April 22, 2010, - 1:16 pm

Not Stimulated: Michelle Obama’s Personal Clothing Designer Went Out of Business

By Debbie Schlussel

Remember Maria Pinto?  She’s Michelle Obama’s high-priced clothing designer–the one who was the toast of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post fashionistas.  Or, rather, she was.  But not anymore.

michelleobamamariapintogoingoutof business

Along with so many American businesses taxed to death and neither helped nor saved by Barack Obama’s and the Democrats’ wasteful stimulus package and other spending, Pinto went out of business and closed up shop.  Times are bad for everyone .  .  . even the First Ms. Thang’s clothier.  The Obamas stimulated no-one. Ditto for HRHSBotU [Her Royal Highness Supreme Being of the Universe] Oprah, for whom Pinto also made clothes.

Pinto’s shop–where her haute couture duds sold for thousands of dollars–opened in the summer of 2008, when morons and naifs across America thought Obama would save the country and pave our streets with candy and gold. Her West Side Chicago boutique quietly closed, last month, with nary a peep. Why?

It’s significant that someone so close to the Obamas–someone who was supposed to have benefited from them so greatly by mere association and by the First Lady wearing her dresses–failed so miserably . . . like everyone else in the Obamaconomy.  It should have been front page news in fashion magazines like W and Women’s Wear Daily and business publications like The Wall Street Journal.  But it wasn’t.

Oh, and by the way, if you want to buy Ms. Pinto’s fabrics–the ones once used to make dresses for Mrs. Obama–you can get ’em cheap at Fishman’s Fabric warehouse.

Gregg Fishman, a fourth-generation owner of Fishman’s, 1101 S. Desplaines St., e-mailed loyal customers this week, saying, “We just purchased our most exciting close-out fabric collection this year. Unfortunately, a well-known Chicago fashion designer closed her doors. The benefit is to you.”

Fabrics include premium silks, wools, laces and leathers from Italy and France.

Mr. Fishman won’t divulge the designer.

His silence is no shocker. It’s an embarrassment not just for Pinto, but for the Obamas. But Crain’s Chicago Business says it’s Pinto’s stuff.

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40 Responses

Now if only the Obums would go out of business. That’s one close out sale I’d be happy to patronize.

perception of truth on April 22, 2010 at 1:49 pm

“…when morons and naifs across America thought Obama would save the country and pave our streets with candy and gold.”

Those are the same people perpetuating this kind of counterproductive negativity to our nation. President Obama never promised transformation would occur over night or that he could do it alone. He solicited our involvement and support. I’m responding to that myself (see detroitrise.blogspot.com).

The post from yesterday about Bacha Bazi whilst informational, and I understand the point you are making,(although I don’t think you can draw comparisons between the practice and the Israeli building of settlements on the land you presumptuously assert belongs to Jewish people) made me think that we have enough of our problems than to waste our time and energy on that garbage.

Daniela Boata on April 22, 2010 at 2:14 pm


    Uh……..just WHO exactly DOES the land in the West Bank belong to?
    Just askin’ dog, just askin.

    larry on April 22, 2010 at 3:04 pm

      Well how about you explain how it belongs to the Jewish people, homey?

      Daniela Boata on April 22, 2010 at 4:03 pm

    Daniela, you are truely a blind git. Open your bloody eyes. You have your head in the sand (and arse in the air!) regarding the Obama Regime. You have clearly not have followed the past 15 months of lies and “Cloward & Piven” type schemes.

    You are also a sick Muslim apologist (meaning, that you will not call them on a thing they do…you just apologize for them)…even for Child rape. Oh, but it makes you feel so good being a great progressive…no matter about the children being buggered by smelly, devout muslim men. Shame on you!

    Skunky on April 22, 2010 at 3:32 pm

      your reading into my comment resonates with your name

      Daniela Boata on April 22, 2010 at 3:59 pm

        That all you got, Danny? Try to dismantle my argument. I like my name fine…it reminds me of YOU!

