July 6, 2006, - 12:55 pm

Big Breasts: Another Reason to End “Beauty” Products for Boys, Men

On this site, we’ve repeatedly criticized and lamented the ever-increasing feminization of men’s daily hygiene products and routines. We’ve attacked , , and a whole host of other formerly feminine regimens that should remain the domain of women, but aren’t–specifically hair- and skin-care products for men.
Now, frightening news about why we were right–that the these products literally turn boys into girlie-men: A study shows that hair and skin products (shampoo, body wash, cologne, soap, moisturizer) containing lavender and/or tea tree oil can lead to the development of abnormal, feminine breasts in boys. (The two ingredients are very commonly used in these products, such as Calvin Klein’s “Eternity for Men”–which contains lavender, for aroma and marketing purposes.)
No lie. Here are the details from HealthDay:

Personal care products containing tea tree oils and lavender appear to cause abnormal breast development in prepubescent boys, a new study found.

Calvin Klein Eternity for Men Product Line, Others Contain Lavender

The ingredients . . . have an estrogenlike effect. . . .
“There’s definitely an association between exposure to lavender oil and tea tree oil and gynecomastia (abnormally large breasts in men),” said Derek Henley, lead author of the research and a postdoctoral fellow at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences [NIEHS], in Research Triangle Park, N.C.

The condition is known as gynecomastia.

[W]hen Dr. Clifford Bloch, co-author of the study and a pediatric endocrinologist in Denver, saw five boys with the problem, he decided to investigate. All of the boys, he soon realized, had used over-the-counter health care products containing lavender and/or tea tree oil on their hair or skin.
When tested on human breast cancer cells, the oils appeared to mimic the activity of estrogen and also suppressed male hormone responsiveness. After discontinuing use of the lavender and tea tree oils, all of the boys saw the problem resolved.

More from The Washington Post:

NIEHS researchers Derek Henley and Kenneth Korach tested the effects of lavender and tea tree oils on human breast cancer cells. They found that both oils mimicked estrogen (a hormone that promotes the development of female breasts) while reducing the activity of androgens, which inhibit such growth. “Boys are getting a double hit,” said Korach.

Readers, don’t let your boys use these feminized “beauty products” for men. They cause grotesque, preventable problems and literally do turn them into GIRLIE-MEN. (And, as a result, your son may be forced to wear the “Seinfeld” inventions–a “man-ziere” or a “bro.”)
Yet more proof that sometimes Mother Nature fights back against the excesses of gender-role blurring in our defining-deviancy-down society.

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5 Responses

Be careful, or I’ll hit you with my purth, thweetie.

Thee_Bruno on July 6, 2006 at 3:04 pm

And lets not forget that soy milk has been claimed to cause man-boobs, too!! But, I must admit, I do like my ultra-smooth, waxed man body. It’s evolution, baby!

Yiddish Steel on July 6, 2006 at 3:37 pm

He’s a faeg

KOAJaps on July 6, 2006 at 7:18 pm

This could backfire….think of all the times we’ve heard young guys say, “ahh If I had ones of my own I’d just play all day!” LOL

PsychoKat on July 7, 2006 at 6:08 am

And here I thought Dantard had gotten the number of Pam Anderson’s plastic surgeon…no wonder Dantard always smells so nice.

The_Man on July 8, 2006 at 12:57 am

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