May 21, 2010, - 8:23 pm

Arab CNN Reporter Uses Anti-Semitic Slur Against Schlussel; Miss Hezbo USA Mocked Native Americans in Lebanon Pageant

By Debbie Schlussel

Yesterday, CNN’s Senior Editor for Middle East Affairs, Octavia Nasr, used an anti-Semitic slur to describe me in a gushing story over Miss Hezbollah USA Rima Fakih. While the story originally had the headline, “Miss USA:  Muslim Trailblazer or Hezbollah Spy?” CNN quickly changed the title and dropped the Hezbollah part, after liberal websites like Talking Points Memo whined.  But no one had a problem with Nasr’s description of me in writing and on video as a “neo-conservative.” Yes, Ms. Nasr is a bigoted, anti-Semitic pig, whom you may remember as CNN’s lying, anti-Israel lead correspondent during the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah War. It’s no surprise that the Crescent News Network picked this Islamo-pandering kalbeh [Arabic for dog or bi-otch] with an obtrusively heavy accent to cover the Middle East for Al-Jazeera Atlanta, er . . . CNN.



hezbollah4.jpgMISS USA

This is CNN: Octavia Nasr, CNN’s Mid-East Editor, is Anti-Semite, Cheerleader for Miss Hezbo USA

For the record, I am NOT a neo-conservative.  I am conservative, period.  The words “neo-conservative” and “neocon” have long been used by anti-Semites like Pat Buchanan (who has used it to deride me, among others, on MSNBC) and many anti-Semites, including Muslims, to negatively describe Jews and to question our credentials as conservatives because we are Jews and support Israel.  It’s a code word for “Jew” and a slur. I expect anti-Semitic slurs and worse from the many uncivilized, low-class Muslim commenters who’ve flocked to this site, but not from a television news network.  And it’s interesting that CNN doesn’t have a problem with that, but does have a problem with accurately describing Miss USA Rima Fakih’s Hezbollah ties and asking her to condemn Hezbollah and her pageant bid financier, “former” Islamic terrorist and immigration fraud perpetrator Imad Hamad‘s open support for that group and for HAMAS.  Hamad openly calls Hezbollah terrorists “the Heroes.”  Also for the record, CNN has a reading comprehension problem.  I never said Fakih is a “Hezbollah spy.”  I said she’s a Hezbollah supporter.  Two different job descriptions, same murderous terrorist group which killed hundreds of Americans.

And then, there is Miss USA Fakih’s mocking of traditional American Indian/Native American dress in the cheesy Miss Lebanon Immigrant pageant in 2008 (which she lost).  Watch the video, above, and ask yourself, where is the outrage against Fakih from Indian tribes?  You know–all of those groups who get outraged when teams call themselves “the Redskins” or “the Chippewa”?  Where are they when this woman is obviously mocking Indians to Muslims and Arabs in Lebanon who hate us? I’ll bet our friend, David Yeagley/Bad Eagle will have something to say about it.  But he’ll be a lone voice,  I predict.  I don’t hear the Sioux or the Cherokee decrying this. Why?

No one cares.  Because, hey, she’s  Muslim.  And like liberal Democrats, a la Barack Obama, they get away with everything.  Cue the crickets in place of the Native American outrage, which certainly has a place here.

Now, if the White, blonde, Christian Miss Oklahoma USA wore the headdress and full Indian attire, then the outcry would be deafening.

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227 Responses

You can tell when the crazy ones don’t like one of Debbie’s posts…look at all of these replies. Do you all just spread the word and then come on here and rant on and on? You DO realize that those of us that come to this site regularly share a lot of the same conservative views, right? When uneducated liberal imbeciles like the rest of you post these ridiculous things the rest of us just laugh. You just make our case against liberals, muslims, illegals, etc. that much stronger. Anyways, Rima has been trying to get attention for years (daddy issues?). Once her 15 minutes are over people will realize how vapid she really is.

Angela04 on May 23, 2010 at 2:35 pm

Also laughing my ass off at all the people here talking about “THE MUSLIMS,” especially our author’s wonderful view of the “uncivilized, low-class” ones here. Guess racism is only a bad thing when you’re on the receiving end.

A Call to Reason on May 23, 2010 at 2:54 pm

“Also laughing my ass off at all the people here talking about “THE MUSLIMS,” especially our author’s wonderful view of the “uncivilized, low-class” ones here. Guess racism is only a bad thing when you’re on the receiving end.”

