May 14, 2010, - 3:06 pm

Reason #883,254 Not to Eat @ Muslim-Owned Falafel Shops

By Debbie Schlussel

For many years, I’ve told you not to patronize Muslim-owned Middle Eastern restaurants (or Muslim-owned business, period).  You don’t know where the owner sends his cash–which Islamic terrorist group “back home,” to what America-hating, Christian-hating, Jew-hating mosque he’s funding, and to which Islamic schools to which he’s sending his kids.  And until and unless you have omniscience and financial ESP, you should assume you are funding all three of these such enterprises. . .  and worse.  As I noted for years (before he was raided by the FBI and allowed to flee the country), Hezbollah’s biggest Western financier used the profits of his La Shish restaurant to give the Islamic terrorist group more than $21 million.


Religion of Falafel Peace:  Muslim Middle Eastern Vendors Are Thugs . . . & They Finance Islamic Terrorism

But, now, there’s another reason not to eat at these places:  you could get caught in the middle of the Muslim gang warfare thuggery. Notice the word, “Muslim,” is not used. What the heck do they think halal–a low-grade Muslim rip off of Jewish kosher dietary laws–is? (Gothamist calls ’em the “Halal Food Cart Mafia.”)

A turf war between two halal vendors escalated into a terrifying assault and robbery when a food seller hunted down his competitor and ambushed him as he tried to return his cart for the day, authorities said yesterday.

Yacine Aouimer, 36, and two accomplices were recently arrested for the March attack on Mohamed Ismail, 34, at knifepoint in Crotona Park, authorities said.

“I’m scared. I haven’t been able to sleep. I haven’t been able to work that much anymore. [Aouimer] even threatened me in the precinct,” Ismail told The Post.

“I’ve been going to the same corner for four years. Everybody knows me. Everybody likes me. It was the first time [Aouimer] appeared across the street.”

The violence erupted on March 11, after Aouimer and his two cohorts, Lotfi Mouchrik, 35, and Benabdella Rachid, 41, set up shop on East 163rd Street.

After Ismail shut down for the night, a friend started driving him to a garage to return the cart, while the trio of thugs followed in a white van, the sources said.

When his pursuers reached Claremont Parkway and Crotona Avenue, they cut in front of Ismail’s Mercury 4×4, forcing it to stop, according to the sources.

Mouchrik and Rachid allegedly jumped out and flanked the Mercury, while Aouimer stayed behind the wheel of the van.

Mouchrik allegedly put a knife to Ismail’s neck and swiped $422 from his apron pocket, then slashed a tire on his food cart, which was being towed by the Mercury.

Then came the death threat.

“If I see you again, I will kill you!” Mouchrik allegedly said.

The accomplices then dashed back into the van, and Aouimer sped off, sources said.

Ismail has returned to work only sporadically, but at a different location.

Mouchrik and Rachid were busted on April 3 and charged with robbery, grand larceny and criminal mischief, and released on $1,000 bail.

Last Saturday, Aouimer was arrested on the same charges and released on $750 bail.

Hmmm . . . I wonder what their immigration status is.

Big Hint:  If the business is halal, like the warring falafel stands above, skip it.  And read my tips on how to tell if a business is owned by Muslim Arabs or Christian ones.  I will generally shop at Christian Arab-owned businesses (thought some Greek Orthodox are vehemently anti-Israel and Jew-haters–I make it my business to find out their views).

And you can never go wrong by patronizing Israeli-owned and Jewish-owned falafel restaurants, such as “Yossi’s” in the Detroit suburb of West Bloomfield, Michigan.

Muslims in New York selling falafel cannot be peaceful with each other.  Yet Israel is supposed to make peace with these people?  Hilarious.

“Religion of Peace.” “Falafel of Peace.”

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27 Responses

Armed robbery and only $1000 bail, does that seem low to you?

Dave on May 14, 2010 at 3:24 pm

    3 poeples arrested for trying to sell around mohamed ismail,s cart.
    that what the subject will be soon.
    even the fabrication so bed, the second arrest , the bond was 500.00 dollars, that can tell you something.
    mohamed ismail and his mafia which called ny top dog , controll dozen of carts and control dozens of location around busiest malls in the bronx, and they are defending their location same way drug dealer defend the location of sale.
    mohamed and his gang which knows also as mahalawi family.
    they are not new to false report , and false accusation , and settlement enjoying this aggressive retaliation of anyone who dare to conduct business around their area, specially the busy one, even by abusing the justice system .
    that,s why anyone who try sell around them, they charged with robbery , and how come this poeples get robbed all the time and only by mobile food vendors who try sell food around them??
    i.m trying not interfere with any invistigation , but at the court day, this case will be new staring for new york city agencies to start thinking about this growing mafia and gang of mobile food vendors who import ideology of monopoly and slam anything that has to do with capitalism or competition or innovation even in food that will give the public the choice,
    and some of them abusing the system or taking adventage of sound of low profile industry and cashing and selling public street in black market under different reason while cashing million. and if nothing done about it soon, this mafia will even go stronger and will become hard to fight

