August 11, 2006, - 7:25 am

MSNBC Notices: Yes, I’m the One Who Coined the Term “Dearbornistan”

Thanks to MSNBC’s Blog (and its host, Will) for giving me credit. No thanks for the back-handed way they did it. We don’t like Muslim terrorists and intolerance, Will. Do you?
Both of those are rampant in Dearbornistan. Get a clue.


6 Responses

Yes, you were. Next to New Fallujah, it epitomizes the ugly undercurrents in America’s Muslim “capital.” And I don’t particularly care for Islamofascists. I do know how they should be dealt with, because let’s face it, as a person I don’t subscribe to the shibboleth that all values are equal. They aren’t. And when these people declare openly they want us dead, my mind recalls the ancient Talmudic injunction: “He who rises to kill you; kill him first.” Its wisdom we will need to apply more and more frequently in this war if we want to save everything we hold dear, particularly our lives.

NormanF on August 11, 2006 at 9:02 am

Oh, thanks for linking me to msnbc!! I felt my IQ drop 15 points just from scanning through it for a few minutes!! What fools…

xyzgenericid on August 11, 2006 at 9:30 am

Living only about 4 miles from Dearborn, and half a mile from Dearbon Heights, I can see where you get this term. Let’s not forget Garden City as they’ve begun to slowly take over our main stretch. And by “they” I mean muslims, arabs, indians, -stanis, and everyone else from the region. I say “takeover” because that’s pretty much what they’re doing. Just drive Ford Rd from Inkster to Middlebelt…you’ll see what I mean.
However, if you were to call my city Garden Citystan, I would probably get upset. I’m home grown American and very true to my city; I can only imagine Dearborn residents feel the same way. Don’t coin a new name for the city to get your name out there, don’t lump everyone into “Dearbornistan” because it’s just not fair to anyone who lives there.
Why not take a higher road and look at the problem that really exists. It’s not the city of Dearborn, it’s not the surrounding cities, it’s a few bad apples wanting to take over the world. Well, as of yet nothing in Michigan has happened, and nothing probably will.
Hmm, following your mantra of new names for places that you feel deserve it, why not call this blog “Debbie does Detroit”…you might just get into a new demographic.

Kritikal on August 11, 2006 at 10:31 am

“Yes, I’m the One Who Coined the Term “Dearbornistan””
Woohoo. I’ve got a new one for you. Keyboard vigilante.

Descent on August 11, 2006 at 3:22 pm

I just acknowledged this over at my place. Good phrase!

pdigaudio on August 11, 2006 at 10:39 pm

Debbie you have to be thee most cold-hearted, ignorant people i have ever met! I don’t blame people that aren’t well informed for listening and agreeing with your lies but i blame you for fabricating these far- fetched “truths” you claim to know so much about. Dearbornistan, Hezbollah High, islamofacim? i’m sorry but any sane person can engage in a name calling game stop being immature and biased and open your eyes.

LINA DARWISH on August 15, 2006 at 11:25 pm

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