Dear “A Call to stupidity”:

Racism is only racism if the stereotypes are stereotypes, and the claims that the race is evil etc. are NOT true. In the case of ISLAM they ARE true! Read the Quran, read the Hadiths (as well as the known forged Hadits, you know the ones that claim Jerusalem as the third holliest city in ISLAM”, study the Surah’s then you too will understand that observant MUSLIMS are by definition all those things your so called racists are calling them, and MUCH MUCH MORE! Of course we have to realize that ISLAM is a religion and NOT a race so racism is not the proper term here!

Moses on May 23, 2010 at 3:05 pm

    To “Moses,”

    Perhaps we should all work together for a “final solution” to the evil Muslim question then?

    A Call to Reason on May 23, 2010 at 3:17 pm

Also, “Moses,” you’re right; Muslim is not a race, its a religion so here we go, a CORRECTED version of my earlier post! Its my gift to you. =D

Also laughing my ass off at all the people here talking about “THE MUSLIMS,” especially our author’s wonderful view of the “uncivilized, low-class” ones here. Guess PREJUDICE is only a bad thing when you’re on the receiving end.

A Call to Reason on May 23, 2010 at 3:27 pm

    It isn’t prejudice when it is based on fact. Not only fact, by the way, but unalterable fact. Islam has been the scourge of mankind ever since Mo made it up.

    skzion on May 23, 2010 at 9:33 pm

I part company with Debbie S on a lot of issues. But when push comes to shove, I stand with Debbie against all of these attacks.

David N. Friedman on May 23, 2010 at 3:42 pm

note that neo-cons like you, who couple an aggrieved and nonsensical sense of victimhood with a selfish, imperialist, and ultimately delusional worldview do the cause of anti-semitism more good than a whole bushel of stormfronts and jewwatches.

Hon Kee Mufo on May 23, 2010 at 3:45 pm

    A Hon Ko cho whatever: note that neo-cons like you, who couple an aggrieved and nonsensical sense of victimhood with a selfish, imperialist

    Spoken like the Bolshevik monster you ARE.

    MAD JEWESS on May 23, 2010 at 5:57 pm

When muslims get “outraged”, LOOK OUT! Let the beheadings begin, religion of peace”!”

DS_ROCKS! on May 23, 2010 at 7:55 pm

Just because a Muslim girl won does not mean she was made to win, or she is a Hezbolla spy sent to soften their image, or anything like that. It is thinking like this, that proves what a Neo-Con is – an extremist, willing to see signs, and plots, where none exist, to justify their polarizing, sometimes pathologic viewpoint. Today that viewpoint is anti-islamic. And for stating that Neo-Con title is anit-semitic, that is something that probably exists in your mind. Neo-Con is certainly a derisive term, and folks like Cheyney, Boltons are Neo-Cons, and it certainly is NOT ati-semitic.

sebek on May 23, 2010 at 9:50 pm

    Re: sebek at 9:54 pm:

    “Just because a Muslim girl won does not mean…she is a Hezbolla spy…”

    From Debbie’s post above:

    “Also for the record, CNN has a reading comprehension problem. I never said Fakih is a “Hezbollah spy.” I said she’s a Hezbollah supporter. Two different job descriptions, same murderous terrorist group which killed hundreds of Americans.”

    Again from sebek (same post):

    “And for stating that Neo-Con title is anit-semitic, that is something that probably exists in your mind.”

    From Debbie’s post above:

    “The words “neo-conservative” and “neocon” have long been used by anti-Semites like Pat Buchanan (who has used it to deride me, among others, on MSNBC) and many anti-Semites, including Muslims, to negatively describe Jews and to question our credentials as conservatives because we are Jews and support Israel.”

    That means that Pat Buchanan and others are the ones that put the notion Neo-Con is anti-Semitic in her mind–unless you want to argue that Pat and others never said such things (snicker).

    As Debbie would say, “RIF–Reading is fundamental.”

    JeffE on May 23, 2010 at 10:03 pm

      Corection: sebek at 9:50 pm.

      JeffE on May 23, 2010 at 10:07 pm

      Regardless of who put that thought in her backwards thinking brain, it’s still 100% false.

      Going with that train of though, it’s people like her that give Jews a bad name. No wonder they have been hated and thought of as a bane to society for centuries. People like her prove that Jews are batshit crazy hypocrites. How dare she bash muslims and then cry about people using “anti-semitic” insults on her.

