August 15, 2006, - 1:49 am
Nasser Beydoun & Nael AbuNab: Lies By the Islamist Spinmeisters You Saw on FOX News Yesterday
If you watched FOX News Channel, yesterday (Monday), you may have seen Nasser Beydoun, Chairman of the American Arab Chamber of Commerce, and Nael AbuNab using every excuse imaginable that Muslim men purchasing cellphones and plotting to blow up Michiganians on a bridge are not terrorists.
But I have a few questions for them that FOX News didn’t ask. And a few questions for FOX News.
For FOX News:
* Why did you have a convicted felon on your news network (unless he’s on to talk about fraud)? The man, AbuNab, was convicted of 4 counts relating to fraud. There were many more counts. He pleaded no contest to a few in a deal. He has four aliases. He sold people cars with rolled back odometers, false titles, etc. His business was shut down because of it. But he lied to the British press and blamed 9/11 for it. Did 9/11 force people commit fraud? Perhaps a new disease has now been discovered: 9/11 Islamist Man Dishonesty Syndrome.
FOX News Channel apparently had the Not-Doing-Any-Research Syndrome by featuring criminal AbuNab on its network (except to talk about auto sales fraud). Here’s an excerpt from :
AbuNab was convicted in December 2003 on two counts of conspiracy, one count of criminal enterprise, and one count of false pretenses. He pled no contest to rolling back car odometers and issuing false titles at a Detroit car dealership he ran.
And the fraud continues. This summer, after the London bombings, AbuNab put one over on the Sunday Times of London’s Douglas Rogers, to whom AbuNab lied about the end result of the car dealership–claiming it was a result, not of his criminal fraud and deceit, but of 9/11 backlash against Muslims and Arabs.
” ‘After September 11 our community was under siege, we faced the backlash,’ he [AbuNab] says. ‘I lost a business. But I weighed my love for the country that had given me a home and the love for my faith and I found no contradiction.’ ”
Cry me a river. Or rather, cry the river for the real victims of the real reason for the failure of AbuNab’s business–the phony odometers and false auto titles AbuNab sold.
* Why did you not ask Nasser Beydoun about his attendance and speeches at several pro-Hezbollah events in Dearbornistan, at which he ? At , why didn’t Beydoun denounce a speech by Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi that called Jews and Americans “diseased” (with Beydoun in attendance), among other anti-American, anti-Semitic utterances he heard and for which he clapped? Why didn’t Beydoun condemn the prayers for the Mujahideen and martyrs? Or the calls to donate money to the “brothers and sisters” of Hezbollah, instead of buying clothes this year?
For Beydoun:
* You claim that the cellphone buyers were “just businessmen” buying phones to re-sell them. If you truly believe that (and we know you don’t; it’s just knowing fertilizer), then why did the men separate the 1,000 cellphones from their packaging and throw away the chargers (which do have sizeable market value–in a quantity of at least 1,000 cellphone chargers)?
* Since you are such a supporter of Hezbollah, show us the detailed accounting for your Bint Jebail Development Foundation, so we can determine where the money really goes, once it hits South Lebanon and goes somewhere.
You can’t believe anything the two–Beydoun and felon AbuNab–say. We only wish FOX News Channel had done its homework, instead of giving a forum to these unAmerican, Islamist apologists for terror, one of whom should only be on to talk about his own experiences as a convicted criminal.
Next time, FOX News producers, try Google. It’s really a nifty invention.
Tags: 9/11 Islamist Man Dishonesty Syndrome, American Arab Chamber of Commerce, back car odometers, Bint Jebail Development Foundation, car dealership, Chairman, Detroit, Douglas Rogers, Google, Hizballah, Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi, leader, London, Nasser Beydoun, new disease, News Channel, news network, Not-Doing-Any-Research Syndrome, Sunday Times, the Sunday Times
They should try Lexis Nexis too. Today, the really good stuff can be looked up in moments where it used to take hours. No one will ever do research the way I did in graduate school ever again. Now its all at one’s fingertips and there’s absolutely NO excuse for ignorance. Dennis Prager called CBS the Communication For Barbarians Service. Just in jest, I’d label FOX the Folderol For Xtremists Network. For Islamofascist extremists that is. And they’re supposed to be “fair and balanced.” Not when they bring on a terrorist apologist like Nasser Beydoun who cheered Hezbollah and is now explaining away Muslim men (actually terrorists lying in wait) cell phone purchaes. Such in the tenor of the times, both of those expressions I just employed are verboten. There, my big mouth just landed me in trouble with CAIR!
NormanF on August 15, 2006 at 2:02 am