        Skunky on April 22, 2010 at 4:33 pm

    “The post from yesterday about Bacha Bazi whilst informational, . . . made me think that we have enough of our problems than to waste our time and energy on that garbage.”

    Wow, the voice of compassion! Good to know that you at least found the report of the locally common and acceptable practice of human trafficking and gang raping of young children, by supposedly devout Muslims in Afghanistan (an activity in which its government, which we support with our tax dollars and blood, is complicit), “informational.”

    Compared to whatever problems we have, they probably pale in comparison to those of the Bacha Bazi Boys. I think it’s really very sad that you view reports of their plight, as “garbage” not worth wasting your time and energy on.

    In my view, trying to better understand how those would who kill us think and behave, and of the people and governments of foreign nations that we ourselves support, and to come to some appreciation of the circumstances of the innocents they victimize, is a much better use of time and energy than, say, futile efforts to fuel the re-emergence of Detroit as an economically viable city through some sort of cultural revival, or writing self-indulgent, rambling reflections of life.

    Mike on April 22, 2010 at 4:24 pm

      In my view, trying to better understand how those would who kill us think and behave, and of the people and governments of foreign nations that we ourselves support, and to come to some appreciation of the circumstances of the innocents they victimize, is a much better use of time and energy than, say, futile efforts to fuel the re-emergence of Detroit as an economically viable city through some sort of cultural revival, or writing self-indulgent, rambling reflections of life.

      “that we ourselves support”
      And why is that??
      “appreciation of the circumstances of the innocents they victimize”
      not sure what there is to appreciate here. except for the soldiers giving their lives for supporting the cause… (see previous question)
      “better use of time and energy than, say, futile efforts to fuel the re-emergence of Detroit as an economically viable city”
      “through some sort of cultural revival”
      is that how you see my recent post referring to the Michigan Economic Development news feed on the site?
      “writing self-indulgent, rambling reflections of life”
      what in my rambling reflections of life do you think is self-indulgent?

      Daniela Boata on April 22, 2010 at 8:53 pm

        Danny…I think you squeezed your douchebag too hard and brainwashed yourself.

        IceNoMore on April 23, 2010 at 4:29 am

      In my view, trying to better understand how those would who kill us think and behave, and of the people and governments of foreign nations that we ourselves support, and to come to some appreciation of the circumstances of the innocents they victimize, is a much better use of time and energy than, say, futile efforts to fuel the re-emergence of Detroit as an economically viable city through some sort of cultural revival, or writing self-indulgent, rambling reflections of life.”

      That was a rambling mess. Sorry,If you want to feel compassion for child molesters and rapists, you should join NAMBLE. The people who do these things do not do them for government handouts, but because they like to. In your mental scramble, you jump into urban renewal in Detroit. That city has been under black majority control for decades, and has continued to decine. Why don’t you address the Detroit City Council and Mayor about your cultural revival? Or, are you proposing ethnic cleansing? As for not liking Debbie’s reflections on life, no one requires you to read them, much less visit her site. Frankly, she has something to say that is coherent and resonates with people who do not find common cause with child rapists and terrorists.

      sorrow01 on April 22, 2010 at 10:36 pm

        Debbie is the only person who understood what I communicated in the comment I originally posted as well as my attempts to explain to the few who didn’t by expressing so through insulting language. I’m certain of it.

        Daniela Boata on April 23, 2010 at 12:08 pm

Where’s Oprah when you really need her? She could have put Ms. Pinto on her show and turned her into the next Martha Stewart, Rachael Ray, Dr. Oz, Oprahbot.

mk750 on April 22, 2010 at 2:21 pm

Is he STILL president?

Everything they touch turns to poo.

goldenmike4393 on April 22, 2010 at 2:29 pm

Why doesn’t the government bail out her business and appoint a designer clothing czar to oversea it?

Shy Guy on April 22, 2010 at 2:30 pm

“Gone out of business!”