      Semitic Mike on May 24, 2010 at 2:14 am

        Re: Semitic Mike at 2:14 am.

        “Regardless of who put that thought in her backwards thinking brain, it’s still 100% false”

        But since it Pat Buchanan and others who put the notion and Debbie’s head, then you should condemn them, not Debbie.

        “Going with that train of though, it’s people like her that give Jews a bad name. No wonder they have been hated and thought of as a bane to society for centuries. People like her prove that Jews are batshit crazy hypocrites. How dare she bash muslims and then cry about people using “anti-semitic” insults on her.”

        What about the Muslims who have been condemning the Jewish people–in the distant past, the recent past, and today? I don’t see you condemning them for their bigotry against the Jewish people. Basically you’re saying that because Debbie dares to condemn Muslims for their condemnation and war against the Jewish people, as well as other non-Muslims, that that therefore proves that she and other Jews are hypocrites and therefore justifies the Muslims’ and others’ war against the Jewish people.

        I hope that I don’t have to use any more space to point out how idiotic that is.

        JeffE on May 24, 2010 at 6:42 am

        Great point Mike,
        My Dearest Debbie, How dare you cry wolf about an anti-semetic slur when all you do is talk about how evil and bad muslims are. People like you tarnish the images of jews. When I moved a way to University I had the impression that jews were these close minded people just like you but now my best friends are jews and they HATE you.

        To My Dearest Debbie, on May 25, 2010 at 2:00 am

          Debbie, Like others here, I still don’t understand how “neo-con” is an anti-Jewish slur of some kind. I always thought it had to do w/political views only. Really, with all there is to talk about in the world you have to play the “anti-semitic” card? I guess that CNN reporter was referring to you, and maybe you were offended, but shouldn’t your skin be thicker by now?

          Sophia Leto (a.k.a. Moody Mommy) on July 11, 2010 at 11:39 pm

Ms Schlussel: You have had an international impact with your exposure of this Shi’ite bimbo’s connections with Hezbollah enthusiasts. You forced the MSM to go into overtime spinning on and on about how “American” Rima is. On one point, I perhap diverge from you: Rima is truly gorgeous, which makes her all the effective for Hezbollah.

man_in_tx on May 23, 2010 at 10:13 pm

    Like the old saying it, “beauty is skin deep.” Don’t assume from someone’s looks you know what their values are.

    Which sadly, a lot of people don’t care about these days.

    NormanF on May 23, 2010 at 11:27 pm

Personally, I looked for Debbie’s name in the CNN article, and I didn’t find it. Second, I had NO CLUE ‘neo-conservative’ is now considered a ‘anti-semetic slur.’ Last time I even checked the dictionary or Wiki or, etc….the definition does not mean ‘anti-semetic.’

HOWEVER……why does Ms. Schlussel think so?

Just for you all out there, ‘neo-conservative’ is a liberal who became conservative – who believe in military power to liberalize other countries, and prefer welfare states. Basically, they are a inbetween Liberal and Conservative.

Well….Israel is basically a heavy welfare state, using US money added to their GDP. And need weapons all the time – warfare like. IE: Lebanon recently dropped their mandatory requirement for military service. Israel hasn’t.

This is where Ms. Schlussel takes the offensive of being called a neo-conservative. It is an underlined insult to her. But……hmmmmmmm. Isn’t it hard to believe in a state as such, and say your not one? And, I am anti-PC…I just don’t see the same phrase being anti-semetic. This was just concocted.

watchathinkin? on May 23, 2010 at 11:02 pm

    Lots of people are trying to kill Israelis, and would…if they put their guns down. “Neo-Conservative” in the Paleo-Conservative Lexicon, is interchangeable with “Jew.” Read Taki’s Magazine for proof.

    Occam's Tool on February 8, 2011 at 9:11 pm

Hey Jesse James mistress Bombshell McGee and Rima Fakih have something in common. Pole dancers who support groups that want the the extermination of Jews.

CaliforniaScreaming on May 23, 2010 at 11:06 pm

Why would anyone bother to comment seriously or give rational arguments on such a miserable blog? The only standard of comments this crap is worth of is something like: ‘Debbie you’re one stupid miserable bitch’
N.B. Your blog’s standards are even lower than this comment.

Raafat Hamze on May 24, 2010 at 5:16 am

    Re: Raafat Hamze at 5:16 am.

