murder a peaceful leader with no basis.
true there were some random acts of violence commited by the BPP prior to this date, but most was instigated by the police.
you stated that these “domestic terrorists never represented black america”. On the contrary, there were over 45 branches of the party all over the country, each of which conducted over 60 charity groups to better society.
I believe that you’re view of this group is off- and I can’t blame you. The fear that the press coverage of this time created has stuck to the image of the BPP. In reality they were only trying to gain the equality that had been denied to them since their entry to the country.

Lizzie on April 7, 2010 at 11:13 pm

    You stated they began to arm themselves, THAT, right there, was their first mistake, and promoting violence was another mistake, and their 6 man path corrupted into a racial juggernaut of misdirected stupidity, not purpose to regain stature or equality, they just wanted to blame whitey, never mind the ones who wanted to help, its all about kill em all & let Allah solve the puzzle, ypur a misinformed generation

    James Vejvoda on February 16, 2016 at 1:32 am

You racist BITCH! How dare you? No I am not black, but you should be ashamed of yourself. What do you think the KKK is? It’s the same thing. You cannot just say that all they do is murder people. Their original plan was to save the oppressed from their oppressors. DO your freaking research before you post crap like this. How would do like it if some one says those supremacist honkies are celebrating their 146th anniversary? You wouldn’t. Jesus loved everyone and neither judged nor put down anyone. Why don’t you take a lesson from him and get a life. Write about rainbows or something.

P.S.- I know that they murdered people and I am not saying it is okay but you really should not post things like this, it’s not very nice.

Stacey on April 13, 2011 at 10:04 pm

So a group that started as protectors of the oppress from the oppressors.that started many charities and had millions of members at one time is a good group even with a few murders in their past mainly from rouge groups or individuals.I agree with you this is what and who the Klan is the true Klan are protectors of the weak and helpless no matter of color or creed followers of Christ we try to pattern our lives after His.Charitable,community minded, patriotic,chivalric,Honorable,loyal fraternal.

Grand Klaliff on November 23, 2011 at 11:54 pm

This is the most racist and uninformed article I have read in years! It is apparent the the writer is a very closed minded, and a one sided person, who has no understanding of Slavery, Share Cropping, Jim Crow, Vietnam, The Heroin Epidemic of the 70’s, Reaganomics, and the Crack Epidemic…. but you don’t have to be informed to spout hate.
Free breakfast, Free lunch, Free clinics, are all services started by the Black Panthers, to benefit the community, that the United States government now provides! Feeding the children, heeling the sick, fighting for civil/human rights….. yep that sounds like Americas definition of a terrorist!
Happy Anniversary, to the American heroes in the Black Panther Party, both to the living and those assassinated in service to the people!

MulattoRedd on October 7, 2012 at 1:01 am

    I want wht the frick you been smoking stooge, I grew up in the bay area during the 69s and 70s & there was free breakfast abd clinics long before the panthers, & thier hate and violence struck fear into everyone in Oakland as well as the surrounding areas, grow up with your misdirected, ignorant racist self, you have no clue

    James Vejvoda on February 16, 2016 at 1:23 am

we havee all been trolled.

arturo on February 13, 2013 at 2:00 pm

I’m trying to find any clear documents about Black Panther killings of white civilians. Can’t find any. I find a few shootouts with white police officers, often from the well-known Black Panther members who were very violent. But I just can’t find a case where they killed 10 or 20 white civilians.

Not defending them. They were crazy. But please show me the evidence that they randomly shot innocent white civilians.

Greg Gilliom on June 24, 2015 at 5:51 pm

Basically, your belief is that blacks are supposed to turn the other cheek no matter how violently they are treated.

Violence begets violence. In all reality black Americans have been surprisingly peaceful toward their oppressors of the last few hundred years.

phillipkslick on August 25, 2015 at 8:08 pm

I would like to say this is complete bullshit and do your research on the White panther party that worked with the black panthers… Name one black person that worked with the KKK BIG FUCKING DIFFERENCE

Marcus on February 8, 2016 at 9:02 pm

White people being stupid, hateful and dishonest. Wow, that’s something new. The only equivalent to the KKK in America are the police, the government and 90% of the rest of you no lip having cave creatures.

