October 10, 2006, - 9:54 am

Slut Nation Karma Bites Eminem in the Ass

Thankfully, we haven’t heard a lot from rapper Eminem in a good while. But now he’s back in the news, and it’s a great little taste of karma (for him, not us). He got in a fight with a child in his charge over her slutty clothes, apparently.
After recently wrapping a video shoot with 50 Cent in Michigan’s old Ionia State Prison, the sheriffs were called to Em’s estranged wife Kim’s home in Macomb Township, a Detroit suburb.

Eminem Hypocrisy: Hangs with, Promotes Women Like This;

Then Complains About Niece’s Clothing

It seems that Marshall Mathers (Eminem’s real name) got into a fight with his niece, of whom he is legal guardian, and he tapped her on the head. In the police report,

the niece said Mathers threatened to kill her and that after “poking me in the head” he appeared to raise his hand as if to strike her.

The story was mostly about how Em won’t be charged. But buried deep in the Detroit Free Press story is the reason Eminem got into a fight with her.
Eminem said he and his 13-year-old niece

were arguing over the girl’s “school clothing.”

Hmmm . . . he raps to your sons and daughters about gang-raping his ten-year-old sister and murdering and chopping up his wife. Some of his videos and those of the rappers in “D-12” that he bankrolls rap endlessly about sluts and hos in slutty clothes, whose likenesses are also featured on their videos. And don’t forget that Eminem and the slutty woman he has sex with in the middle of an auto factory in his movie, “8 Mile.”
Yet, now he’s in a fight with his teen niece, whom he’s raising, about her “school clothing.”
Ain’t karma grand?

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8 Responses

What do you expect from the pop culture, LIBERAL hypocrites? Madonna won’t allow any of her kids to see any of her videos, either. But it’s OK for them to ram their trash down the throats of young, impressionable kids.
Although this practice in hypocrisy is very profitable, it’s more about the LIBERAL elites and their efforts to redefine societal mores. These talentless trolls are in partnership with the ’60’s counter-culturalists who now run the music (?) and media companies.

Thee_Bruno on October 10, 2006 at 11:38 am

Knowing this psyco, it could be that he smacked his niece around because she wasn’t showing ENOUGH skin… Of course I’m being facetious. I’m still waiting on American parents to stand up like the adults they are supposed to be and end their children’s preoccupation with the “gangsta” mentality propagated by these dumbed down street urchins; but I don’t see it happening.

Southernops on October 11, 2006 at 9:06 am

This is stupid. His neice is a child. Eminem’s music is for ADULTS.

Sam on May 31, 2010 at 2:01 pm

Its ok for him to tell her what to wear !
He’s being a guardian !
He kan say what he wants in his music too,
Because its the parents or guardiens job to
Take care of their own kids and if they don’t want them listening to eminem
Then they should watch and straighten them out
Just like he is doing !

bibi on December 11, 2010 at 10:27 pm

I like what bibi says. Sex sells so of course Eminem makes money on half naked women, and he is the girl’s guardian so he can control what she wears since he’s buying it. My parents didn’t let me dress like that, I wouldn’t let my children either. People need to mind their own business. Wish all my parents did was poke me on my head when I was 13 and tried to act like the adult.

Joleane on December 30, 2010 at 9:17 pm

Your fucking stupid

Kyle on March 12, 2011 at 2:10 pm

you guys are idiots this guy has went through hell and back he is a good person whether you think so or not he has the right to tell his niece what to wear and i highly doubt he threatened her so what he had sex with a girl in eight mile we are men we think girls wearing slutty clothes is hot its a kid he is talking about not and adult and so what i would rap about my bitch ass wife to if she was like that

mike on April 30, 2011 at 8:27 pm

Are you serious… Obviously he is trying to push her in the right direction. Like stated above, his music is for adults!!!

Liam on June 23, 2011 at 8:42 am

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