April 9, 2010, - 4:13 pm
New Muslim Part-Owners Ban “Jesus,” “Christ,” “Thank G-d” @ Ultimate Fighting Championship
For more than a decade, I’ve written on this site and elsewhere about the dangerous ways Islam is invading and imposing itself upon our culture. It’s the insidious, sub rosa take over that is the most dangerous.
Now, No Jesus, Christ, or Thank G-d Allowed, Either
One of the latest examples is UFC–Ultimate Fighting Championship. I told you, recently, that anti-Semitic Muslim princes, the Al-Nahyans from the Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, bought a 10% stake in UFC. (Since then, I’ve heard they are looking to buy a majority or complete stake, so they can control the entire organization outright.) And I predicted there would be changes.
Sadly, I was right. This weekend, UFC debuts in Arab Muslim Mid-East. On Saturday pro Mixed Martial Arts fighters will compete in Abu Dhabi. Yup, American dhimmis will be the minstrel entertainment for the fat Arab Muslim oil sheiks and their harems and retinues. And there is a lot of buzz going on throughout the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) community about the restrictions that have been placed on fighters.
Apparently the contract fighters in the UFC event were required to sign in order to participate gave a pretty good taste of what we all know is the oxymoron called, “Islamic tolerance.” Whereas we must bend over backwards to tolerate their every move, here’s what those in the know from the MMA Underground Forums say the Muslim owners of UFC forced upon competitors (and I’ve heard confirmation of this from others in the MMA community–thanks, reader, brave American soldier/hero, actor & FB Friend, Carlos Ortiz):
It is part of the contract with the Abu Dhabi people that they are not allowed to mention “God” or “Jesus” or “Christ” by name in their post fight interviews. I doubt that those who would have mentioned them would be in favour of mentioning “Allah,” and several fighters have complained to the UFC management about it.
Yeah, good luck with that. Predictably, I hear, these complaints fell on deaf (Islamic) ears.
UFC fighters are worried that this will be the policy throughout the UFC if and when Abu Dhabi’s Al-Nahyans buy the rest of–or a controlling stake–in UFC. And their fears may be realized. Frankly, this one event’s restrictions are scary and intolerant enough.
Think about this the next time you hear Muslims preaching to you about “tolerance.” They don’t want “tolerance.” They want to shove their religion down your throat and up your rear . . . and eliminate all traces of your religion and way of life.
UFC is only a tiny microcosm of the Islamic invasion and dominance over our culture that is slowly, invisibly metastasizing all over the West like cancer.
And we will see more and more of this corporate pandering to Islam as more and more companies are either acquired by Muslim investors or seek to expand their customer base onto the Arab Street. We’ve seen it with FOX News/News Corp, now UFC, and so many others. More like it to come.
Mourn what we had, America.
Tags: Abu Dhabi, Al-Nahyan, Christ, contract, Dhimmi, G-d, intolerance, Islam, Jesus, Mixed Martial Arts, MMA, Muslim, Thank G-d, Tolerance, UAE, UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championship, Ultimate Fighting Championships, United Arab Emirates
I wonder if the ACLU will fight to protect the rights of UFC employees to evoke their religious beliefs at in the workplace? Nahhh…..that won’t happen. What was I thinking.
Fred Taub on April 9, 2010 at 4:26 pm