Cause Islay on February 9, 2016 at 8:15 pm

People like you are the reason why we need the black panthers. You make white people fear us by feeding them lies of violence and murder by a group that was created to protect blacks from violence and murder. Yes they didn’t preach non violence like the late great Martin Luther King Jr, but to fight back so we can live to see the day I got to see eight years ago, a black American president. By thr way, not all Muslims are extremists, you should take the time to learn about the religion before you spew a bunch of opinionated facts that are not true. I’m not religious at all but I choose to learn about them do I can understand them.

Leslie Smith on February 9, 2016 at 8:46 pm

Honestly! If this had been a white artist that came out and supported the KKK, the media would have been all over it! The outrage…I can’t imagine! But, because it is Queen B as she refers to herself and black…NOTHING IS IN THE MEDIA!
All I can say is that none of them have ever been slaves, none of us have ever owned slaves! They want to move forward; then they need to do that! You can’t have it both ways!
If you want equality then we want it also!
No BET, Black History month!!!!

Nancy Bond on February 10, 2016 at 12:02 pm

    Woah. That comment was rather ill-informed and rather narrow minded. Moving on from the past? How an earth can a person move on when there are individuals like you out there who are still narrow minded and still misunderstanding what is occurring around them. Have you even researched the original black panther group? No? Didn’t think so. They were initially created as a defence group, to prevent white supremacists from harming and killing innocent black people and other people from ethnic minorities. They worked to improve black communities which were run down and poor due to ill treatment by the government. The Black panthers cannot be compared to the KKK! How dare you? Can you really compare them to the KKK when the KKK used to go out and hunt for black people to lynch, to rape, to burn to torture… then you have the black panthers who were created to DEFEND from this behaviour! I’m not being funny Nancy Bond, but if your community and your family was being subjected to these happenings and immoral actions, I damn right think you would want to protect yourself. Especially when the police were not interested in helping these communities and its people due to their views on black people. So don’t you be so narrow minded. I suppose we should just forget about the holocaust as well, all of those people murdered for nothing. People like you are why this world is so vile and poisoned. Narrow minded, twisted views with no understanding of what diversity is. If Beyonce wants the world to appreciate and remember what people went through in the past, then she can. We will never forget what people have been through in the past, because that is damn right disrespectful. Have some common decency and respect for those who have died to make this world a better and more accepting place… Although with people like you still around, we still have a long way to go.

    Replying to a narrow minded, stupid comment. on February 15, 2016 at 11:51 am

    “No BET or Black History Month”

    You silly woman…


    R B on July 15, 2016 at 5:39 pm

Talk about black lives matter what was she thing about and the NFL IS ALL A SMOKE SCREEN BILLIONAIRE CROOKS EVERY GAME IS FIXED AND THE PERFORMANCE SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????????????????

Francesco Barcia on February 10, 2016 at 6:42 pm

Nothing more than a racist, cop hating pig that can’t sing.

mark smith on February 10, 2016 at 7:07 pm

Glad you hated the show. Means job well done on Bey’s part. Keep hating, white people, keep on hating. Life is good, keep hating.

Huey P. Newton on February 10, 2016 at 9:21 pm

    Says alot of your fake character using a fake name like Hueys

    James on February 16, 2016 at 1:45 am

The second amendment narrative says that all Americans should arm themselves to protect their personal property and their families. But when the Americans of African or Latino descent comply with the majority narrative and seek to arm themselves, the pundits in the media, the policemen and corrupt politicians say that’s too extreme. So, if you live in a bad neighborhood, that’s just too bad….no guns for you. And by the way, we know your police force is corrupt and they won’t protect you either. But when people of African descent pick up a weapon as self defense, then they are called “militant.” God forbid we talk about the police brutality or social injustice by the hands of people of European descent for over 400 years, but now we’re the ones called racists and accused of domestic terrorism. If you don’t like us, stop trying to imitate us in the arts and music. You wear blue, to cover up your affinity of people of African descent? Really? Being a person of African descent is spiritual, not superficial.

Meritorious Manumission survivor on February 11, 2016 at 3:40 pm

The second amendment narrative says that all Americans should arm themselves to protect their personal property and their families. But when the Americans of African or Latino descent comply with the majority narrative and seek to arm themselves, the pundits in the media, the policemen and corrupt politicians say that’s too extreme. So, if you live in a bad neighborhood, that’s just too bad….no guns for you. And by the way, we know your police force is corrupt and they won’t protect you either. But when people of African descent pick up a weapon as self defense, then they are called “militant.” God forbid we talk about the police brutality or social injustice by the hands of people of European descent for over 400 years, but now we’re the ones called racists and accused of domestic terrorism. If you don’t like us, stop trying to imitate us in the arts and music. You wear blue, to cover up your affinity of people of African descent? Really? Being a person of African descent is spiritual, not superficial.

