August 7, 2006, - 4:05 pm

“Jew Cunt, Get Gassed Soon”: Letters From My “Cousins,” the Continuing Saga

So, what was that ?
I get these on a regular basis. Here’s the latest gem from someone who lives too close for comfort. “Religion of Peace,” baby:

— “” wrote:
From: “”
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 14:51:29 GMT
Subject: Bouchard for Senate
Dear Debbie:
Thank you so much for . I had no idea he was Arab-American and I had no idea that he and Joe Knollenburg both supported Arab causes.
You have actually got me motivated to vote in the primaries; I am DEFINITELY voting for BOTH BOUCHARD and KNOLLENBURG now!!!!!! My only hope is that they subdue the Jew pig lobby in Washington and bring it and ISrael to its knees like they both deserve.
BTW, you are a true Jew cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you get gassed or Katushya-ed some day…SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anti-Semites for Bouchard. Yet another reason to , if you live in Michigan.

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12 Responses

Oh, those unhinged, liberal, moontards have such eloquence when it comes to spewing the anti-semite hate. Kooks are real!

Yiddish Steel on August 7, 2006 at 4:19 pm

Dear bismillah:
Hope you Mozloom retarded pigs get blown apart by the wonderful Israeli rockets…. with love from all of us freedom loving kaffirs.
Inshallah, the world will change from “piece-full” to peaceful after you turds are taken out…… and all of you can meet your retarded maker Allah (PISS be unto him)
BTW nice email addy you have there…. get ready to free your debt, increase your penis size, meet virgins, use camels and goats animals in a “better way”, etc…..

anonymous twit on August 7, 2006 at 5:14 pm

That was an informative letter Debbie. Well thought point of view it would seem.
If this is the side you’re against though, it’s that much easier to know you’re right. =P

Robb H on August 7, 2006 at 5:35 pm

I know you probably get this a lot but… I truly hope you’re are protected some how. At least I’d be afraid of being attacked by one of these freaks.

AmericanIsraeli on August 7, 2006 at 9:49 pm

I was saying this morning Islamofascists hate ALL Jews, not just Israelis. Debbie Schlussel isn’t hated because she lives in Israel. She’s hated because she’s a Jew. To think Islamofascists’ obssession begins and ends with Israel is where people are mistaken. To them every Jew in the world is a mortal threat to their plans for world domination. Who says the 1930s are over? Not if the death threat to Debbie can be believed – and this close to home, the truly scary part is people are still in denial.

NormanF on August 7, 2006 at 10:01 pm

The kind of shit this guy talks maybe he should be called “orifice2004”.

CornCoLeo on August 7, 2006 at 10:37 pm

This guy types worse than Japs. Let me show you:
“”” wrote:
From: “”
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 14:51:29 GMT
Subject: Bouchard for Senate
Dear Debbie:
Thank you so much for your informative piece on Senate candidate Mike Bouchard. I had no idea he was (Was, he dead?) Arab-American (No need for a hypen or dash, because, Arab American is not compound adjective) and I had no idea that he and Joe Knollenburg both supported Arab causes (So in other words, they don’t support the Arab Cause? What about Egyptians? They’re Muslim and Northern Sudan, (They anti Africans?) Oh and lets not forget the white folks in Chechnya and the Asians in Southeast Asia.) Are they racist? You typed the “Arab cause).
You have actually got me motivated to vote in the primaries;(no need for semi-colon, there is no split infinitives or in simple English, there are to complete thoughts) I am DEFINITELY voting for BOTH BOUCHARD and KNOLLENBURG now!!!!!! (Too many exclamation points. Words are more powerful than that !!!) My only hope is that they subdue the Jew pig lobby (they have a lobby for Jew Pig? So they bring pigs from Israel and put them in the lobby?) in Washington and bring it and ISrael to its knees like they both deserve. (pigs don’t have knees)
BTW, you are a true Jew cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you get gassed or Katushya-ed some day…SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” (I’m sure she gets gas when she eats too much)
Learn to type

KOAJaps on August 8, 2006 at 4:25 am

A word of caution regarding your identification of the sender of the emails. I have learned to my near sorrow that it is pretty easy to send emails under the banner of another sender. There are actually programs out there that allow you to do it.

Duke on August 8, 2006 at 10:34 am

Hey you guys in Michigan are becoming an important test case to see whether Dearbornistan will flourish and enlarge here in the USA as it has elsewhere around the world. How you vote is vitally important. It’s up to you.

Mark on August 8, 2006 at 10:32 pm

Its possible to assume the writing style of another person but its not possible to copy that’s person’s soul. If that could be done, we’d all be in deep trouble. I am thankful to G-d for making each and every one of us – unique – in His own image.

NormanF on August 8, 2006 at 10:58 pm

germans could have done better………..

martin wittman on March 9, 2010 at 8:02 pm

Why, you jew skank! Send this one straight to the gas!

Anatoli on August 14, 2012 at 1:34 am

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