    witness on May 28, 2010 at 11:53 am

they are all over ny they make tons of cash report almost no taxes
no one cares, i can’t blame them…..they use everything the country gives them and use the $$$ to further and advance their causes,
we are a country run by morons and we keep letting them take full advantage….
they use the cash to buy real estate and businesses while the average american is playing on facebook and iphones…….
we are on a doomed ship, my advice- buy hard ass ets , metals….sell your houses, and plan on moving overseas ………..
america is done

drew299 on May 14, 2010 at 3:34 pm

Oy! Again with the chick peas & fayva beans. The damn things should just be nuked out of existence. Bam! No more hummus, falafel, whatever!

Graty Slapchop on May 14, 2010 at 4:20 pm

    Graty Slopchop:

    Get your Falafel right, Dune Coons and Israelis DO NOT USE FAVA beans in their falafel, ONLY CHICK PEAS. Fava bean falafel is an Indian creation.

    Moses on January 18, 2016 at 8:54 am

The small pastry chain I mentioned elsewhere *seems* to be co owned by an Algerian and a Greek. Interesting to hear what Debbie just said about some Greeks. The name of the place is “Financier.” It has great stuff and I’d hate to give it up but if I could just know more about from whom I am buying I’d really be happier.

Tubby on May 14, 2010 at 4:20 pm

smudge on May 14, 2010 at 7:50 pm

So does this mean we should rather eat at Isreali falafel shops ‘since they occupied the recipes 2’?
why not! Let our money go to support the Isreali occupation to Palestine, and the continous killing of civilians in gaza strip?
Ever got to see the pictures of the hundreds of children killed there every year?
Ever thought of publishing an artical about it?!
Um, why should you? instead your valuable time should be used to elevate the hater against the muslims “oh! the bad people”!!
You even included them all, kids, families and ppl who work so hard to earn a living in this country!! They are “all” terrorists!
Did u hear about the isreali Rabbis who sold the human parts of the dead palestinians “these r the peace makers”, as well as the alive? or ur mind slips these kind of news? “and there’s a lot of them!!”
Instead u r busy discussing tips about “if ur doctor is a muslim” what should u do?!!
Easy! see another doctor if you have such a closed sick mind!!
Honestly, this is so sick and as long as there are people like you who spread such an ugly picture, chances for a better world, hardly exist!!

Luna on May 14, 2010 at 10:43 pm

Luna-tic…get your head out of the sand – or is it up your muzzy-lovin” ass???

BigIrish on May 14, 2010 at 11:41 pm

Yossi has the best falafel. Cannot deny that. He’s not very nice to us goim. I’m not impressed with the rest of his food that I’ve tried.

BB on May 15, 2010 at 12:54 am

Biglrish, if getting my head out of the sand means I’ll end up with an empty brain head such as yours, I’d rather stay the way I’m.
Your low cheap level of conversation, is smthing I dont go for!

Luna on May 15, 2010 at 2:42 pm

Hummus rules tho.

LPride on May 16, 2010 at 11:04 pm

You can pry my shwarma from my cold, dead hands, Debbie.

N.C. on May 16, 2010 at 11:49 pm

This was a pretty ridiculous commentary. More proof of sensationalism fueled by the very people who do not even understand the subject matter at hand, which in this case is the Arab-Israeli conflict. Perhaps even more stunning is the fact that you wasted your time, Debbie, to write a whole sentiment based on an incident that was clearly isolated, that shouldn’t have even made it to the news, and that in no way pertains to the actual message you are trying to send out. If you’re going to spew a hate message against Palestinians/Arabs/Non-Jews, at least have the courtesy to try to base your arguments on concrete fact rather than petty dispute between a few pathetic falafel owners in New York.

I’ll have to give it to you though. Nice touch with the two pictures on the top of the article. I knew exactly what to expect coming into this.

OI on May 17, 2010 at 3:30 pm

UMMM ya just to get a fact out there… ” Halal meat is meat that comes from animal that was slaughtered with a sharp knife in the neck so that the animal doesn’t feel pain. On the other hand all these american businesses giving no damn crap about animals all they want is their fat burgers and they don’t even look at how the animals went through a slow death. I advise everyone to eat halal!