What a *uckin* shame. Our collective hearts bleed purple piss for this shop and its priceless customers,

Oscar de la Renta on April 22, 2010 at 3:05 pm

While I totally agree with you regarding Obama and his disastrous fiscal policies, she must not have been a very good business woman. Either she gave her product to the Obama’s & Oprah for free, hoping she would be able to attract other customers by using their name, or she did receive money from them and did not pocket it wisely. Either way she clearly made wrong choices. Anyone who owns a business knows that you must save when times are good, because eventually they will get bad. Businesses always goes in cycles just like everything else. I will concede though no one knew just how bad they would be under this snake.

Charmaine on April 22, 2010 at 3:35 pm

    Please pardon my grammatical errors. I need to read before I send. BTW how do you like the way Comedy Central caved???? WTF???? Are all women going to be wearing a beekeepers’ suit soon??????

    Charmaine on April 22, 2010 at 3:39 pm

Awwwww, isn’t that a friggin shame. Does this mean that the First Beotch needs to wear a dress TWICE? Maybe the Obastards can bail her out with the $1 million Goldman Sacks bribes they received during the Presidential campaign.

Jarhead on April 22, 2010 at 3:44 pm


    Charmaine on April 22, 2010 at 3:56 pm

How lame and convenient to blame Obama for Pinto’s business failure. I doubt if DS even investigated to find out why her business did fail, or bothered to examine her tax return to see if she was being “taxed to death” by the feds or not. I highly doubt that her federal tax bill was the reason for her business failure.

The economic crisis that this country is still heavily embroiled in, is largely due to the collapse the financial industry, which was allowed to run amok under the “self policing” policy of the Bush/Cheney administration (Clinton had an assist in this too). We now see the consequences all around us; business failures, foreclosures, bankruptcies, people walking away from their homes, etc. I’m not a fan of bailouts either; but let us not forget, that the economic master known as Bush, doled out well in excess of $1T in his own bailouts before he left office.

Ace on April 22, 2010 at 4:09 pm

    Ace, you are still buying the line of Liberal BS. Why don’t you look up BARNEY’s FRANK and get acquainted with him on the financial collapse regarding Fannie May and Freddie Mac. You have no idea what you are talking about…all you know is BLAME BUSH. STFU.

    Look at this you moron…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HE-rGGKksQ

    And for brainboxes like you, let me list the taxes the lying ZerObama has/will raise since you go off spouting HS in lieu of facts…
    _Federal cigarrette tax increase
    -Did not cut taxes but gave a TAX CREDIT (rebate…to lots of peeps who don’t even pay taxes)
    -$500. BILLION increases in taxes to help along ObamaCare (like the 10% tanning salon tax…already enacted, Medical itemized deductions cap, Flexible spending acct.cap, HSA withdrawl tax hike, Medicine cabinet tax, Employer mandate tax, Individual mandate excise tax)
    -Bush tax cut expiration.
    -Tax increase on small business…@ 25%(New health care law, medicare tax increase, capital gains tax increase and higher state and city taxes)

    Should I even mention the possibility of the VAT tax?

    LOL, you’re the lame one BuinessAce. So willing to love your “Big Brother” MaObama and he lies to you every step of the way. You know nothing, a-hole!

    Skunky on April 22, 2010 at 4:29 pm

the article debbie links to says that pinto was forced to close her evening wear business in 2002 as well. was that obama’s fault too?

95% of working families making under $250k annually had their taxes cut by the obama administration: http://is.gd/bDXt4

the average marginal federal income tax rate is lower today than it was throughout the entirety of the reagan administration: http://is.gd/bDXH0

no one on April 22, 2010 at 4:20 pm

“It’s an embarrassment…for the Obamas.”

Why would you think that? To be embarrassed one must first possess an innate sense of shame over wrong doing. Too bad, really, inasmuch as the girl was faced with an impossible task. Trying to make Michelle look good, and all. Probably should have gone with a stylish burka…at least she could have sold more yards, that way.