Meritorious Manumission survivor on February 11, 2016 at 3:44 pm

Oh wow and here I thought the KKK was the worst supremecist group in the US. Oh wait, they are. Kkk was here first, committed far more lynchings and are still around. Why not hate them too?

Irritated on February 11, 2016 at 7:09 pm

Oh but the KKK and any other white racist group is allowed to operate in America……now I get it “if it’s white, it’s right”

Lil Dead 813 on February 13, 2016 at 11:09 am

how many people did the black panthers murder?

bsizzle11 on February 16, 2016 at 12:31 pm

How many whites were killed by the Black Panther Party? Anyone? How many white churches were burned? Anyone? How many whites were killed trying to vote? Anyone? How many white schools were shot up? Anyone. Now how many Blacks were killed by the KKK? ANYONE?

Thad on February 26, 2016 at 3:19 am

I found this page while researching the BPP. I was not old enough to have lived through the civil rights movement but IMO just the look of the BPP was intimidating. I watched a documentary that had older BPP members that told their story of holding up in a building shooting it out with police in the 60’s and they admitted they instigated it. Just like the recent militia stand in Oregon, that is not how we should settle our differences. I also saw them with bats and weapons in front of a voting precinct intimidating voters which should never happen in America. I am of mixed race,Native American Indian/German, but we have Black, White, Mexican, Asian & Indian in our family, and no one hates or judges the other for the color of their skin. We don’t use our different races to separate ourselves,justify our actions, or lay blame on others. We know that all of our blood is red and God just gave us different colored earth suits. I think He likes diversity too. How boring it would be if all the crayons in my box were the same color. I know the Jews were mistreated, the blacks were mistreated, the Native American Indians have been mistreated, and at one point in time we all will experience being mistreated. The key is how we handle it, how we forgive, and how we live out our short lives. We get 70+ years and then we will spend eternity in heaven or hell. I don’t want to spend my years on earth angry that someone was unfair to me. I will love them, forgive them, and pray for them. Maybe that is what our world needs now more than ever. Love & Forgiveness.

KayD on March 1, 2016 at 1:56 pm

Debbie, I am disappointed with you. I hope that over the past 10 years you have learned more about American history of which the Panthers had its part to play… good and bad.

The Black Panther movement advocated unity among race, creed and color. You missed the mark in checking your facts properly… which would have taken you about 3-5 hrs (multiple sources of course). During that time you would have understood that there is no “one-stop” for the story which has slices of polar accounts (especially about racism). The most important conclusion would be that there is no complete or definitive account… including books written by BPP them selves… for legitimate reasons.

Some try to claim that the Panthers stood for black separatism… racism. This is completely incorrect. In “Seize the Time”, Bobby Seale, the other founder of the Black Panthers stressed, “We do not fight racism with racism. We fight racism with solidarity (i.e., inclusive of all race, creed and color). We do not fight exploitative capitalism with black capitalism. We fight capitalism with basic socialism (i.e., working class united against the rich and in power). We fight imperialism with proletarian internationalism.”
The Black Panthers recognized that the working class could not afford to let racial or national prejudices divide them. Speaking about black separatists within the movement, Bobby Seale said: “Those who want to obscure the struggle with ethnic differences are the ones who are aiding and maintaining the exploitation of the masses. We need unity to defeat the boss class – every strike shows that. All of us are laboring class people…in our view it is a class struggle between the massive proletarian working class and the small minority ruling class. Working-class people of all colors must unite against the exploitative ruling class.”

Of course their mandate and their actions did not match and at times where confrontational. I suspect due to challenging efforts to control such a new organization in the face of the individual egos, rapidly fluctuating membership and most importantly the lack of effective accountability/training in how to remain calm under the explosive conditions when dealing with the Police. Especially at the alarmingly increasing rate that they were clearly inciting the confrontation. Those acts of illegal attacks on the state is what muddied their organization’s legitimacy and legacy. The heart thumping excitement of effecting ideas of change at such a grand “planetary” level… choked off in infancy due to human nature. The very thing we all try to ascend in our own way.