    Thank you for giving a partial insight into the “minds” of the mindless Debbie haters. However, what you said about this blog is 100% false. This blog is the big leagues, and if you are not up to it, then that is your problem, not Debbies or anyone who comments here in support of her.

    JeffE on May 24, 2010 at 6:55 am

Ur a moron

abzyy on May 24, 2010 at 5:28 am

    Re: abzyy at 5:28 pm.

    I agree, abzyy, that Raafat Hamze is indeed a moron, as well as and other mindless Debbie haters.

    JeffE on May 24, 2010 at 6:59 am

Can we please move on to something really interesting like Who is the JetBlue pilot removed from his cockpit for threatening to crash the plane, “supposedly” because he and his gf broke up?
MSM was quick to name some Hispanic guy who committed a fairly minor
( ? ) violation on the same flight but nothing about the pilot’s identity citing “medical” reasons.
You can post 1,72,000 more posts on Rima and it won’t change anyone’s mind or the situation. We all get it and we all have our point of view.

mk750 on May 24, 2010 at 5:37 am

The funny thing is how fundamentalists like Ms. Schlussel call muslims as anti-Semites, well FYI Ms. schlussel muslims are semites themsleves by a majority they’re the sons and daughters of the middle east and they are more semites than you, a woman with blue eyes and blond hair.

The second point is that, what you write and the words you use like pig for example, are words used in girls fights in the middle school, and ppl get over them once they’re in high school so go get yourslef checked kido.

John on May 24, 2010 at 6:52 am

    Re: John at 6:52 am

    1) Anti-Semitism means hatred of the Jewish people. But hey, don’t take either my word or Debbie’s word for it. Wilhelm Marr is the one who said that this is so. So if you have a problem with it, then take it up with him.

    2) You might have more credibility if ou were to at least condemn the Debbie haters with their own middle school and lower levels of language against her.

    JeffE on May 24, 2010 at 7:10 am

      P.S. to my 7:10 am post.

      On second thought, I should point out that the “pig” remark was when Debbie called CNN’s Octavia Nasr “a bigoted, anti-Semitic pig”. Maybe Debbie should apologize to the pigs for associating them with anti-Semitism.

      JeffE on May 24, 2010 at 7:41 am

    Dear John,
    You have great points and by the way our Dearest Debbie is actually a burnette with dark brown/blackish curls 🙂 She dyed it blonde and straightened it to look less middle eastern.

    To My Dearest Debbie, on May 25, 2010 at 2:03 am

Anyone with any knowledge of the middle east, or Lebanese for that matter, know that this so-called ‘queen’ cannot in any reasonable fashion be classed as ‘Muslim’…this is totally incorrect. If she herself said this, then you can see that something is afoot with the whole publicity bandwagon, and most probably it was a ‘bought’ title anyway, amd bought with nicely laundered money right out of the dispora!

Marty on May 24, 2010 at 7:36 am

Lebanese people in Lebanon do not hate YOU [US] as you so clearly mention.

we actually don’t hate many people… only despise those who ‘think’ they know something and they don’t (we actually feel sorry and pity those), and those others who think they are above what we call the LAW… which in this case is Israel. and despicable is reversible i might add

As a Lebanese ‘Neo-conservative’ that doesn’t support any political faction, but gets pissed by dumb-ass Americans (in this case) that think they know better, or think they are better, by choosing to forget why Lebanon and Israel are in a state of war… The Isreali’s started it, that is the fact, the only fact… the reasons are many and the only thing holding them back, unfortunately is Hizzi.

As for the poor Jewish people that support Israel’s politics just because they are Jewish and they think they have to, i beg to differ. I though Judaism was all about doing what God had told you and live in peace until the Messiah comes round (in a nutshell)… why all the rage and hatred inducing behavior?

Lebanese Dude on May 24, 2010 at 7:39 am

    Lebanese Dude, you know no more about Judaism than you do about recent Lebanese history. What destroyed Lebanon most directly was the entrance of Fakestinians, which upset the balance between Shiite, Sunni, and Maronite. This isn’t even a serious question.

    As for “hatred inducing behavior,” that of course is properly applied to the totalitarian doctrine of Islam. Nor are Jews (as opposed to Jews in Name Only) supposed to sit around whining for peace until Mosiach. Indeed, according to real Judaism, there should be no Muslims in Eretz Israel at all. In addition, southern Lebanon is Jewish land.

    skzion on May 24, 2010 at 12:03 pm

To read DS is to get a good dose of REALITY! I stand with Debbie and say, GET REAL!

