July 27, 2006, - 10:02 am

Pictures Worth 1,000 Words: U.N.’s Annan & Hezbollah’s Nasrallah

In response to all the whining regarding Israel’s accidental killing of a few U.N. “peacekeepers,” we present these pics of Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah and U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan:

Hezbollah-U.N. Lovefest

Question: Why is a U.N. leader meeting with a terrorist leader? Memo to Kofi: Hezbollah ain’t a country and doesn’t have a U.N. Mission.
Also, don’t forget our post, yesterday, about how in 2000.
Thanks to my friend, Bob “Arby” Arbetman, for sending one of the pics. He calls Hezbollah U.S.A., “HezUSA.” We like it, as we do Rush Limbaugh’s nickname for them, “Hezbos.”

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16 Responses

Two America-hating savages shaking hands and plotting against us. One plots using bombs and missiles, the other contorts reality and engages in scandals to thwart American foreign policy at the U.N. The end result of these murdering scum’s actions is that more people are forced to live under brutal, murdering dictatorships, and less people live in freedom. Two sides of the same coin. Two primates who emerged from Turd-World cesspools.
Coffee Annan and Shriek Assrallah – perfect together.

Thee_Bruno on July 27, 2006 at 11:11 am

Where and when were these photos taken? While I would not give credit to Annan for being able to come up with any valid excuse, time, or circumstance, to shake hands with a vile Islamic jihadist leader such as Nasrallah, it would bring some context to the photo.

75273 on July 27, 2006 at 1:11 pm

I found one of the photos on the following news website.
And there are references to this meeting on the CNN website archived stories from 2000.

Kirch66 on July 27, 2006 at 1:31 pm

    This islamist jihad leader freed the Lebanese land from an aggressive occupation that lasted for nearly 20 years. To you he is a terrorist because thats what the media dictates to you while you’re sitting safely in your living room. But to me, a Lebanese who lived under occupation and was terrorized by sounds of bombardments and the fear of getting killed at any moment by Israel’s random aerial invasions, he is a hero. He represents the resistance in the face of occupation. My earliest memory of Israel’s aggression was when I was 6, I’m 26 now and the images are still crystal in my mind.

    Anyway, they had met because immediately after the Israeli withdrawal from South Lebanon in 2000, Hezbollah showed restraint towards collaborators, and had kept its promise of cooperation with the international body and its peacekeepers.

    Please know the background of conflicts from all sides before shaping your opinion. You might be surprised. I recommend you read David Hirst’s book: Beware of small states: Lebanon the battleground of the Middle East.

    Yasmeen on November 13, 2012 at 9:55 pm

The smaller photo appears to be a Reuters photo according to the news site I provided above.

Kirch66 on July 27, 2006 at 1:32 pm

Shawn, I appreciate the link very much. As I suspected, I’m still not planning on inviting Annan over for dinner and tea.

75273 on July 27, 2006 at 2:51 pm

The UN has a history of legitimizing and bestowing respectability on terrorists. It is filled with a deep seated anti-Israel bias. Guess who the most frequently condemned country at the UN is. Israel is the only member state under assault for the crime of daring to defend itself from its enemies. No need to wonder why with that kind of record, Israel distrusts the UN as an impartial broker in the Middle East. What ought to be added here is the UN is part of the problem of the Middle East conflict and I challenge any one to show me where it has brought about lasting stability and peace in that part of the world.

NormanF on July 27, 2006 at 6:21 pm

Debbie, by several reports, it was a precision targeted bomb that hit the UN position, so it’s pretty hard to believe it was wholly accidental. Do you think some Israeli soldier was drinking and bombing?

Jim M on July 27, 2006 at 7:31 pm

I like and agree what you’re saying:
“Two America-hating savages shaking hands and plotting against us. One plots using bombs and missiles, the other contorts reality and engages in scandals to thwart American foreign policy at the U.N. The end result of these murdering scum’s actions is that more people are forced to live under brutal, murdering dictatorships, and less people live in freedom. Two sides of the same coin. Two primates who emerged from Turd-World cesspools.
Coffee Annan and Shriek Assrallah – perfect together.
Posted by: Thee_Bruno [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 27, 2006 11:11 AM”
Thee Bruno, but if Bush and hs admin cared about our safety, why is the U.N. still in New York? which leads me to this question:
Fox’s Hannity and Colmes is saying that Hezzbollah is getting their weapons from Pakistan and North Korea but get this
2000: director of a company which wins $200m contract to sell nuclear reactors to North Korea
2002: declares North Korea a terrorist state, part of the axis of evil and a target for regime change”
So did Rumsfeld inadvertently set the war between Hezzbollah and Israel, for $190,000 a year?
Why then is the U.N. still here? Because none of our current or previous leaders want them gone.