Michael on April 22, 2010 at 5:53 pm

maybe she closed up shop because she was hired as a full time dresser/attendant for michelle and the rest of her 26 member personal staff.

moving on up to the big time.

ender on April 22, 2010 at 6:02 pm

I am sure she never thought her friend Michelle meant her when the Democrats said that taxation was patriotic.

pat on April 22, 2010 at 6:12 pm

I wouldn’t buy anything from someone named after a 1970’s Ford. No wonder she went out of business, she should’ve changed her name to Lincoln.

ARISHEM on April 22, 2010 at 6:21 pm

Wow! Pentagon-boots-evangelist-Franklin-Graham-from-prayer-event-over-Muslim-remark!

Wow. The truth hurts. When your Commander in Chief is an IslamoPanderer in Chief, I guess this is what you get. It;s OK for the Muslims to call us all infidels and that their “holy book” refers to Jews as monkeys and dogs of course. Sickening.

OneScaredMomma on April 22, 2010 at 6:56 pm

Michelle Obama is a a woman who had a $345,000 job in ‘administration’. She had the job as a ‘favor’ to her husband. When she left to be first lady who took her place? NO ONE. The ‘job’ ceased to exist. Oh, Lord I hate hate hate these Chicago gangsters and anything they touch.

poetcomic1 on April 22, 2010 at 7:10 pm

It is any shocker that Torquemada Emanuel is now looking at Mayor of Chicago as a proze?

OneScaredMomma on April 22, 2010 at 7:13 pm

    Momma, you get the prize of the day for the AWESOME nickname of Torquemada Emanuel! That’s a good one!

    Skunky on April 22, 2010 at 7:35 pm

The aging process was jettisoned to a high degree by acts of fraud on the mind 24/7.

Lars on April 22, 2010 at 7:28 pm

I think that what this shows is the Obamas’ and Oprah’s self-centeredness. Yeah, her closing was forced by the economy; I think she was a good designer, and not everything in her store was luxury-priced.

But the Obamas and Oprah could have given her a little plug, and easily steered more business her way, just like if I have a friend who is an electrician, I might try to steer customers to him. Same principle. But the O’s just care about themselves and have no concern with a hard-working businesswoman.

Little Al on April 22, 2010 at 7:48 pm

    Absolutely right, Little Al.

    I’ve never understood how Oprah got so big anyway.

    Maybe the same way Obama got elected–white guilt.

    BethesdaDog on April 24, 2010 at 8:57 pm


Barack Hussein Obama

kenny komodo on April 23, 2010 at 11:51 am

Debbie why do you always call Michelle Obama Ms Thang? Because she is Black? I mean come on thats just weird.

You do not have to like her but to use that reference you come off as racist. And debbie not all calls of bias and racism is wrong. I learned that on your website. apparently the only wrong form of racism is antisemitism and hate of israel.
I have seen many examples of antisemitism but have also seen racism against blacks and other minorities. If you do not agree with a person of color do not reference there race..Wrong is wrong.

I agree with many of your posts but you come off as a bit of an insensitive moron on many issues.

akaash on April 23, 2010 at 5:28 pm

So now we’ll see more of those ugly ill-fitting cardigans?

smudge on April 23, 2010 at 5:56 pm

The designers the Obamas current utilize are still in business. The woman got a big boost in her business when she WAS a designer for Michelle Obama and she is a business owner responsible for keeping her own business afloat and not having to rely on someone else’s celebrity to keep her business afloat. Just because a few famous celebrities bought a few dresses from you doesn’t mean you have it made forever and have to stop designing new dresses and keep selling to like you know..other people that are not famous as Michelle or Oprah. Fashion is a pretty cut throat industry.

Barb on April 25, 2010 at 10:43 am

I guess there’s a limited customer population for oversize-butt designs.

BethesdaDog on February 11, 2011 at 9:59 pm

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