July 12, 2010, - 1:39 pm
Buh-Bye, Dhimmi Pastor Robert Schuller
**** Update: LA Times reports that Schuller and his daughter say he’s not retiring, but that it’s “symbolic” and he was merely “affirming” her role. Huh? Wow, these people are the masters of double speak. Hanging out with top extremist Muslims does that to you, apparently. All the more reason to keep an eye on this dhimmi con artist. End Update ****
I apologize to Islam for the Christian Crusades of 1065, let us begin a new crusade of comrade and friendship, we are in the same camp. . . . I have never met a man of such spirituality and wisdom as that of your father. He is a spiritual giant
–Robert Schuller, TV Minister Charlatan Extraordinaire to the son of the openly pro-HAMAS/Hezbollah Grand Mufti of Syria, during his televised “Hour of Power” TV preaching.
TV Preacher Robert Schuller w/ Islamic Terror Group Supporters, Syrian Grand Mufti Ahmad Kuftaro & Son, Saleh Kuftaro
Yesterday, Robert H. Schuller, host of the “Hour of Power” TV ministry, announced he’s retiring, presumably to enjoy all the money he’s ripped off from believers over the years. And I say, good riddance. This guy is the epitome of TV charlatan snake oil salesman.
And the snake whose oil he’s been selling is Islam. As a Christian minister, Schuller is involved in something called CAMP, Christians and Muslims for Peace, and he’s been involved in preaching the BS “Islam is peace” message, since before 9/11.” And after 9/11, Schuller stepped it up a notch. He did it in a post-9/11 appearance on ABC’s “Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher,” and during several ass-kissing “interfaith” trips to human rights abuser and terrorist host state, Syria. And Schuller’s been doing it on his “Hour of Power” full time, with appearances and speeches by Sheikh Saleh Kuftaro–son of Syria’s late Grand Mufti Ahmed Muhammad Amin Kuftaro–to Schuller’s 10,000-member Crystal Cathedral megachurch. Kuftaro is an open supporter of Hezbollah, HAMAS, and sundry other Islamic terrorist groups. He’s as extremist as they come. If he’s peaceful and moderate, so was Hitler. Watch the videos below, which will disgust you (fast forward past the first minute of the first video). I note the presence of self-hating Jewish “Rabbi” Mark Diamond and one of his fellow Jewish dhimmis, sitting in the audience.
I don’t doubt for a second that Schuller was likely paid off for this sickening tuchus-licking fest. Sadly, Schuller is passing on the family business–and let’s face it, to him that’s all this is: a business–to his daughter, Sheila Schuller Coleman, who likely shares dear old dhimmi dad’s idiocy on Islam.
Like father, like daughter? Probably. At age 59, she knows on which side her pockets are lined.
By the way, you should note that Schuller has hosted many so-called conservatives and FOX News personalities at his pan-Islamic church, including Mike Huckabee and John Ashcroft. A 2008 “Rethink” conference he held at his church and telecast by satellite around the world by Church Communication Network (CCN) included Rupert Murdoch and Ben Stein as speakers.
Tags: Ahmad Kuftaro, Ahmed Muhammad Amin Kuftaro, baloney, Ben Stein, Christian crusades, church, Crusades, Crystal Cathedral, Damascus, Dhimmi, Grand Mufti of Syria, Hour of Power, Islam, John Ashcroft, Mike Huckabee, Minister, Muslim, pan-Islamist, pan-Muslim, Pastor, Propaganda, Rethink, Robert Schuller, Rupert Murdoch, Saleh Kuftaro, Sheila Schuller Coleman, Syrian Grand Mufti, TV ministry, TV Preacher
My grandparents watched him for a number of years. I never really paid too much attention to him. But, this obviously creeps me out to no end.
You know how the media turns themselves silly about the next person to emerge from “the closet.” After reading everything here, the more important question is, “Who will be the next person to come out as a dhimmi?”
cirrus1701 on July 12, 2010 at 2:02 pm