August 11, 2005, - 10:00 am

Chutzpah: Fabricating Detroit News Reporter asks U.S. Atty. Gen. Gonzales for Apology

By Debbie Schlussel
Star Detroit News “reporter”/, who–as I reported here–made up a whole story a la USA Today’s Jack Kelley and now , had a story in Tuesday’s Detroit News that is newsworthy only in so far as Shepardson made himself a part of the story.
Shepardson asked U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to apologize “for the government’s mishandling of the Detroit terror case.” Is Shepardson reporting the story, or trying to insert himself into it? The latter. Reporters aren’t supposed to ask officials for apologies. They are supposed to REPORT the news. But, then again, Shepardson also fabricates stories out of wholecloth–another thing that is a major no-no in reporting.
And he’s still employed. Can you believe anything he writes?
Oh, and by the way, the REAL story on the alleged “mishandling” of the terror case to which Shepardson refers–another story he failed to accurately report.

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