The good news in this is that more people now know about Fakih’s Hezbollah ties–let alone her stripper gig. Anyone with a brain can check that and verify it. It is undeniable, though we will see such attempts as this to spin the truth. The company of her terror loving cronies is damned by their trail of bloodshed.

So, this publicity is still GOOD publicity. If it makes some interested MSM watchers go deeper, and it will, it cannot wash the stain of what Hezbollah is and has done.

BB on May 24, 2010 at 8:54 am

    dittos! pple need to see they cannot trust the MSM EVER!

    LP on May 25, 2010 at 8:16 am

Keep bashing on Rima Fakih , she’ll only laugh at all of you haters. Is being lebanese means antisemitic ? Lebanese ARE semitic hahaha , now is being lebanese means hate of the jews ? I know several lebanese jews who feels 100% lebanese. Shut up Schlussel you’re just a looser filled with hatred and stop seeing Hezbollah everywhere , they are just as bad as the Israeli government. Just one question , and for God’s sake , are you American or Israeli ? whose interests comes first ? Our interests or the Israeli ones ?

Jimmy on May 24, 2010 at 9:24 am

Count on another islamophobic moron to unleash her autistic brain cell and put it to use by projectile dispatching such illiterate vomit online. At times like these, i truly wish there were laws to prevent an abomination such as yourself madam from mentally assaulting our minds with the horrid anti-social psychopathic nature that seems to have taken over you, which we in our turn try to relate to as a way to justify your hostile inhumane behavior. If Ms./Mrs. Schlussel? cared enough to prove herself smarter than a semi-intelligent germ en-route to extinction she would have realized that Arabic is the most spoken semitic language. But i don’t expect an american oaf like herself to locate her country on a map let alone sporting the basic knowledge and insight on an issue she wants to discuss. I however will not give a history lesson as well on how Jews/Arabs and Shem are related. I’d rather let Debbie do that provided she had the minimum mental necessities to do such a task. To further avoid any confrontations with the blind followers of such a miserable person i will say this : I am an atheist, I don’t care much about religion, Hizbullah officials assassinated my grandfather for not training them in the 80s ( Him back then being in the army ) but perhaps you would want to ease on the Lebanese-Bashing Debbie, being biased is one thing, cross a line and you become paranoid. We are a country of more than 18 religious sects and i doubt it Hezbullah represents us much less their own Shi’ite supporters. Of course i don’t expect you to agree and change the way you act or think of us ( as arabs not just lebanese ) after all this defies the whole purpose this site was made for in the first place. ( Think fame and attention ). In closure ma’am,try to be honest with yourself before your are with your readers. We all remember your charade back in the early 90s.

Another Lebanese Dude on May 24, 2010 at 9:29 am

    Hey Another Lebanese Dude, when will you learn to write clear, direct prose? That pompous stuff is garbage masquerading as erudition.

    As for the thin content, you are just lying. The Maronites have lost any power, and the country is now run by the Iranians via Syria. Islam has been, as it usually is, utterly destructive. Thus it is laughable to claim that there are good relations among the religions in Lebanon.

    skzion on May 24, 2010 at 11:58 am

Thanks for all you do, Debbie! You are a great role model.

Naomi Litvin on May 24, 2010 at 10:28 am

Repulsive Ms. Debbie Schlussel. Your Article is Repulsive

B on May 24, 2010 at 10:57 am

Debbie…nobody knows you…Octavia Nasr is well know and appreciate even in Europe. Debbie you are nobody so shut up…nobody reads you, nobody knows you! Bomboclat!

Lidia on May 24, 2010 at 11:52 am

POI: Islam is a religion with which one chooses to associate. “Jew” is primarily used of a race (with which has no choice). In fact, Israel is a secular state and a significant number of Israelis are atheist/agnostic.

bleechers on May 24, 2010 at 12:03 pm

Only an anti-Semite without a clue would believe the term “neo-conservative” is not a codeword for a Jew who is conservative. So many people have used the term so often that they have glossed over its underlying meaning. Jews have been called neo-conservatives when they have seen the light glowing from the Democrat Party. They have left the Democrats to embrace conservatism. I guess black people who have become conservatives should be called Uncle Tom’s or Oreo’s too, eh? What’s that? They already are?

