August 7, 2006, - 6:10 pm
Me on Israel National Radio
Here’s the audio from my interview with Israel National Radio (Arutz Sheva), yesterday morning. I’m on for 20 minutes from 25:26 to 45:26 in the audio stream. (The interview is with Israel National Radio’s Tamar Yonah and Malkah Fleisher.) I did the interview while I was only half-awake on Sunday Morning, so one correction: the majority in Syria are Sunnis, which is why the ruling Alawi minority (the Assads and their small circle) butchered them in Hama.
Tags: Debbie Schlussel Here, Israel National Radio, Syria, Tamar Yonah
Just listened to the interview and you mentioned that you were outed once from attending a muslim rally. Can you comment about that? How did they treat you?
AmericanIsraeli on August 7, 2006 at 10:11 pm