May 31, 2006, - 1:46 pm

Minor League Priorities: Senate Immigration Fine Print Terrorists Can Exploit

What is the most important, most pressing area of immigration that should be addressed in immigration legislation?
Is it baseball or hockey? Does America need more minor league athletes from other countries? The Senate apparently thinks so. Buried in the Senate Immigration Bill, passed last week, are increased numbers of visas for minor league athletes from other countries.
Perhaps it’s time for Osama to train his minions how to pitch and skate. No joke. You don’t need to be very good to play in the minors. I know, having represented several minor league athletes.
Well, at least, this tells us where the Senate’s (and the White House’s) mind is at. Minor league priorities for minor league patriots with major league egos and zero accountability.

Terrorists’ Occupational Ticket Into America?

And there are also the Canadian power-line workers. Under the Senate legislation, more Canadian power-line workers could enter the U.S. if they have received “significant training.”
Since Canadian Security Intelligence Service’s Deputy Director, Jack Hooper, recently testified that there are several Canadian citizens and residents who trained in Al-Qaeda camps, it wouldn’t be a stretch for them to become linemen to get into America.
Thanks, U.S. Senate, for “protecting” our borders.

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5 Responses

Our fate now rests with the House.

Marcubius on May 31, 2006 at 2:48 pm

And yet, the brain-dead keep sending these enemies back to the Senate every six years. At the very least, they should be thrown in jail for violating the oath they took to protect America.

Thee_Bruno on May 31, 2006 at 3:32 pm

Independent of the terrorism issue, I’m uncomfortable with Congress micromanaging immigration on an occupation-by-occupation basis. It’s an invitation to economic distortion and to even more corruption. Of course, to some Congressmen, the latter point is not a bug but a feature. on May 31, 2006 at 3:42 pm

Debbie you are a major league kvetch, but you do have a shaina punim. By the way if we ever meet I won’t talk any Yiddish (girls generally hate it).

shleppy on May 31, 2006 at 7:04 pm

Now with Bush’s guest Worker Program, it’s even easier for terrorists to get in

KOAJaps on June 1, 2006 at 12:17 pm

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