Jerry Haberer on May 24, 2010 at 12:24 pm

skzion I find it rather amusing that a non-lebbo developed enough courage to come and lecture me about lebanon, the lebanese and the structure of the lebanese society. Your arrogance only amplifies your ignorance my friend, and it is even funnier how you assumed that i was defending Islam when i already stated that i am an atheist but i guess it is nothing new for a zionist (Note how i used zionist and not jewish?) pig to try and twist the truth and change it to their own will. now go on run to your thesaurus and try to find some new words that would make you sound smarter than the inbred trailer trash you are.

Another Lebanese Dude on May 24, 2010 at 12:38 pm

    ALD sez:

    “skzion I find it rather amusing that a non-lebbo developed enough courage to come and lecture me about lebanon, the lebanese and the structure of the lebanese society.”

    Are you even capable of writing decent English? Immorality does affect one’s writing. Your own immorality couldn’t be more manifest. I am a political scientist, and I know a hell of a lot more about American politics than nearly all Americans. I know a hell of a lot more about Lebanese politics than nearly all Lebanese.

    “Your arrogance only amplifies your ignorance my friend, ”

    Write honestly (I know your tradition makes this difficult). We are enemies, not friends.

    “and it is even funnier how you assumed that i was defending Islam when i already stated that i am an atheist ”

    This pose of “amused,” “funny,” etc., is tiresome posturing, especially from someone evil like you. You can “note” anything. I presume you lie to the infidel, so I take nothing you say at face value.

    “but i guess it is nothing new for a zionist (Note how i used zionist and not jewish?) pig ”

    Here we see that you are a Muslim animal, not a human being, and not deserving of respect or rights. I like how you try to shield your hatred of the Jew (mandated by your religion) by the “Zionist not Jew” gambit. This shows you are stupid as well as immoral.

    “now go on run to your thesaurus and try to find some new words that would make you sound smarter than the inbred trailer trash you are.”

    I do not need a thesaurus, thank you. You are such a fool that you think that your practice of using words inappropriately makes you sound smart.

    I want to be very clear about this: I consider you an animal. I consider Muslims who conform to Sharia to be animals. I dream of a day when Islam is wiped from this earth.

    skzion on May 24, 2010 at 3:23 pm

      Oh, and lest the reader be dizzied by Another Lebanese Dude’s blather, note that it (remember, he is not human) did not actually dispute my own brief comment on the Lebanese political structure. That is because he cannot.

      skzion on May 24, 2010 at 3:28 pm

      LOL skzion…I think you don’t know shit about shit. Retard.

      Debbieisretarded on May 24, 2010 at 10:31 pm

+1 to Another Lebanese Dude
I hope true Americans will wake up to the evil nature of the many zionists inside their country , before it’ll be too late.
Schlussel you’re still more evil than the logo you associated Octavia Nasr with.
Let me remind you that Octavia Nasr is a Christian and an American ,a true American…

Jimmy on May 24, 2010 at 1:02 pm

neo con is a pejorative in context of liberal criticsm of conservatives particularly in discussions military and more particularly Isreal.

octavia nasr called debbie a neo con.

debbie points out octavia is a goose stepper, says so…if the shoe fits…

debbie threw the shoes at her for try-on…fit like a glove? i sould say like a pair ot $685 ferragamo loafers…

hill billy on May 24, 2010 at 1:15 pm

Jimmy, apparently you can’t follow very well. Your ignorance and hatred are showing. Just last week Debbie highlighted the true first Arab to win Miss USA… who was Lebanese. She just happened to be a Christian, so apparently that doesn’t count.

The groups Miss Fakih supports hate Jews. There is a connection here. It has nothing to do with her being Lebanese, it has to do with her support of genocidal maniacs.

bleechers on May 24, 2010 at 1:57 pm

so lebanese…

saad hariri is in the wh today meeting with b-rock.

i guess one question i would want answered is who detonated the sr. mr. hariri…we think syria via the hezzie reprobate marionettes of iran… who are also responsible for the unfortunate case you told us of your grandfater…

whats your take?

and if what i say is true, how can you NOT side with the debbie schlessels of the world calling a spade a spade.

hill billy on May 24, 2010 at 2:13 pm

Debbie…nobody knows you…Octavia Nasr is well know and appreciate even in Europe. Debbie you are nobody so shut up…nobody reads you, nobody knows you! Bomboclat!