Stacy on May 17, 2010 at 9:50 pm

Debbie, have you ever heard of Timothy McVegh, Daniel Patrick Boyd, The Michigan Milita, The KKK? Just because you have a biased hateful opinion of a certain ethinic/relgious groups doesn’t mean there arent people of yours and my ethnicity who are extreme and dangerous in their own way. I’m a psychiatrist and I could sit you down and psychological pick apart your life piece by piece and come up with a reason as to why you are a bigot and you like to spread hate. There’s good and bad in every culture, race, religion. So when Obama was running for presidency and the KKK threatened to kill him, thats not terrorism??? My experience with people like you, and you are just a statistic in life..middle age caucasion female (we’d have alot to talk about when it comes to your insecurites) is that you can’t sit down and have a conversation without becoming upset and angry. So I invite you anytime you want to sit down and find out the root of your problems in life and confront all your insecurites, email me. I’m your people to. I’m a middle age caucasion who doesn’t hate except when it comes to ingnorace. So you see, I too, like you am a racist. Oh and next time your sick, or if your life is ever in need of emergency medical assistance, please make sure you arent a hypocrite and have a muslim physican save your life. There’s plenty of them in all hospitals across the world who, even if they knew how racist you were, would give you better treatment that your on kin. Spread Love not hate

trev on May 18, 2010 at 12:31 am

    Trev –

    I don’t know who you are, but I love you and agree with every word you said. I actually think Miss Debbie (I’m assumimg she’s single, but that’s just a hunch) should probably meet with you and get her pretty little head straightened out. 🙂

    Obama LOVER :) on May 18, 2010 at 9:59 am

You make no sense!
You are incredibly hateful! Don’t eat Arab falafel eat Israeli falafel!
I have just wasted five valuable minutes reading your article.

How ignorant!!!!!!

Michael on May 18, 2010 at 3:44 pm

OK then… Let us eat something from Israeli store !!! Let us feed the Israel Troops, Let us armed them to keep fighting the silly “Palestinian” useless mold… It’s better than feed the terrorist right? I mean… It’s better to feed Lucifer!

Lucifer on May 19, 2010 at 12:34 am

that’s so sick debb

boo on May 22, 2010 at 3:19 am

3 poeples arrested for trying to sell around mohamed ismail,s cart.
that what the subject will be soon.
even the fabrication so bed, the second arrest , the bond was 500.00 dollars, that can tell you something.
mohamed ismail and his mafia which called ny top dog , controll dozen of carts and control dozens of location around busiest malls in the bronx, and they are defending their location same way drug dealer defend the location of sale.
mohamed and his gang which knows also as mahalawi family.
they are not new to false report , and false accusation , and settlement enjoying this aggressive retaliation of anyone who dare to conduct business around their area, specially the busy one, even by abusing the justice system .
that,s why anyone who try sell around them, they charged with robbery , and how come this poeples get robbed all the time and only by mobile food vendors who try sell food around them??
i.m trying not interfere with any invistigation , but at the court day, this case will be new staring for new york city agencies to start thinking about this growing mafia and gang of mobile food vendors who import ideology of monopoly and slam anything that has to do with capitalism or competition or innovation even in food that will give the public the choice,
and some of them abusing the system or taking adventage of sound of low profile industry and cashing and selling public street in black market under different reason while cashing million. and if nothing done about it soon, this mafia will even go stronger and will become hard to fight.

witness on May 28, 2010 at 11:50 am

sounds like mohammad the bronx cart man is finally learning the American system. He should change his name to Mohammad Cartman. He will fit right in with Goldman, Shullman and the rest of Arab/Jews, who have monopolized everything.

Whats the closest thing to an israeli? A palestinean

jabbar on April 1, 2011 at 10:13 am

Now that you told me, I will only eat at Muslim-owned restaurants. And I hope the money goes straight to Usaama bin Laden to hunt down America.

Andy on April 13, 2011 at 7:26 am

There is a very simple reason that you should not eat at a Muslim establishment, and my particular reason has nothing to do with politics or religion. Food prepared by Muslims isn’t as good as Mediterranean food prepared by Israelis and Greeks.

In New York City, for example, if you want to eat the very best felafel sandwich that you can imagine, you must select among two establishments: Azuri Cafe on 51st Street near 10th Avenue or Taim at 222 Waverly Place in the Greenwich Village area. No other restaurants come close in quality, taste, and value. Period.

Now, NYC is a very, very competitive market, and there’s no question that the Muslim restaurants try about as hard as they’re cable of to make a decent felafel sandwich. But the Muslims simply don’t have a tradition of excellence and they really can’t compete when you get down to brass tacks. Thus, if you want the best in NYC you must select from either Azuri or Taim–and both of these are owned and managed by Israelis.

Ralph Adamo on May 23, 2011 at 7:11 pm

Sounds to me like the pot calling the kettle black. Jews, Muslims, what’s the difference?

Cathy on July 30, 2013 at 7:54 am

I like falafel made with Lima beans, the Muslim way, better. It is much tastier than chickpeas and slightly moister. I was searching for a recipe that uses Lima beans when I came across this dreadful site. Debbie, you’ve turned something as innocent as a falafel recipe into a terrorist propaganda fest. You are sick and should take your bigoted views and move to Israel where you belong.

Cathy on July 30, 2013 at 7:58 am

Sounds to me like the pot calling the kettle black. Jews, Muslims, what’s the difference?

Fufufu on July 30, 2013 at 8:01 am

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