Vijay on March 18, 2016 at 12:04 am

I am a white student doing a report on this and this is the most loaded b.s i have ever read. Excuse my grammar, The BPP justifiably start a group to defend their communities and have a say in the economic and political system that effects them and they’re thugs. LOL Do you know they have been around for less then 10 years at the peak of their reign and only a few violent incidents occur. Most of which happened after they destroyed the leadership in the party. We have been torturing and killing them for over 400 years and still today, and you have the audacity to label this “40 years of Murder.” LOL White privilege is something we flourish in everyday and you’re a prime example. People do bad shit in the name of many groups, but we totally write the black people off, because of the actions of few. How do you think they feel about us, i truly dont blame them for calling us racist when you can be writing a report and run across this trash. You wanna know the difference between the KKK and BPP… THE KKK IS VERY MUCH STILL AROUND!

Johnsullivan on April 16, 2016 at 8:07 pm

    How is it thhat I’ve never heard anything this biased written about The KKK who has committed such acts of lynching, firebombings, church bombings, mass kkillings of Black church goers…

    The list goes on and on. The KKK has been around to TERRORIZE Black people for 150 years now. You compare the Black Panthers to ISIS, and Al Quaeda?

    Are you sure that YOU’RE NOT KKK???

    R B on July 15, 2016 at 5:26 pm

      LOL. You’ve never read anything biased about the KKK? That’s weird, because you just listed a whole bunch of things.

      Also, the KKK was/is so clearly violently motivated that it’s almost hilarious that you even felt you had to act like that wasn’t common knowledge. No one is defending them, btw. What people ARE trying to say is that the Black Panthers were violent, murderous thugs, too, and that’s just truth. It is so easy to look up, too, that it’s frustrating that everyone is staying so willfully ignorant about this. They weren’t heroes. They were sick fucks.

      Lisa on October 23, 2016 at 1:12 pm

      Also somewhat humorous to have to point out is that some of the former Panthers are literally Islamists now. Soooo comparing them to ISIS? Is a literal translation of what they actually are.

      L: What’s an “Islamist”? No such thing. It’s a fictional term made up and used by wimps who won’t point out that this is actually just Islam. It’s fraudulent to say there are “Islamists” or “radical Muslims.” This is just plain Islam, which is radical. Period. I’ve pointed out many times on this site over the years that many Black Panthers became Muslims. That they are extremists is redundant. They are already Muslim. DS

      Lisa on October 23, 2016 at 1:14 pm

      The blank panthers were and still are racists. They murdered even their own race at times. If you really read history you will find an equal amount of both white and black groups. The facts are there on all groups so do not let bias play your hand. In the Military if you are at war a soldier cares less about race and more about teamwork. The solution is equal rights for all and not bias thoughts as some have here.

      A black military leader on January 27, 2017 at 8:31 am

    Do yourself a favor and stay in school. You’re going to need it.

    Saying the Black Panthers had some good moments is like saying Hitler once pet a cat. These people were power-hungry, murderous and torturous thugs and money launderers who wanted to take over America, were anti-Semitic, anti-white, and had North Korean connections to weapons. They killed innocent people, their own members, and cops – many of whom were also black. Not a conspiracy; simple truth. It’s not hard to find this actual history online either if you’re willing to stop having your news solely funneled to you from HuffPost and/or PBS, who do nothing but paint these people as saints.

    Lisa on October 23, 2016 at 1:13 pm

You’re ignorant. Many of the things you said were fallacious and false. There is also a very blatant bias that just tears down your credibility even more. Next time you try to criticize a group, gather some solid facts and actually take time to analyze the deeper purposes and effects of such a prominent, empowering, militant group.

Tania Arnold on June 1, 2016 at 6:19 pm

You poor deluded Zionist. You are a transparent fake blond schill who pretends to know American history. Your disinformation campaign is so obvious. Did you know the NRA was against the Black Panther group’s right to carry guns but supported the KKK’s right to do so? The same KKK that would eliminate your ilk from the face of the earth? You are indeed a stupid Zionist woman who thinks your blond hair and fair eyes makes you have more in common with the KKK than with the Black Panthers. A Black Panther would protect a Jew from a pogrom but you think you have more in common with “them” because you can change your name and pretend to be one of “them”. Good for you…LOL.