Lidia on May 24, 2010 at 4:16 pm

Debbie…just because you hate Octavia Nasr I love her
As Lidia Said…nobody knows you. you are so ridiculous! that’s crazy!

Alicia on May 24, 2010 at 4:31 pm

Necon is a slur for Hebrew or Jew? That is a new one on me. As a Jew I can tell you it is not, and would like to inform you Ms Schlussel is certifiable. 10 articles on Miss America….but relevant she is not.

M.Dayan on May 24, 2010 at 5:21 pm

    Re: M. Dayan at 5:21 pm:

    “Necon is a slur for Hebrew or Jew? That is a new one on me. As a Jew I can tell you it is not, and would like to inform you Ms Schlussel is certifiable.”

    From Debbie’s post above:

    “The words “neo-conservative” and “neocon” have long been used by anti-Semites like Pat Buchanan (who has used it to deride me, among others, on MSNBC) and many anti-Semites, including Muslims, to negatively describe Jews and to question our credentials as conservatives because we are Jews and support Israel.”

    That means that Pat Buchanan and others are the ones that said that Neo-Con is anti-Semitic–unless you want to argue that Pat and others never said such things (snicker).

    M. Dayan (same post):

    “10 articles on Miss America….but relevant she is not.”

    Earlier in this thread:

    “Ms Schlussel: You have had an international impact with your exposure of this Shi’ite bimbo’s connections with Hezbollah enthusiasts. You forced the MSM to go into overtime spinning on and on about how “American” Rima is….

    man_in_tx on May 23, 2010 at 10:13 pm”

    JeffE on May 24, 2010 at 7:30 pm

keep trying debbie but it looks kike the magic vs the celtics

america being the magic………only in the real world the refs are helping the celts as weel ( or the media helping the r o p})

america has jumped the shark and the iv leaguerz and the radicals have won
all hail
supreme leader hyssuini

drew299 on May 24, 2010 at 9:59 pm

oops better change my accidental jewish slur supposed to be like ….

i’m tired

drew299 on May 24, 2010 at 10:01 pm

With as little knowledge, as this bitch Debbie Schlussel (which is a German Nazi name), has about anything, she should just stay at home spread her legs in order to be gang banged and while eating her favorite meal, uncooked little Palestinian children.

I also want to add that Schlussel is one ugly chick…change the picture on your site for fucks sake. Or leave a footnote blaming neo-liberal, Arab loving camera technology for the faux-pas of what is called your face

Debbieisretarded on May 24, 2010 at 10:29 pm

how does octavia nasr pronounce that in arabic?


sorry. i know that was insensative and shallow. but surely someome else but me heard that.

F-22 on May 25, 2010 at 2:22 am

used in a sentence…do ya think paris hiltons boyfriend thinks shes a better Fakih than paris?

sorry agin. now that thats out of my system i promis not to do that agin

F-22 on May 25, 2010 at 2:27 am

Again skzion you are doing me the favor of making a total retard out of yourself, Jew-Hatred? Only a moron would claim he/she is a political scientist then fail to point out the difference between Judaism and Zionism. Oh by the way did i mention that we also have jews in lebanon? ( Beirut, Wadi Abu Jameel Area to be precise, i should know since i lived there … But again skzion i really do not expect you to say/write/express anything semi intelligent since you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about and drowning in your own one inch of logic. Calling me names now? Please lol if i wanted to troll this post there are thousands of ways i can think of, and trust me my cock sucking friend ( i can cuss too btw xD ) calling me names wouldn’t have the lightest effect on me… I guess my doubts were in place, you are a zionist pig after all. ( with my utter respect to all jews ). So in conclusion skzion….. U MAD? lmao

Hill Billy, i mentioned it before and i will do it again, Hezbullah was responsible for assassinating my Grandfather back in the 80s when he refused to train their soldiers. Hezbullah was responsible for a childhood i spent in shelters hoping it’s thunder that i hear and not bombs. So if you somehow felt that i was defending Hezbullah in my post i urge you to re-read it. As for Late PM Rafiq Al Harriri’s Assassination i don’t think i can say anything regarding that particular issue except that i tend to believe the real culprit would yes be Hezbullah/Syria/Iran. Mr. Al Harriri was trying to revive the country which was totally against their own agenda which of course everyone is aware of by now. The sole reason I don’t side with Debbie is her attitude towards the lebanese in general. We are not murderers or terrorists, just because 50% of the nation is run by some war mongering bearded mullah doesn’t mean the entire country is. Eventually the street will realize that voting and supporting Hezbullah / The Free Patriotic Movement and El Marada didn’t fix the economy, or made their lives easier. And thanks for being so civilized btw ^_^

Another Lebanese Dude on May 25, 2010 at 4:14 am

    The diligent reader (who can bear reading Another Lebanese Dude) will notice that this animal still has not replied to the substance of my post.

