July 24, 2006, - 10:37 am

Video From My FOX News Cavuto Appearance

For those who’ve been asking for video of the show repeats at 1:00 a.m. Eastern. It was a good appearance, during which I discussed , here’s the video posted on YouTube.
Keep in mind that this video is darkened a lot from the tape I have, and I assure you I did not wear that much make-up (as the darkened video illusion implies). Yuck!

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2 Responses

I can assure you that your enchanting beauty was not in the least affected by the lighting. You would look good even in war-paint. Now, I want you to remember the title listed under your name — “Conservative.” Never m-i-n-d.
I would have responded to that imbecile who left the comment but I didn’t want to join just to do so.
Good Lord! Have you seen the reporting from CNN in Israel??!! They have been showing little children crying who were hurt by Israeli bombs in Lebanon! Going through each ward of the hospital looking for the injured. Then the way they covered the evacuation last night… b@stards! I would L-O-V-E to do a story on them!

Eric on July 24, 2006 at 12:06 pm

I thought that you were fantastic. You were clear, confident and to the point.
I couldn’t detect what you mean about the makeup on my computer screen.

Sue Bob on July 24, 2006 at 2:23 pm

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