Rich_From_Ossining_NY on June 27, 2016 at 10:58 am

    Have you ever heard of the ‘FBI Coloring Book’?? Do you know even the slightest about how Fred Hampton was murdered?? Have you gotten a chance to listen to ‘Darthard Perry’, a hapless, FBI informant, whom, in an interview recalling the…EVIL..which these ‘federal’ agents were capable of??

    Please inform us more on the ‘Black Panther Reign of Terror’.

    These guys never LIVED LONG enough to even THINK of a terror….but the FBI and police force, MORE than contributed to their own brand of terror

    shinzo on August 25, 2016 at 11:49 pm

…and not…ONE TIME does she give any ‘incidents’ by name nor ‘countless’ victims of said incidents. This…Schlussel character is supremely VAGUE at best and at worst — an out right racist lier.

It reminds me of these racists, many of whom, steadily assert that Mr.Obama’s Presidency is a ‘Reign of Terror against White People’……..ummm, let’s see, are there whites being herded into box cars?? Are millions of whites undergoing medical experiments?? Are thousands being relocated to internment camps?? What about the ovens??

It appears that, just like the Black President, the Panthers’ mere EXISTENCE was a Holocaust in and of itself. Ironically, the unapologetic racist this woman is, she mirrors these police who need nothing more than to see a black wielding a CRAYON to appropriate it as THREATENING or a ‘War Against Police’

It’s just like the feminists as well. You bat an eye at a woman, a seemingly harmless and innocuous action…..and it’s equated to a definitive ‘War on Women’……meanwhile blacks have never had that type of luxury where they can, at their leisure, in their comfortable ivory towers, replete with smug self-centered, self righteous, and arrogant indifference, IMAGINE slights against themselves.

The ONE…..and I mean….ONLY ‘ONE’ redeeming quality that this woman has…is that she can dish out bile…BUT she allows for criticism of herself in the comments. She, at the very least, allows us the opportunity to challenge her vague assertions.

shinzo on August 25, 2016 at 11:19 pm

First I came looking for an explanation. Growing up I have always heard, and read about how black panthers started WIC, free breakfast for children program. How they fought to keep corrupt cops out of the neighborhood. Kind of like shomrim (the Jewish volunteers who patrol in NYC except this country like most of the world has a real hard on for destroying anything that is black. So I came here looking for the reason why people still hate the black panther party. I have never heard any of its opponents actually cite the murders they claim the party conmited or any of the other atrocities. Everyone just vaguely accuses, but doesn’t back any of it. And I still haven’t found anyone who has. So basically what you did was find one extremist who actually wasn’t apart of the black panther party, but was the chair of nonviolent coordinating committee. This group was only aligned with the black panthers for a short 6 months due to brown’s radical beliefs. So that lie is bullshit.
The rest of your article is just your opinion with no examples for the reason you feel the way you do. I mean citing a quote where members of the party say we were just trying to protect ourselves and then saying plueessse doesn’t lend credence to your argument that they were so horrible. What murders. Did actual members of the black panther party commit? Don’t just mention the police shoot out without context. Explain why there were shoot outs. Where is all the supremacy that you accuse them of. I don’t want to see you point fingers and call people names like we are five year olds on a play ground. I want definitive proof. I mean when we look at the Klan there is clear cut evidence of their crimes. So at the very least point me in the direction of the anti white rhetoric coming from actual leaders of the party.

Brettany Slaughter on March 21, 2017 at 8:11 pm

Read just a fraction of these files gathered by the fbi and you will get a clearer picture of the black panther organization.

bill green on April 28, 2017 at 6:32 pm

Hi debs, i am currently writing a research paper about the black panthers. So let me just education your pious, ignorant self. Those ” thugs” were trying to protect themselves against people like you but 40 years ago. Racist police brutality, unequal rights and unequal penal system are just a few of the things they had to deal with. When all else fails, like pacifism and calmness, these “thugs” decided to get stronger and more secure with their safety. You can, not agree with their views, but they were far from thugs. and stop getting people to donate to this racist page, i must take my pay check and give to you. YOU THOUGHT/ THOT.

Aaron on May 15, 2017 at 7:28 pm

    They were thugs in the 1960’s an they were thugs during the 2012 presidential election while standing armed outside a polling place in Philly. Thugs use intimidation to advance their ideological agenda.

    Why did you call the writer a “THOT”? That is a new term used by 14-24 year old American children. It is offensive and thuggish. Perhaps you don’t think the Panthers were thugs because you are a thug?

    Dan on February 16, 2018 at 11:32 pm

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