    Here’s what I said:

    “The Maronites have lost any power, and the country is now run by the Iranians via Syria. Islam has been, as it usually is, utterly destructive. Thus it is laughable to claim that there are good relations among the religions in Lebanon.”

    Now, as ALD is an animal, we can’t expect it to be fully sentient, but who exactly will dispute what I wrote?

    Lebanon was set up with a balance of forces among Sunnis, Shiites, and Maronites. The Maronites were, however, the most powerful group, holding the presidency. Now Syria controls the president, Hezbollah controls the armed forces, and Iran controls both Lebanon and Syria. The proximate cause of the collapse of Lebanon related to the influx of beasts known as Fakestinians (Sunnis). None of this is even very controversial. There was never tolerance at the grassroots level, and that is why the whole rickety structure failed when the Muslims gained the power to go after the Maronites (who are basically Catholic).

    skzion on May 25, 2010 at 10:09 am

    I’m glad you commented (I’m late to the discussion, obviously). Just wanted to point out that in Torah study this week, we were reading the Book of Kings where Hiram of Lebanon was contracted to provide all the materials for building the Temple. “Hiram was a righteous man, and Lebanon was a friend to King Solomon and the Jews” our Rabbi pointed out. Today, Israel could really use the wisdom of Solomon and friends like Hiram in Lebanon.

    Sophia Leto (a.k.a. Moody Mommy) on July 11, 2010 at 11:53 pm

This is profoundly wrong! Debbie, can u sue this woman and the network? This cannot stand…Libel? Cease and desist? Anything??

It is good we at least know who these people are, they revealed themselves as truly vile persons. And I will continue my own private boycotting of 99% of tv media/ I cannot stand them.

It is damn shame these pple railed against you when you are telling the truth!

LP on May 25, 2010 at 8:10 am

I always thought liberal hollywood elite or ivory tower elite was code for Jewish and anti-semitic. I had no idea that neocon was used that way. I thought it represented a generational change in convservative thinking.

Jennifer on May 25, 2010 at 8:40 am

Another Lebanese Dude, I don’t think DS has any ill will towards Lebanon. Just haz b allah, islamists, arabs f-ing with Israel, Americans, jews anywhere.

Another question I would ask is whats up with that jihadi tourism park I read about touted as the Disneyland of Lebanon.

Cant you see how that paints you with the same brush tolerating that in your land? If we did that here people would excoriate us faster than you can say right wing militia, only they would do it with words not AK’s or Nissan pathfinders filled with bar-b-q fuel and nails.

hill hilly on May 25, 2010 at 12:57 pm

Debbie, Keep on keeping on, we love you!

Angie on May 25, 2010 at 2:55 pm

Re: To the person calling him/herself “To my Dearest Debbie”

If you should return to this thread, please take a look at the kind of response that I gave right below both your 2:00 am and 2:03 am posts that they are worthy of.



JeffE on May 25, 2010 at 8:36 pm

Debbie you are a retard !

max on May 31, 2010 at 12:14 pm

Octavia nasr is a Christian Arab. Debbie you should have mentioned that in yoru post

julia on July 5, 2010 at 4:36 pm

So George W. Bush and his entire cabinet are Jewish???? I first heard the term ‘neo-con” used to describe them. Debbie, if Pat Buchannan called you a “dumb blond” or a “dizzy dame”, would that be an anti-semitic slur as well? I think you’re off base on the neo-con thing.

Robert Sweeney on July 7, 2010 at 6:58 pm

Boy, Debbie Schlussel, you are real militant bee-yotch. People like you are the exact reason why there is so much anti-Semitism these days. It’s militants like you that make a good excuse for anti-Semitism. Your libelous comments calling the CNN reporter a Nazi and putting swastikas next to her picture are good grounds for her to file a lawsuit against you.

Hates militants on both sides on December 28, 2010 at 11:10 pm

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