June 21, 2006, - 1:12 pm

Humble: Why We Like NFL Player David Kircus

While most NFL Players–and most pro athletes in general–are prima donnas, receiver David Kircus isn’t.
He was cut by the Detroit Lions and picked up by the Denver Broncos. But before the Broncos signed him, he worked another job between NFL jobs . . . as a Subway restaurant employee. In the good old days before NFL players became gazillionaire rock stars, players had to work at these jobs in the offseason in order to live.
Kircus talks about his recent Subway experience in an interview televised on the Denver Broncos website. The Detroit Free Press quoted some excerpts:

NFL Receiver David Kircus Works @ Subway

“A lot of guys, they’ll just work out and wait it out, but there’s a lot of sitting-around time,” he told the Broncos’ Web site. “I don’t like to sit around … I got a job. I went and worked at Subway.
“I did it in high school, too, so I had a little experience — not that I needed much. They paid me pretty well to do it, it was fun. It was free food.”

Forget Jared and Jon Lovitz. Put David Kircus in Subway ads.
On another note, one point of contention with Subway:
There are many Subways in Muslim nations and throughout Arabia (no bacon or ham; halal meat only)–including 22 in Saudi Arabia, 11 in war-torn Iraq, and 28 in tiny terror-funding United Arab Emirates–but not a single Subway franchise in Israel. Why?
We hope the chain is not complying with the Arab Boycott of Israel.
Maybe, like Starbucks (which closed up shop in Israel at the height of bombings), they don’t want patrons to be blown to bits, by Muslim homicide bombers (like they are at other franchises–Sbarro’s).
So much for punishing perpetrators (Muslims) and redressing victims (Israelis).

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One Response

“(no bacon or ham; halal meat only)”
I thought observant Jews were not supposed to eat meat either, so I am not sure why that is offensive or relevant to you.
I would however agree with you, if you are lamenting the fact that in these countries, Subway is forced by law to not serve pork products and that is a codification and enforcement of religious morality which might not be shared by non-religious people and minorities.

lawman on June 21, 2006 at 10:40 pm

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