August 29, 2006, - 4:14 pm

HOprah Watch: On Katrina Anniv., It’s All About Oprah, Queen Benefactor of the Universe

Real humanitarians don’t need to announce from the mountaintops what they’ve done to help others in need. But not Oprah.
HRHotU (Her Royal Highness of the Universe) Queen Oprah broke out of re-runs, today, to bring you an hour-long special on what HRHotU Oprah has done for the people of New Orleans affected by Hurricane Katrina. Yes, HRHotU Oprah single-handedly saved the people of New Orleans. Ya hear that?
Never mind that HRHotU Oprah is a gazillionaire, and yet she demanded that her less fortunate viewers and major corporations foot a lot of the bill. Never mind that a year ago, HRHotU Queen Oprah treated the world to a in which she, Lisa Ling, interior decorator Nate Berkus, and Dr. Mehmet Oz showed us dead bodies and bodies of the dying–their decaying bodies exploited for the special selfish needs of Oprah TV.

(Islamofascist Oprah by Preston Taylor Holmes/Six Meat Buffet)

Never mind that the week while the Katrina disaster flooding was happening, HOprah was showing her viewers .'” Never mind that the week after–after we saw a week long of this on CNNMSNBCFOXNews–Oprah “News” needed to show it to us all over again . . . accompanied by HRHotU Oprah’s fake crying, fake rage, and fake anger (all complete with real make-up artist).
Never mind all of this because, hey girlfriend, Oprah started a whole neighborhood in New Orleans, unveiled this week. After all this, the only thing we’re surprised about is that she was so modest as to call a street, “Angel Lane.” After all, we thought it should be more appropriately called, “The Magnificent Kingdom of Oprah, Master Humanitarian & Eternal Queen of the Universe.”
Maybe we were wrong about one thing, though. She’s really not Queen Oprah. She’s King. Her adoring Queen is Oprah sycophant Gayle King.
Check out

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12 Responses

C’mon Debbie, don’t hold back, tell us what you really think ’bout Oprah. Reading your post, I’m not getting a clear picture of your opinion about her. 😉

Carl on August 29, 2006 at 4:56 pm

It’s all about the BIG “O”!
Really, we must do something about the bored women and the metrosexuals who watch her putrid show. I think I have the answer – hire gigolos for all of them – metrosexuals, included.

Thee_Bruno on August 29, 2006 at 5:21 pm

Your appearance on Stern makes THIS post seem an apparition…and it should be…but i KNOW you better!
Railing against Okrah denigrates YOU, not her, and you only come across sounding like that shrill Artie Lange virago caricature.
Time for a little REALITY CHECK—one year after GW PROVED that he don’t give a damn about Black Americans where does he go first??? Why, to Mississippi, traditional stronghold of the Klan…and BTW Debbie dearest…last i heard, there was no KIKE in KKK!!!
You’ve been goosestepping with the wrong crowd…but as Rabbi Zimmerman once said: Don’t follow leaders, watch your parking meters

EminemsRevenge on August 29, 2006 at 5:32 pm

George Bush doesn’t care about any average American, isn’t that apparent by the lack of security at our borders? He must not hate black people too much since the 3rd in line of the executive branch is a black woman. Of course many black people, particularly of the liberal persuasion, call her a porch monkey. Hello, that’s still racism even if it is committed by a black Democrat. As for Oprah, she is a fake hypocrite. That has nothing to do with color. What has Oprah really done to give back to her community? Isn’t she like the richest woman in the world? I think her annual income is higher than many nations GDP. So until these rich a*$holes, black or white (Britney Spears), start putting their money where their mouth is, they will get no respect from me. Oprah donating her meager amount of money, as compared to her worth, really saves her tax money.

Minnie Mouse on August 29, 2006 at 6:12 pm

i was forced to watch it, my wife tivo it while i was on the computer writng debbie i saw a gayle king whats up her lips i think to many injection and by looking at her it looks like she never picked up a hammer to build those houses, we speak your name

PNAMARBLE on August 29, 2006 at 6:42 pm

As the Good Book says when doing good deeds for others, ‘Don’t let your right hand know what your left hand is doing.’ Unfortunately, this is a verse unknown to the self-aggrandizing Oprah, who constantly makes sure that everyone sees and knows all about her so-called ‘good deeds.’
Jesus said that those like Oprah can expect “no rewards” in heaven–assuming that she makes it–because they were more interested in receiving public praise here on earth.
He said, “Do your good deeds in secret” and take no public praise, for your Father sees your deeds, and He will reward you in much higher ways.

joemccarthy on August 29, 2006 at 7:22 pm

Spot On, Debbie! Rallying against HOprah doesn’t denigrate you in the least; on the contrary, it shows how you’re not easily fooled. Shrill? Shrill my ass! If shrill is waking an ever devolving culture to the reality of this phony pablum, then “shrill” needs to be redefined.

Skippy on August 29, 2006 at 8:54 pm

Quote from a spincter
“Time for a little REALITY CHECK—one year after GW PROVED that he don’t give a damn about Black Americans where does he go first??? Why, to Mississippi, traditional stronghold of the Klan…and BTW Debbie dearest…last i heard, there was no KIKE in KKK!!!
You’ve been goosestepping with the wrong crowd…but as Rabbi Zimmerman once said: Don’t follow leaders, watch your parking meters”
Maybe Bush went to Mississippi because the people there got off their asses and helped themselves. They didn’t sit around and wait for FEMA and the other limp dick beauracrats to get the ball rolling.
Goosestepping? Couldn’t you find an older cliche or analogy to trot out? Why the Nazi bullshit. You need some fresh material. BTW, I seriously doubt Bob Dylan and you are on the same page.

Rich B on August 29, 2006 at 11:30 pm

Off topic question: Debbie was that guy in SF who ran over people with his SUV a Jihadist?

shleppy on August 30, 2006 at 7:30 am

I just read about the guy in the SUv. I would say he is a Jihadist. A couple of key factors; he drove from Fremont which is a hive of Jihadists, basically the overflow from Lodi, also he seemed so calm when police arrested him, which means he did all of this intentionally and let’s not forget he just came back from Afghanistan, wedding jitters my A@*! He sounds just like the case of the Iranian student at UNC, kill as many infidels as possible. I’m sure no one in the MSM will make these links. Not that there is a grand conspiracy but it looks like individual Muslims are taking Jihad into their own hands. I think this is the third or fourth case this year of Muslims committing attempted murder or murder with their vehicles.

Minnie Mouse on August 30, 2006 at 8:13 am

Patience. Didn’t a wise man once say, “No good deed goes unpunished”?

Burt on August 30, 2006 at 9:20 am

I think the neighborhood is outside of NO. I think it was Houston or somewhere in TX. I only watched the intro, and almost puked – so I switched to Judge Judy!

La Ventanita on August 30, 2006 at 6:40 pm

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