KOAJaps on July 28, 2006 at 4:01 am

Until this UN ‘outpost’ was bombed it was the first time I’d ever heard of it.
Now what was the purpose of this ‘outpost?’ To warn Israelis of Hezbollah rocket attacks? To alert the Israelis to Hezbollah terrorist movement? No and no.
Perhaps this post’s real purpose was to spy on Israel and warn the Hezbollah of IDF troop movements?
If so, then the UN is an accomplice to the murder of Israeli citizens and soldiers, and in that case, they got bombed for good reason.

joemccarthy on July 28, 2006 at 7:37 am

Rummy sat on the board of a company that helped with the design of the nuclear plants to North Korea, however, he did so during Slick Willie’s reign of terror in Washington. Furthermore, it was Slick Willie and Madeliene Halfbright who concocted that policy – not Rummy.
After joining the Bush team, Bush stopped that lunatic policy of supplying N. Korea with nuke technology. Something that should be applauded.
What connection are you trying to make? There is no connection between N. Korea’s nuclear reactors and Hezbollah’s mission to annihilate Israel.
As for the U.N. in NYC, well, no president can just kick them out of America. It is a useless and dangerous world body whose charter stipulates that it be wherever they want it to be.

Thee_Bruno on July 28, 2006 at 1:12 pm

Thee_Bruno, it just goes to show that it doesn’t matter what side you are on, both the conservative aqnd libral party are corrupt. But Rummy sat on the board making $190,000 sold two light water nuclear reactors to North Korea and now that North Korea is the Axis of Evil, are selling nuclear weapons to terrorists to destroy israel according to Fox? Rummy made the money and now Israel is going to to get it in the ass. that’s the connection. I wouldn’t be surprised we don’t get bombed by Israel for our government’s stupidity…Oh yeah, they did…USS Liberty. See? Fuck with Israel and she gets back at you

KOAJaps on July 28, 2006 at 2:45 pm

I disagree with your assessment about both parties being corrupt.
Republicans are HEAD AND SHOULDERS above Democraps when it comes to national defense.
Rummy sat on the board of a company that did business with N. Korea, BUT, there was no law against dealing with N. Korea in that capacity. It was all LEGAL, as declared by The Slickster. That was YEARS before Bush won and declared N. Korea a trifecta in the Axis of Evil (that occurred post 9/11). If it wasn’t Rummy’s company that got the contract, it would’ve been some other company. Rummy just happened to be associated with it. After all, Slick Willie’s admininstration awarded the contract to Rummy’s company.
I don’t believe N. Korea is exporting nuclear weapons to terrorists at this point. If they did, the Satanic, brain-dead, Muzlum scumbags would’ve certainly used them by now.
Still, there is no connection between N. Korea’s nuke ambitions and Hezbollah missiles. Those missiles are coming from Iran.
Lastly, Israel is America’s only true ally in the Mideast. However, The U.S.S. Liberty attack still sticks in my craw. I don’t buy the official version of what happened.

Thee_Bruno on July 28, 2006 at 3:44 pm

Yeah, I was thinking the photo must be a few years old because I didn’t notice Sheikh Nazi-Rallah w/o the panties and bra he was wearing in the photos on the site last week. After looking at the previous story with the kids giving the nazi salute, it made me remember reading or hearing about Herman Gohring’s proclivity for wearing women’s clothing on occasion. It seems to me if Ahminidjead (or however the f*&k you spell the Iranian guy’s name) is the new Hitler, than Nazi-Rallah would be the logical choice for the new Gohring.

CornCoLeo on July 29, 2006 at 6:04 pm

So, What ? Didn’t George bush shake hands with Israeli Prime minsters?

bastion on November 16, 2009 at 9:37 am

    Sure all leaders have to talk with other leaders in the world.

    reaper on March 19, 2010 at 11:44 am

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