September 13, 2006, - 11:39 am

Out of Respect for Cemeteries?!: We Did Nothing @ Taliban Funeral; They Bomb Other Muslim Funerals

Isn’t it about time we stopped letting our enemies go . . . out of respect for Islam, funerals, Ramadan, women/children, mosques, UAE Princes, etc.? These are all things the Islamofascists DON’T respect when it comes to us or even their fellow Muslims.
Yesterday, on NBC Nightly News (and MSNBC), Kerry Daniels reported that our drones did nothing to Taliban leaders gathered at an Afghani funeral . . . out of respect for cemeteries/funerals and for Islam. Daniels updated his report, this morning, with this drone photo of the funeral.

U.S. Army Photo Shows Drone View of Taliban Leaders @ Funeral

Reported Sanders:

The picture above, declassified at NBC News’ request, shows 190 members of the Taliban at a funeral. It’s believed by U.S. Army officers that several of those gathered were top Taliban leaders. But the U.S. was unable to take out the men standing in formation.
Why? Under the rules of engagement, the U.S. cannot bomb a cemetery.
One officer involved says, “We were so excited. I came rushing in with the picture.” But in the end, that excitement turned to frustration. The unmanned Predator drone, flying undetected overhead, continued to feed back pictures as the Taliban dispersed, heading off in tiny groups, too small to effectively target.

Now, check out the what Taliban Muslims do at other Muslims’ funerals/cemeteries. THEY HOMICIDE BOMB THE HELL OUT OF THEM!
Our men are being blown up by their bombs and attacks, and we do nothing because it’s a funeral at a cemetery?! It’s time to take off the coat and tie and get muddy. Or we will lose this war. And our freedom.

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15 Responses

Just more of the same. It is unforgivable that we let these killers live to kill more Soldiers and Marines.
Why should we show respect to people who have no respect for human life or any other religions or customs.
How disheartening it must be for our fighting men and women. We force them to fight with both hands tied behind their backs and blindfolded.
This policy will diretly cost American lives because we could have killed with 190 Islamic Radicals and we let them go.
I feel like throwing-up!

DurkaDurkaMohammed on September 13, 2006 at 2:05 pm

Did we carpet-bomb Germany and Japan in WWII? Did we firebomb many Japanese cities in WWII? Did we nuke two Japanese cities (that obviously had cemeteries in them) in WWII? Have we lost our minds?
The answer to all of the above questions, is YES!
Bush better get with the program and amend this stupid rule of engagement outrage!
To remedy this outrage, I say; Dig up the guy they buried, throw his body in a field somewhere, then when they try to re-bury this barbarian, bomb the rest of them into hell.

Thee_Bruno on September 13, 2006 at 2:08 pm

Remember Najaf, Iraq and the Marines’ battle at the Wadi al Salam Cemetery.

Jeremiah on September 13, 2006 at 2:36 pm

Remember Najaf, Iraq and the Marines’ battle at the Wadi al Salaf Cemetery.

Jeremiah on September 13, 2006 at 2:37 pm

This reminds me of fighting in the woods of the Eastern United States in bright red coats.

Mr Ape Pig on September 13, 2006 at 3:08 pm

Pardon me, Thee_Bruno – but did you say “Bush better get with the program and amend this stupid rule of engagement outrage!”
Umm, I’m thinking it’s NOT Bush that needs to get with the program – but that other side – the ones who would hate him and his policies and everything he stands for even if he was nodding his head in agreement with everything “they” say! Those are the ones that need to get with the program.
I do believe President Bush has been with the program all along – it is just that he, too, is being forced to fight this war with both hands tied behind his back and blind-folded.
And, Debbie, I cannot believe I have not found your Blog before now! These past few days I’ve been double clicking to you regularly and am thoroughly engrossed.

BT in SA on September 13, 2006 at 4:18 pm

President Bush is indeed the one who has to get with the program. He’s the boss. He’s the Commander In Chief. He call’s the shots. The sooner he realizes that the problem is Islam itself, the better off our people in military uniforms will be. The better off WE will be. Mr. Bush must get it through his head that Islam is not a peaceful religion. The Islamic goal is for every nation on earth to convert, submit, or die. Of course, not all Muslims are terrorists. But, in the last twenty-something years, almost all terrorists have been Muslim. The Islamic way of war has never been conventional. Islamic warfare has always been guerilla tactics, hit and run, no holds barred, hide behind women and children type of fight. Nothing is off limits to them except Islam, their god, and their prophet. They donít respect you, or me, or anything else. Everything and everyone that is non-Islamic is fair game and a target. Their philosophy is that YOU must convert, submit, or YOU die. The only way to effectively fight Islamic terrorism is to kill every terrorist you encounter. No mercy. No prisoners. You will never receive mercy from an Islamic terrorist. They simply donít consider you worthy of mercy, because you are not a Muslim. They are pukes from the 7th century who want to take all of humanity backwards in time. Yes, President Bush needs to get with the program, or you will convert, submit, or die. And the Islamo-fascists will delight themselves in torturing you into conversion, submission, or death.

Rocky on September 13, 2006 at 5:04 pm

A cemetery seems like a good place to kill the enemy. The mini-guns on a fighter would have sufficed. However, why couldn’t we microwave them from space? Ironic, the one place, a cemetery, where you are most certain not to inflict innocent civilian casualties, is off limits.

code7 on September 13, 2006 at 9:09 pm

The problem is with the whole chain of command on down to the Captain on the ground. This type of PC bullshit is exactly why I got out of the Army. I didn’t enlist to be a sitting duck, fight yes, die for PC, no.
When I was in Iraq, the terrorist would and still do, use the mosques as weapon caches and sniper hideouts. Yet we are NOT allowed to destroy these buildings. I know the rules of enagement depend on the unit, mostly. I think the Marines blew up a few mosques that were strongholds but the 1st Armored Division was full of pussies under Dirty Sanchez and then Dempsey. Both worried about their careers, not American lives or getting the job done.
So I could go on and on about the PC F***ed up rules of engagement but I don’t want to pop a blood vessel. One more thing, we had to get permission to fire back. Most of us did not have radios to call and get permission.

Minnie Mouse on September 13, 2006 at 9:26 pm

You can’t fight and win a “politically correct” war. Patton knew how to fight a war. Kill the enemy until they can’t take it anymore. His kind seems to be a thing of the past.

FreethinkerNY on September 13, 2006 at 9:59 pm

Rocky – I’ll give you that President Bush is in charge – or is supposed to be. He may be calling the shots – but seems like every shot he calls – he gets shot down!
I mean, look at the whole NYT thing, just for example. So, here is GWB trying to do what he feels is required, okay somewhat secretively [which I have no problem with] and along come a bunch of newspapers [NYT wasn’t alone] and outs the program of wire-tapping. Or, much earlier, Dana Priest’s story about secret prisons. And the disclosure that we were following and tracking banking records. Etc., etc., etc.
How, then, can so much blame be thrust upon GWB when it seems like half of “our” world is doing absolutely everything they possibly can to make sure that GWB CAN’T do what he needs to be doing?
Football is something I admit to knowing almost nothing about – don’t care to – but I’d be shocked to find out that the coaches shared their playbooks with each other before the game. And, it just seems, to me, that this is what is being required of GWB.
Minnie Mouse states that the rules of engagement are “PC F***ed up.” I would equate them to playing a game of “Mother May I?” If our President didn’t have to worry so much about all the ridiculous “PCness” and another side of “our” world doing absolutely everything they possibly can to thwart every effort, idea and coherent plan of his, then I would concede that it is indeed GWB that needs to get with the program.

BT in SA on September 14, 2006 at 12:13 am

Really it’s no wonder that the Army reacted this way. With all the calls for investigations and trials for murder of our troops whenever they do anything the PC Lefties don’t like, it’s amazing we kill any of the enemy over there.

Craig C on September 15, 2006 at 7:49 am

We don’t give a shit about the War on Terror, we really don’t. Is not Bush and the assholes in D.C. control the happenings in Iraq? in all honesty, this is a great excuse for our government to control us.One attack in America and Martial Law. Think I’m full of it? read this article about using non-lethal weapons on Americans:
And out of respect for Deb, here is the reason why non-lethal weapons should be used on Americans in one paragraph:
“If we’re not willing to use it here against our fellow citizens, then we should not be willing to use it in a wartime situation,” said [Secretary Michael]Wynne. “(Because) if I hit somebody with a nonlethal weapon and they claim that it injured them in a way that was not intended, I think that I would be vilified in the world press.”
Now imagine the Righty protesting the new Democrat president and he/she uses it on American? You can thank the Bush administration for that.

KOAJaps on September 19, 2006 at 5:28 pm

Dear Slaves of Israel (SoI), u people are really egotists. You cannot raise ur voice against Israel and take out your frustration against innocent countries. Firt, why were they praying? funeral? why was he killed? YOU! Why are you there? Its not your war. In fact there is no war. You create war and spread hatred. Islam was there hundred of year ago. Not until you SoI started propagating negative about it and misuse media to defame Islam. WHY ARE YOU IN OTHER COUNTRIES. WHY CAN’T UR ASS SIT IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY?

D'fender on April 4, 2012 at 12:20 pm

Slaves of Israel (SoI), u people really are egotists. You cannot raise ur voice against Israel and take out your frustration against innocent countries. First, why were they praying? funeral? why was he killed? YOU! Why are you there? Its not your country/airspace/war. In fact there is no war. You create war and spread hatred. Islam was there hundred of year ago. Not until you SoI started propagating negative about it and misused media to defame Islam. WHY ARE YOU IN OTHER COUNTRIES. WHY CAN’T UR ASS SIT IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY? Or is it USA is no more your country, Its Israel’s. u just won’t/can’t accept it. You portray abiding a single rule and break a thousand human rights. You are indeed hypocrites. You indeed deny the true God and you indeed will fill the hell. Enjoy your filthy live on earth, with boozing and indecency and keep on crying on Islam…where Islam is still spreading and will spread, coz its backed by Allah…you just follow the devil and keep fighting…

D'fender on April 4, 2012 at 12:27 pm

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